The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 751 750 [Masturbating to watch the Olympics]

Since there is no provincial railway in Sichuan, Zhou Hexuan wanted to go to Berlin to watch the Olympic Games, but it was impossible to catch up without taking a plane. (PS: There is a previous chapter saying that the railway from Chongqing to Guiyang has been opened. It is actually a clerical error. The Sichuan-Guizhou Highway was opened. There was no railway out of Sichuan in Sichuan during the Republic of China.)

There are about three civil aviation companies today, namely China Airlines, Eurasia Airlines and Southwest Airlines.

Zhou Hexuan and Fan Haer each took their entourage on a China Airlines flight from Chongqing to Chengdu, and then from Chengdu to Guangzhou. Then transfer to a Southwest Airlines flight from Guangzhou to Hanoi, Vietnam, and finally fly from Hanoi to Singapore to board a ship and take the sea route.

Just one person's air ticket costs 2,300 oceans, and this is the fare after discounts - roughly equivalent to 300,000 yuan in 2010.

It’s so expensive to watch the Olympics!

A few lines of small print on the ticket made Zhou Hexuan's vest even more chilly. The content was as follows: Our company has the right to modify the flight schedule freely. If it temporarily stops flying or temporarily fails to fly according to the specified time, the company will not be responsible... In the event of damage to the body or luggage, the passenger or his/her related persons shall not claim for compensation.

Well, the airline has the final say whether to fly or when to fly. If your luggage is lost and someone falls to your death, consider yourself unlucky and don't cause trouble to the company.

The aircraft is a DC-2 produced by Douglas Company of the United States, which is internationally advanced and can carry 20 passengers.

Zhou Hexuan only brought Sun Yongzhen with him this time. As for Vivien Leigh, she honestly took a boat to Shanghai to take an ocean liner. After all, she still had her daughter with her.

Although Lao Sun was so powerful on the ground, his legs felt weak as soon as he got on the plane, and he worshiped all the gods in his heart.

Fan Haer was not much better. He recalled Liu Xiang's air force exercises in previous years. At that time, a certain division commander under Yang Sen wanted to eat foreign meat and insisted on flying on a plane during the exercise. As a result, he fell into the Yangtze River to feed the fish.

"Brother Zhou, is this foreign thing safe?" Fan Ha'er asked tremblingly.

Zhou Hexuan put the parachute on his back in advance and said with a smile: "Brother Ha, don't worry, if the plane falls, we will parachute quickly."

Fan Haer was even more frightened and said with a sad face: "I have never learned to skydive."

"I'll teach you, it's easy to learn." Zhou Hexuan said with a smile.

Fan Haer said nervously: "Don't say anything anymore. The more you talk about it, the more flustered I become. Otherwise, I simply won't go and wait until you come back from watching the Olympics to set up the dragon gate array."

"Hahahaha!" Zhou Hexuan laughed happily.

Soon he couldn't laugh anymore. The plane was bumpy in all kinds of ways on the runway. The occasional turbulence was simply thrilling. The plane went up and down so much that shit was thrown out.

There is no flight attendant, no service, no one to even remind, the only comfort is the barf bag in hand.


Fan Haer began to vomit wildly, and the cabin was filled with an indescribable smell that made Zhou Hexuan almost vomit.

When the plane landed at Chengdu Airport, Fan Haer refused to take it to death. Just kidding, flying from Chongqing to Chengdu will kill someone, and flying to Guangzhou will simply kill him.

In this way, Fan Haer was abandoned halfway, and Zhou Hexuan continued on the road with Sun Yongzhen.

Civilian aircraft are not equipped with parachutes. Zhou Hexuan was afraid of an accident, so he specially prepared two in advance and was ready to parachute to escape at any time. At this time, the aircraft door can be opened manually, and you can open it by yourself if the situation arises. It will definitely not work after decades, and you will not be able to jump out even if you have a parachute. Well, even if you can open the hatch, the terrifying altitude and low temperature will make you stop eating right away.

After going around and around in the sky for a full day and a half, Zhou Hexuan finally arrived in Singapore. After boarding the ship, he was so exhausted that he lay on the bed and refused to get up.

By the time Zhou Hexuan arrived in Berlin, it was already the end of July, and the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was the next day.

On the day of the opening ceremony, the event was unprecedented.

More than 100,000 spectators packed the stands, and a choir of 5,000 people sang Olympic carols. The only thing that made people very unhappy was that the Olympic five-ring flag was covered up by the Nazi flag.

There were densely packed Nazi flags everywhere in the venue. There were two placed a few meters to the left and right of Zhou Hexuan's seat. Those who didn't know better thought that a Nazi Party gathering was being held here.

Cheng Tianfang, the ambassador to Germany, looked around with envy, as if he felt that the Nazis were so powerful that he wished the Kuomintang could do it in China.

Wang Zhengting asked with some worry: "Mingcheng, do you think the Chinese team members can win the award?"

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "Even if we can't win the award, China will do its best to show our style to the world."

Zhou Hexuan was extremely distrustful of most officials of the Kuomintang, including Wang Zhengting. The money donated by Zhou Hexuan to the Sports Association must be audited every three months. If there is an error of more than 500 yuan, he must be held accountable.

Although Wang Zhengting is very active and actively invests money to support athletes to compete abroad, he has played a disgusting role in history.

We have said that the football players went abroad two or three months in advance to play games together to raise funds, and actually raised 200,000 yuan. However, the All-China Sports Association, chaired by Wang Zhengting, actually sent representatives to collect the accounts. For the athletes who were still stranded in Shanghai, the football team had to remit more than 100,000 yuan.

The money was probably not embezzled by Wang Zhengting, but because there was really no other way. The Olympic funds allocated by the government were withheld at all levels, and Wang Zhengting had very little left in his hands. He could only make plans from the funds raised by the football team.

The word "incompetent" attached to Wang Zhengting definitely does not mean he is deliberately trying to discredit him.

Hitler walked up to the rostrum and delivered the opening speech. His Excellency the Führer was still very restrained today. He only spoke for half an hour and finished the speech without delaying the opening of the Olympic Games.

The Olympic flame came from Greece, and after a relay of 3,075 people along the way, it was finally lit at the flame tower of the main venue. From then on, lighting the flame has become an indispensable procedure for the Olympic Games.

Athletes from one country lined up to enter the stadium. When the German athletes passed the rostrum, they suddenly raised their arms in a Nazi salute and shouted: "Hi, Hitler!"

Hitler smiled in return. This scene made many people's expressions change drastically.

The Chinese team's entry order is relatively low, and the uniform blue and white striped uniforms are sponsored by Zhou Hexuan. They no longer have to beg from the organizer like in history.

Immediately afterwards, the athlete representatives took the stage to take the oath, and then it was time for the performance.

At Zhou Hexuan's strong request, the Chinese martial arts performance team was granted permission to enter the main venue to perform. Historically, their performance venue was arranged in the square next to the main venue.

The German on-site commentator said in a serious voice: "The following program comes from distant China. They have magical fighting skills from the Far East. Please enjoy it..."

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