The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 774 773 [Big things are reduced to small things]

Liu Xiang and Kang Ze, who were far away in Chengdu, received the news almost at the same time.

Liu Xiang's stomach problems became more and more serious, and Western medicine suggested that he undergo surgery to remove the lesions. When Liu Mangzi heard that he was going to cut off his stomach, he almost took out a gun and killed the Western doctor on the spot, which was quite like when Cao Cao met Hua Tuo.

Recently, Liu Xiang has been troubled by drought and Kang Ze, but he is also seriously ill and unable to work normally, so he can only lie at home and control remotely every day.

The adjutant's secretary rushed in and handed over a telegram, anxiously saying: "Chairman, something big has happened!"

"Read it." Liu Xiang still closed his eyes sickly.

The adjutant's secretary said: "Chongqing garrison commander Li Gengu called: At two o'clock this morning, Zhou killed Qin and his subordinates, saying that they both died together and that all the disaster food had been recovered."

"Good kill!"

Liu Xiang suddenly sat up and opened his eyes, laughing loudly and saying: "I have long disliked people named Qin, but this time Mr. Zhou is very happy."

Chongqing was Liu Xiang's base camp, and Qin Fenlu was messing around there, seriously damaging Chongqing's business order. Zhou Hexuan helped Liu Xiang vent his anger.

The adjutant's secretary Chi asked: "Chairman, what's the explanation from Nanjing?"

"What's the explanation? You're full of bean dregs in your head," Liu Xiang sneered. "Mr. Zhou already said that Qin Fenlu was beaten to death by his subordinates. We report the truth to the Central Committee and leave it to Chiang Kai-shek to deal with it." Let’s see.”

"Yes!" The adjutant's secretary took the order and left.

What will Chang Kaishen do?

Of course, I just swallowed my anger and let it go.

Some time ago, Liu Xiang sent agents to assassinate Kang Ze and kill Kang Ze's adjutant and several of his subordinates. The matter was so big that Chang Kaishen had no choice but to endure it. The telegram ordered Kang Ze to put the overall situation first and not to assassinate Liu Xiang in tit for tat.

The rules of the Republic of China are like this. Small minions can die at will, but big warlords, big politicians and big celebrities cannot be killed, otherwise there will be endless troubles.


Chang Kaishen is already preparing to leave for Xi'an to inspect Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng's "bandit suppression" work. When he received the complaint telegram from Kang Ze, he immediately cursed: "Mother Xipi, this Zhou Mingcheng is simply lawless!"

Dai Li happened to be at the scene. He had a good impression of Zhou Hexuan - the sulfonamide business brought him millions of dollars in income every year. He immediately helped to put in a good word: "Commissioner, I know Mr. Zhou quite well. It must be Kang Ze." You pissed him off.”

Kang Ze's small report was one-sided, and many contents were not clearly stated. Chang Kaishen could only suppress his anger and send a telegram to Chongqing Xingying to inquire about the details.

Chongqing Xingying quickly called back and described the cause and effect. Chang Kaishencai smiled bitterly and said: "The anti-smuggling team seized the food from the Sichuan Disaster Relief Society, which happened to be the food donated by Zhou Hexuan. Who can Kang Ze mess with? You just want to mess with Zhou Hexuan, you are so confused when doing things!"

"It's not appropriate to make this matter a big deal," Dai Li advised.

Of course Chang Kaishen knew not to make a big fuss, because no matter what, it was Kang Ze and the anti-smuggling team who were in the wrong. Not to mention that Zhou Hexuan also came up with a high-sounding "truth". Even if he admitted that he committed murder, Chiang Kai-shek could only hold his nose and admit it.

Chang Kaishen said to the attendant secretary: "Telegram Kang Ze and let him take care of himself. I will ask Huang Jie (the boss of the anti-smuggling team) to appoint a reliable Chongqing anti-smuggling captain. Don't cause trouble with Zhou Hexuan."

Let’s first talk about the Anti-Smuggling Corps during the Republic of China. Its official name at this time was the Tax Police Corps. Friends who are familiar with the history of the Republic of China must be familiar with this.

At the beginning, this force belonged to the tax collection and violence agency of the Ministry of Finance and was organized by Song Ziwen. At this time, the nominal top officer of the Anti-Smuggling Corps was Finance Minister Kong Xiangxi, but it actually belonged to Song Ziwen's "private army." The middle and senior generals in the army were all promoted by Song Ziwen, such as Sun Liren, the leader of the Fourth Regiment.

The Anti-Smuggling Corps has six regiments of troops, which are trained in strict accordance with the U.S. Army drills. Moreover, with a small amount of German equipment, its combat effectiveness can defeat the full strength of local miscellaneous divisions.

