The Northeast is full of blood and blood, and the battles in the pass are endless, but the countryside of Fenghua is like a paradise.

Chang Kaishen, who left the field and returned to his hometown, seemed to completely ignore international and domestic disputes, and spent his days traveling around mountains and rivers happily. He wrote in his diary on January 1: In the afternoon, he and his wife and Dawei marched to the north of Fenghua city. I also wrote in my diary on January 2: After offering sacrifices to the God of Mercy in the morning, I went to Miaogao Terrace and Xuedou Temple with my wife. In the afternoon, go down the mountain to visit the Yangzhi Bridge and Zhongshan Pavilion to watch the waterfall...

In the first ten days of January alone, Chang Kaishen went out on a cruise five times, during which time he summed up his experience in political struggle and recorded all of them in his diary.

But this does not mean that Chang Kaishen is completely isolated from the outside world, he even moved part of the attendants to his hometown in Xikou.

Attendant's Room, the name sounds very common, but in a few years, Chang Kaishen's Attendant's Room will change people's faces.

Chang Kaishen is a power-hungry person, grasping power big and small, and likes to act arbitrarily when things happen, no one can persuade him. He has said many times: "My decision is an order, don't discuss it in the Executive Yuan."

In Chen Bulei's original words: (Chang Kaishen) handling state affairs is like handling family affairs, and everything must be handled by himself.

This kind of autocratic rule like an emperor requires an organization around him to handle affairs, plan for him, control personnel and collect intelligence for him, and provide him with security protection, so the "Chang Kaishen Attendant Room" was born.

"Chang Kaishen's Attendant Room" is a deformed monster who has become the overlord of all government departments since the mid-1930s. It's a bit like Yongzheng's Military Aircraft Office, which assisted the emperor in handling important military and state affairs, and issued orders to various departments and officials from various places in the form of edicts.

In the morning, the small farmyard.

Chang Kaishen was taking a walk with Song Meiling, who was just recovering from a serious illness. The aide-de-camp Li Dawei silently followed, and there were some security guards standing around.

After walking around the yard a few times, Chang Kaishen sat on the stone bench and said, "What's the news today?"

Li Dawei immediately took out a telegram letter: "The Soviet Union proposed again, hoping to exchange the eldest son for Niu Lan."

The "big son" is Chang Kaishen's son, Comrade Nicholas, who is now a political and military teacher at the Moscow Arsenal. And "Niulan", whose real name is Jacob Rudnick, was the founder of the China Station of the Liaison Department of the Communist International, and was arrested and imprisoned by the KMT not long ago.

The Soviet Union exchanged Chang Kaishen's son for the Chinese general liaison of the Communist International, which seemed to be a good deal for both parties.

Chang Kaishen read the telegram for a while, then ordered: "Ignore it."

"Yes." Li Dawei immediately recorded the "sacred edict".

When Chang Kaishen thought of that restless son, he felt quite emotional, closed his eyes and said, "Continue talking."

Li Dawei took out another document: "The Nanjing government, the fifth power generation invites the chief executive to return to Nanjing to preside over the overall situation."

"No hurry, take your time, the time has not yet come." Chang Kaishen said.

Li Dawei took out another telegram and said: "Northeast secret telegram, Puyi has selected a new queen candidate, and it is very likely that he will ascend the throne next month. Kenji Doihara has served as the head of the Harbin secret service, and Ma Zhanshan of Heilongjiang has surrendered." The tendency of the Japanese invaders."

Chang Kaishen opened his eyes suddenly: "Call Zhang Hanqing and ask him to stabilize Ma Zhanshan. Ma Zhanshan is the anti-Japanese banner in the Northeast, and this banner cannot be toppled."

Li Dawei reported some news one after another, and finally took out a stack of newspapers and magazines for Chang Kaishen to read alone.

Chang Kaishen rummaged around, pulled out "Independent Review" and said, "What magazine is this? I've never seen it before."

Li Dawei explained: "This is a new magazine created by Hu Shi, Jiang Tingfu, Ding Wenjiang, Fu Sinian and others. It was sent from Shanghai yesterday. It is said that it is very popular among politicians and intellectuals."

"Hey, there is actually an article by Zhou Mingcheng!" Chang Kaishen quickly browsed the catalog and turned to the page of Zhou Hexuan's article.

