The bullet passed through Qin Fenlu's frontal lobe at a speed of 380 meters/second, instantly destroying his thinking and information processing abilities. The connective tissue and fibrous membranes in the brain were torn apart. When the bullet flew out of the back of the head, cerebrospinal fluid flowed out along the cavity created by the bullet.

Qin Fenlu still maintained the expression he had during his lifetime, and before he even had time to show fear, his life had come to an end.

The bullet's entrance was very small, and only a trace of blood spilled out. But the diameter of the bullet exit at the back of the head was three centimeters, and you could even see the brain that had been beaten into paste.

The security team, the anti-smuggling team and the civilians at the scene were all shocked and speechless. No one expected that Zhou Hexuan would shoot at the slightest disagreement.

There is no turning back, and things are already out of control. Li Gengu's only choice is to control the situation. He swallowed and suddenly gave the order: "I will detain all the people and hand them over without killing them!"

Hundreds of security team members immediately approached with guns drawn. Those anti-smuggling team members were gangsters half a year ago, but now their leader was killed again. In an instant, 80% of them were so frightened that they abandoned their guns and surrendered.

Pan Donggua was trembling all over. He was now the top officer of the anti-smuggling team. He raised his hands and said sternly: "Mr. Zhou... Mr. Zhou, you killed Chairman Chiang's people. If you arrest us all again, you will There is no way to explain it to the central government!”


Zhou Hexuan slapped Pan Donggua down with his backhand, slapped Pan Donggua down, and sneered: "You bastards, you dare to snatch disaster relief food. Death is not a pity! Even if Chairman Jiang personally questions me, I will still say this."

Pan Donggua didn't dare to stand up at all, and knelt on the steps of the pier, shivering. In his eyes, the anti-smuggling captain Qin Fenlu was a big shot, a big shot who could walk sideways in Chongqing. He thought he had climbed onto Gao Zhi'er, but now Gao Zhi'er was actually dead, beaten to death by a scholar in front of many of his men.

"Dead man!"

"The guy named Zhou is so fierce. He even killed Captain Qin."

"Talking nonsense about your mother, she is Zhou Shenxian. If a thunderbolt hits from the palm of her hand, thousands of troops will be killed."

"Oh, it's easy now. If you kill the people in the center, Immortal Zhou may not be able to get rid of his claws."


It has to be said that after more than 20 years of civil war, Sichuan people have become extremely nervous. When the peasants who were hired to carry grain saw Qin Fenlu being shot to death on the spot, they did not panic and run for their lives. Instead, they cautiously gathered around to watch, exchanging opinions as if they were enjoying a Sichuan opera.

Zhou Hexuan looked at Qin Fenlu's body and said faintly: "Brother, you shouldn't have come to Chongqing. You are still a good man if you stay in Nanjing."

The Central Anti-Smuggling Corps also participated in the Nanjing Defense War in 1937. Countless team members fought bravely to kill the enemy and sacrificed their lives for the country. They were all heroes. However, some of the anti-smuggling team members sent to Sichuan turned into foreign bullies, causing serious suffering to the people of Sichuan.

Just like Qin Fenlu in front of him, if he stays in Nanjing and serves, he will probably become a good man who will die to serve his country next year.

The same is true for the Sichuan Army. Whether they are warlords or small soldiers, they do bad things to the common people in Sichuan, but when they go to the anti-Japanese battlefield, they become heroes and martyrs one by one.

Heroes and scourges, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground, but it may not be possible to distinguish them clearly.

Zhou Hexuan grabbed the torch from a guard member, illuminated Qin Fenlu's body and asked everyone: "Do you think this person should be killed?"

The anti-smuggling team members and the grain movers looked at each other, but no one answered.

Zhou Hexuan pointed to the grain on the dock and asked, "Do you know what that grain is used for?"

Still no answer.

Zhou Hexuan pulled Pan Donggua up and asked, "Say it!"