Even before the change of weapons, the Anti-Smuggling Corps was still a tough guy. It rushed to Shanghai after the January 28th Incident and caused great damage to the Japanese troops who provoked the war. At that time, almost all the officers and soldiers of the Second Battalion of the Second Regiment of the Anti-Smuggling Corps died in battle and martyred their country. No one retreated, and no one surrendered.

By the way, it was Lu Xiaoman’s ex-husband Wang Geng who commanded the Anti-Smuggling Corps to fight against the Japanese invaders. At that time, Wang Geng was the head of the Tax Police Corps (Anti-Smuggling Corps).

A very ridiculous thing happened. In order to visit his ex-wife Lu Xiaoman, Wang Geng drove a motorcycle into the Shanghai Public Settlement. He was caught by the patrol of the Public Settlement and was handed over to the Japanese Marine Corps for interrogation. Since Wang Geng carried Songhu's troop deployment and battle line configuration map with him, the Japanese army found a treasure, causing the battlefield situation to deteriorate instantly. The Chinese army was attacked from both sides and was forced to retreat hastily.

Generally speaking, when we say that beauties bring disaster and women harm the country, it is mostly men who are shirking their responsibilities.

But during the Battle of Shanghai in 1932, Lu Xiaoman really harmed the country. Of course, Wang Geng has a greater responsibility. It is simply unbelievable that a dignified frontline commander would go to the public concession to visit his ex-wife with military information.

It is even possible that Lu Xiaoman did not ask her ex-husband to visit her, but Wang Geng was afraid that his ex-wife would be frightened during the war, so he took the initiative to go to comfort and comfort her...

After Song Ziwen resigned, Chang Kaishen took the opportunity to annex the Anti-Smuggling Corps and appointed his own bodyguard Huang Jie as the supreme commander. But Huang Jie only controlled the teaching group. The other leaders were all Song Ziwen's people. The anti-smuggling team members sent to Sichuan were members of Huang Jie's teaching group.

Facts have proved that a raging soldier can bring a raging nest of generals.

During the All-out Anti-Japanese War, Huang Jie became a famous escapee general. The reason for his escape was extremely ridiculous. It turned out that the radio station was bombed and he was unable to contact the first theater of war. Then he led an army to abandon the strategic location. This is even more absurd than Han Fuju's reason for abandoning Jinan. However, Han Fuju was shot by Chiang Kai-shek for disrespecting military orders, while Huang Jie still had a prosperous official career.

Today, under the leadership of Huang Jie, the combat effectiveness of the Tax Police Corps (Anti-Smuggling Corps) has declined rapidly, and it is also getting involved with the Blue Clothes Club. The anti-smuggling police who once fought bravely against the enemy in the defense war in Shanghai have now become a symbol of bullies, preying on and exploiting people and businessmen everywhere.

Even the several regiment leaders appointed by Song Ziwen began to gradually become corrupt, and it was only a matter of time before they completely served Chiang Kai-shek. Only the Fourth Regiment of the Tax Police Corps, under the control of its leader Sun Liren, still maintains relatively high military discipline and combat literacy.

Lao Jiang called Huang Jie over with a phone call and said to his former captain of the bodyguard: "Da Yun, Sichuan is a serious matter and we need to be cautious. Kang Ze is more than violent but not calm enough. You send two people to Sichuan. Replace the anti-smuggling captains in Chengdu and Chongqing. Your people were killed by Zhou Hexuan. Don't think about seeking revenge from him. It involves local disaster relief. We cannot lose in public opinion. My goal is to make Liu Xiang's prestige in Sichuan plummet. In the end, Liu Xiang's prestige did not fall, but the central government's prestige was destroyed by the anti-smuggling team!"

"I understand my humble position, and I will definitely live up to the high expectations of the commission!" Huang Jie stood at attention and saluted.

Lao Jiang added: "The anti-smuggling team sent to Sichuan can be more high-profile to help local relief victims, so that the people of Sichuan can have more trust and respect for the central government."

Huang Jie replied: "I will warn them."

Chang Kaishen seemed to have forgotten that most of the anti-smuggling team members in Sichuan were ruffians recruited by Kang Ze.

Let the ruffians help the poor and do good deeds? hehe.

After Chang Kaishen sent Huang Jie away, he approved several important documents and then went home to say goodbye to Soong Meiling. He would leave for Xi'an for inspection the next day.

Well, the Xi'an Incident is waiting for him.

As for Kang Ze, who was far away in Chengdu, he was throwing the table after reading the telegram. He was a very vicious and cruel man. He originally wanted to send a spy to assassinate Zhou Hexuan, but Chiang Kai-shek actually asked him to give in. This order made Kang Ze so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

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