The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 750 749 [Lingjun Apprenticeship]

Fan Ha'er was the only one sitting here who didn't speak. This old man fell asleep as he listened, and he was already in a trance.

"Brother Fan, I haven't seen you for a long time. What advice can you give me today?" Zhou Hexuan asked proactively.


Fan Haer suddenly came back to his senses and laughed immediately: "Can I give you any advice? I heard that Brother Zhou came to Chongqing to settle down, so you would like to take a walk around and get in touch with each other. Recently, a Sichuan Opera face has become popular in Chongqing. Let's make an appointment another day Let’s go listen to a play together sometime.”

"It's easy to talk about," Zhou Hexuan said with a smile, "When I come back from watching the Olympics in Germany, we will go to listen to Sichuan opera together."

"Germany Olympics? Why don't you take me there?" Van Haer suddenly became interested.

Zhou Hexuan said: "Okay, I just want to be a companion."

In fact, the real purpose of Fan Haer's trip was to get some sulfa share from Zhou Hexuan. He got the news from his brother Du Yuesheng and knew that Zhou Hexuan was the big boss of sulfa drugs. Now that Liu Xiang was holding the banner of banning smoking to eliminate dissidents, the opium business in Sichuan was in trouble, and Fan Haer had to find another source of income.

But it was difficult to talk about this kind of thing in front of outsiders, so Fan Haer decided to go to Germany with Zhou Hexuan. There were many opportunities along the way, and he could also travel abroad.

At noon that day, Zhou Hexuan left a few people to eat, and Fan Haer smiled and toasted the whole time. There was no trace of any conflict between him and Liu Xiang's direct lineage.

Zhou Hexuan also donated 10,000 yuan to the road construction project. After all, the road was to be built to the door of his house, so he had to express his gratitude no matter what.

In the afternoon.

Brother Dong helped his husband to teach the eldest lady, and suddenly found a banknote on the ground. She looked around and saw that no one was paying attention. She immediately bent down to pick it up and hid it in her arms.

The blind man A Bing asked: "What are you doing?"

Brother Dong leaned close to her husband's ear and whispered: "I picked up a banknote worth one thousand oceans. It should have been dropped by Mr. Zhou when he was visiting guests."

"Give it to me!" A Bing said solemnly.

"I'll give it to you!" Dong urged his brother to secretly take out the banknote.

A Bing said again: "Help me go to see Mr. Zhou."

Dong urged his brother anxiously: "Do you want to give the money back?"

A Bing sarcastically said: "What do you know? Ignorant village woman!"

"You know better." Dong urged his brother to mutter, but he did not dare to go against his husband's will.

After seeing Zhou Hexuan, A Bing asked his wife to hold the bamboo pole, took out the banknotes and said: "Mr. Zhou, I'm here to say goodbye. We Ming people don't talk secretly. Since you can't trust me, A Bing, you can speak frankly, so why bother?" Use money to test?"

"What kind of test?" Zhou Hexuan pretended to be confused.

A Bing said: "Mr. Zhou must have dropped this thousand oceans on purpose, right?"

Zhou Hexuan slapped his head and said, "Oh, maybe I accidentally lost it when I was donating money at noon."

A Bing sneered angrily: "When I was young, I did do a lot of stupid things, but I have already regretted it. Over the years, I have traveled around the world and relied on my ability to eat. When I ran out of money, I was hungry. When I ran out of opium, I endured Hold on. Even if I am begging and working as a beggar, I will not do anything sneaky. Even if I get addicted to cigarettes one day and I really can't handle it, I can at most find a rope to hang myself. You and I are destined to do this, so I say goodbye! Cui Di, help me I'm leaving."

Zhou Hexuan quickly stopped him: "Oh, it's just a misunderstanding. Why should it be like this? My daughter admires her husband's talent and wants to become a disciple. It's better to choose a different day. Let's become a disciple today. I'll ask Lingjun to come downstairs right away!"

A Bing was also confused and couldn't tell the difference for a while, thinking: Is it really a misunderstanding?

Zhou Hexuan sighed in his heart, this blind man is a sighted person.

Perhaps, after experiencing the great joys and sorrows of life, A Bing has already achieved enlightenment.