I saw the article read——

"Historically, any political system is the result of the interaction between its country, national political and cultural traditions, and the era in which it lives. The formation and development of the dual power system in Japanese politics is a typical example of this. ...Ancient Japanese politics has been in a dual state of separation of power and authority for a long time, but it has different connotations from modern times. The dual power system in ancient Japan was manifested in the coexistence of dual opposition between the emperor's court and the regent and court administration in the early stage. It is manifested in the dualistic coexistence of the spiritual authority of the imperial court and the shogunate. After the Meiji Restoration, Japanese politics developed from a single dual power system in ancient times to a multiple dual power system. The dualistic coexistence of political power controlled by the lower-level samurai reformers, the mid-term manifested as the dualistic coexistence of cabinet power and elder power, and now manifests as the dualistic coexistence of cabinet power and military power..."

"The executive power of the Japanese cabinet exists side by side with the military command power formed by the constitutional principle of 'independence of the commanding power' of the military. In actual political operations, the military command power of the military has obvious advantages compared with the administrative power of the cabinet. Status. The advantage of the military department is not only that the military department has the power to directly talk to the emperor, but also the "Minister of the Army and Navy Active Military Attaché System" and the military department's right to recommend the minister of the army and navy have formed a strong position of the military department over the cabinet. .The Japanese cabinet is also constrained by the Privy Council in the struggle with the military, so it appears to be even weaker."

"The dual power system that separates government orders from military orders is the biggest hidden danger of the constitutional emperor system. Fundamentally speaking, military orders are also part of government orders, and a normal country should achieve military and political unity."

"Under Japan's constitutional emperor system, the 'explicit power' clearly stipulated in the constitution and the 'implicit power' not stipulated in the constitution are actually in binary opposition. The recommendation system of the Minister of the Navy exists aloofly, and although the Meiji Constitution has formed a multi-power system and a horizontal and vertical compound check and balance mechanism, the actual operation is often unbalanced.”

"The above all led to the overwhelming victory of the Japanese military over the Japanese cabinet after the September 18th Incident. Therefore, China's idea of ​​using the cabinet to contain the Kwantung Army is extremely absurd and completely unacceptable! The Japanese cabinet is like a clay bodhisattva, he can hardly protect himself, how can he help China?"

After Chang Kaishen finished reading these contents, he felt that his whole body was clear, and he had a comprehensive understanding of Japan's political power system.

After Zhou Hexuan finished talking about Japan's dual politics, he used Taiwan and North Korea as examples to analyze the Japanese rule that the Japanese might implement in the Northeast. He called for resistance not only on the battlefield, but also in the field of culture and thought. If the Northeast cannot be recovered in the short term, then long-term plans must be made so that the next generation in the Northeast cannot become "naturalized citizens" full of Japanese ideas.

Zhou Hexuan’s original words in the article are as follows to the Northeast compatriots in the occupied areas: “Resisting Japan does not necessarily require shooting devils. Every father and every mother should tell your children that he is Chinese! An intellectual, you are living a hard life under the iron heels of the Japanese invaders. You don’t necessarily have to meet the Japanese invaders with bayonets, but you should never forget to spread Chinese culture and ideas! This is also the anti-Japanese war on the cultural front! Occupy our territory, but cannot enslave our spirit, as long as the heart is Chinese, then the Northeast will always be the Northeast of the Chinese."

Chang Kaishen read other people's articles again, and after comparing, he said: "It is Zhou Mingcheng who can see clearly. He knows both Japan and China. He knows that Northeast China will not be recovered for a while, and he is already making long-term plans. The heavens are making noise to force the central government to fight against Japan. This person is really a talent for the country, but it is a pity that he cannot be used by me."

Li Dawei reminded: "Boss, Zhou Mingcheng seems to have fallen out with Zhang Hanqing."

"You can't use it if you have a falling out. According to the articles he wrote, this person's line is a bit left. I have also read "The Rise of Great Powers". He is very optimistic about the development of the Soviet Union. Don't be a hidden Red Party." Chang Kaishen He shook his head again and again.

Li Dawei said: "That's not the case."

Chang Kaishen thought for a while and said, "When I come back this time, I'll bring him in and talk about it in detail."

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