Pan Donggua said tremblingly: "Captain Qin said that the Sichuan Disaster Relief Society bought it from Hubei. They bought it low and sold it high under the guise of disaster relief, and shipped it to Sichuan to do business and make a fortune."

"Fuck you!"

Zhou Hexuan slapped him again, pointed at the food and shouted at everyone: "The 60 tons of food here are the disaster relief food that I donated money to buy! There is a severe drought in Sichuan now, and people are already eating people in some places. These are your Sichuan Life-saving food for people! People are starving to death every day in Sichuan, and the victims can’t wait. The Sichuan Disaster Relief Association was afraid of losing time, so it only raised 60 tons of food and hurriedly transported it to Sichuan. This is the first batch of food, and there will be more in the future. So many! What are you doing? Ah! You are robbing the life-saving food of your fellow villagers, do you still deserve to be Sichuan people? Do you still deserve to be human beings!"

Although they were all local gangsters recruited from Chongqing, many anti-smuggling team members still bowed their heads in shame. If word of this got out, they would be stabbed in the back by fellow villagers.

The people who were transporting grain were all horrified and discussed one after another:

"What, is this really disaster relief food?"

"You are so stupid, you even want to grab disaster relief food!"

"Fortunately, Zhou Shenxian snatched the grain back. Otherwise, those of us who move the grain would have to cut off our descendants in order to earn a few hard-earned money!"

"Zhou Shenxian, you kill well, kill these little turtles!"

"Well done to Shenxian Zhou, don't be afraid, we will help you tie it up!"

"Yes, get involved with Zhou Shenxian. If the central government comes to arrest someone, we will speak for you."


Zhou Hexuan sneered and hooked his hands at Pan Donggua: "You, come here!"

Pan Donggua came over trembling, his left and right cheeks were swollen, and said timidly: "Mr. Zhou... Mr. Zhou, what are your orders?"

"I'll lend you your head." Zhou Hexuan said with a smile.

"Ah?" Pan Donggua was confused for a moment.


There was another gunshot, and Pan Donggua fell down with an expression of disbelief.

Zhou Hexuan immediately announced: "Everyone must have seen clearly that this brother of the anti-smuggling team was dissatisfied with Captain Qin's practice of robbing disaster relief food, so he fought to the death and used force to dissuade him. In the end, Captain Qin and this brother died together!"

Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded. Scholars are so evil and can tell lies with great proficiency.

Zhou Hexuan pointed at the already dead Pan Donggua and said to Li Gengu: "Commander Li, this man was extremely righteous. In order to save the life-saving food for the villagers, he was unfortunately killed by Captain Qin's gun. Please collect his body for him." Big burial.”

"Okay... yes." Li Gengu nodded repeatedly, but there was something wrong with Zhou Hexuan's eyes.

Where is this literati? He is simply a murderer!

Zhou Hexuan asked the remaining anti-smuggling team members: "Have you seen it clearly?"

There was an immediate and exciting reply: "You see clearly, Pan Donggua and Captain Qin, you kill me, I kill you, they all have met the King of Hell."

"Yes, yes," the person next to him immediately agreed, "Captain Qin was killed by Pan Donggua and had nothing to do with Mr. Zhou. I can see clearly."

Zhou Hexuan asked the grain movers again: "Where are you?"

The peasants all replied: "Yes, Captain Qin was killed by Pan Donggua. I also saw it. Li Siguai, did you see it?"

"I saw it, I saw it too. The people Pan Donggua killed, Zhou Shenxian didn't even touch the gun."

"The enemy was killed by Pan Donggua. I didn't expect Pan Donggua to be a good man!"


Zhou Hexuan smiled and said to Li Gengu: "Commander Li, write a testimony and ask them all to put their thumbprints, and then let them go."

"Okay!" Li Gengu smiled brightly.

Of course, this kind of framing method cannot be concealed from others. It is estimated that the whole city will know the truth tomorrow.

But what Zhou Hexuan wanted was a high-sounding excuse. With this excuse, Chiang Kai-shek and Kang Ze could get off the ground, otherwise the subsequent situation would be even more troublesome.

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