Music is the window to the soul. The fact that A Bing was able to adapt an obscene song from a brothel into the classic "Two Springs Reflect the Moon" speaks volumes. In "Er Spring Reflects the Moon", the arrogance and unyieldingness of the cold plum blossoms and frost reflect A Bing's spiritual thoughts.

It would have been impossible for A Bing, who was proficient in eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling, to create such music when he was young.

Later, when the Japanese conductor Seiji Ozawa heard "The Moon Reflected on Two Springs" for the first time, he cried and said: "One should kneel down to listen to a piece of music like this." The charm of "The Moon Reflected on Two Springs" can be seen A spot.

In the afternoon of that day, Zhou Lingjun kowtowed, served tea, and formally entered A Bing's door to practice his art.

To be honest, Zhou Hexuan didn't know what he should raise his daughter to be. At a young age, Xiao Lingjun has already learned calligraphy and painting from Cui Huifu, Peking Opera from his mother Meng Xiaodong, and now he is learning musical instruments from A Bing. In future generations, he can be said to be versatile.

As for learning, Xiao Lingjun's Chinese is pretty good, but his math skills are only average, not much different from children of the same age. On the other hand, his son Wei Lie surprised Zhou Hexuan repeatedly. He was only six years old and had already completed the third grade of homework. The teachers at the school exclaimed him a child prodigy.

When school starts at the end of the summer, Zhou Hexuan plans to let Wei Lie officially skip a grade, but good primary schools are hard to find in Chongqing.

The mountain city is very hot in summer, and the severe foehn wind effect turns the entire Chongqing into a steamer.

In the evening, the heat has still not subsided, and the river breeze carries a damp heat.

Under the shade of the trees in the garden, Xiao Lingjun had just finished dinner when he was called by Master A Bing to practice. They didn't teach fingering techniques or music theory. They just asked her to tie a stone on her wrist and keep it raised to her mouth.

Fortunately, Xiao Lingjun had practiced calligraphy before and still had some strength in his arms, so it was not too difficult to do it now.

It's just that the weather is so hot that I'm sweating all over in two minutes. When Xiao Lingjun saw Zhou Hexuan coming, he looked at him pitifully and said, "Dad, I don't want to learn to play the flute anymore. I'll just learn to paint, okay?"

Zhou Hexuan shook his head hard: "Your master has the final say."

"Bad master!" Xiao Lingjun pursed his lips and muttered quietly, but he did not show his temper or be lazy.

As her sister's follower, little Chunxi stood nearby and jumped up and down, clapping her hands happily as a repeater: "Bad master, bad master!"

The blind man A Bing was not angry because of this. He sat on a bamboo cane chair with his legs crossed, drank tea slowly, and said to himself: "This learning requires hardship. If you can't endure hardship, it's best to give up early." Only by enduring hardship can you acquire talents, and this is true for all industries in the world."

"That's a good thing to say," Zhou Hexuan also moved a wicker chair to sit over and whispered, "You can scold her, but don't hit her. Her mother will fall out."

The blind man A Bing smiled bitterly and said, "How dare I hit him? Mr. Zhou's daughter would not even dare to scold her. At most, she would scare her."

Zhou Hexuan smiled and did not mention this issue again, but asked: "Can you tell me about your past?"

"There is nothing to say," the blind man A Bing shook his head and sighed, "I was young and ignorant. Once my father died, I lost my restraints and followed my friends all day long. When I ran out of money, I went back to Lei Zun Palace to get it. I am the new employee of Lei Zun Palace. As the head of the house, the money in the palace is my money. I lost all the money in Lei Zun Palace, so I set my sights on other palaces in Dongxu Palace and stole it for two or three months before I was caught. Haha, naturally I was caught I deserve to be expelled by the temple master, and it was really ridiculous to think about it at the time."

"And then you ended up living on the streets?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

The blind man nodded and said: "I'm sorry for the people in the temple, especially the relatives of Lei Zundian. They just complained a few words, but when they saw that I was blind, they even found me a rural widow to be my wife. They are the people I feel most sorry for in my life." .”

Zhou Hexuan took out 500 yuan and said, "Send this money back to Dongxuguan, and you can follow me with peace of mind in the future."

"Thank you." Abing didn't refuse. He touched the money and put it back in his pocket.

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