The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 450 449 [Efforts of Mr. Hu Shi, an idiot]

The relationship between Zhang Xueliang and Zhou Hexuan has become a little delicate. After returning from the Jinzhou battlefield, Zhang Xueliang never saw Zhou Hexuan again, and the two of them didn't even communicate with each other, as if they didn't know each other at all.

"Zhang Xueliang is a man who has wronged the country!"

This is the first sentence Hu Shi said when he came to Tianjin to visit Zhou Hexuan.

The "September 18th Incident" greatly stimulated Hu Shi. Since then, he has written articles on Northeast China almost every year, and was the first to put forward the view that "Second World War began on September 18th".

On the afternoon of the second day of "September 18", Hu Shi wrote a poem: "Nantian Democratic Republic, looking back, I feel sad. Where is the black tiger now? The yellow dragon is also old. A few useless pens, half a dozen caring people, after all, God It's hard to make up, talk about forty springs!"

This poem is about Liu Yongfu, Tang Jingsong and others who led the crowd to reject Japan's protection of Taiwan after the signing of the "Treaty of Shimonoseki". He compared Taiwan at that time to Northeast China today, and he missed anti-Japanese fighters like Liu Yongfu, and hated himself as a useless scholar who could not drive away the Japanese invaders with a knife.

Hu Shi is now the dean of the Faculty of Arts and the head of the Department of Chinese Literature at Peking University. He is neighbors with Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng. Chen Yuan and Fu Sinian live in No. 1, Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin live in No. 3, and Hu Shi lives in No. 4.

"It's hateful, it's hateful," Hu Shi said sadly. "The Japanese want to invade our northeastern land, and their wolfish ambitions have long been exposed. However, from the Nanjing government down to the Fengtian warlords, they are all busy fighting for territory in the country, and they have taken over the vast land. Give up the black land to the Japanese!"

As Hu Shi said, not only Zhou Hexuan, the traveler, but many people from all over the world saw the threat of Japan to the Northeast, but they could only watch the situation deteriorate.

Hu Shi had a friend named Ding Wenjiang, who was a professor of geology at Peking University.

Ding Wenjiang wrote to Hu Shi as early as 1927, saying that he was studying the Japanese issue recently and deeply felt that the key to China's survival lies in Japan. Just before the outbreak of September 18th, Hu Shi and Ding Wenjiang traveled together for half a month and mentioned Japan's ambition to invade China many times.

Zhou Hexuan said helplessly: "Just like the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War, the hearts of Chinese people must be completely hurt before they can work hard."

Hu Shi smiled wryly and said: "We used to call for saving the country by academics, saving the country by science, and the Renaissance, but now that the country is in crisis, academics and science are useless. Brother Jun (Ding Wenjiang) made fun of himself two days ago, saying that intellectuals are 'capable of governing the world' My minister, the idiot in troubled times', although the words are vulgar, they are telling the truth."

"The rice bucket is also useful." Zhou Hexuan comforted.

Hu Shi said: "I am an idiot, and I have been thinking hard about my own role recently. In the end, I found it very helpless. At most, I stood up and shouted slogans. I am really useless. I am a scholar!"

Zhou Hexuan said: "Slogans also need to be shouted. Only when the voice is loud can it be deafening, and the country and the people can be united."

"I also have the same idea," Hu Shi explained. "We should not only shout slogans, but also shout strategically and academically. A few friends and I are planning to start a magazine "Independent Review" to discuss The situation of the country and the world can be seen from the eyes and ears of the founders. Mingcheng, you are an expert in this field, please join in!"

"Independent Review" was a very famous political magazine in the 1930s. The chief editors Hu Shi, Ding Wenjiang and Jiang Tingfu were all voluntary and did not receive any salary. This magazine existed for five years, during which it published a large number of current commentary articles, which not only broadened the horizons of the Chinese people, but also played a positive role in the War of Resistance.

Among them, Jiang Tingfu was summoned by Chang Kaishen three times for writing articles in the "Independent Review", and was finally invited to serve as the Director of Political Affairs of the Central Government's Executive Yuan. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he was appointed as the permanent representative of China to the United Nations.

Zhou Hexuan immediately agreed: "Of course I want to join in this kind of thing. A political article every week will definitely be delivered on time and with high quality."

"So, thank you," Hu Shi said happily, "With Mingcheng's awakening articles, good results will definitely be achieved."

Although Hu Shi is politically naive, his views on the handling of the "September 18th Incident" are very rational and correct.

After the "September 18th Incident", the Nanjing Nationalist Government only wanted to rely on the United States and the League of Nations to solve the problem, but refused to negotiate with Japan.

At that time, the Japanese cabinet did not favor the military, and proposed five negotiating principles, basically wanting to restore the Northeast to the state before the "September 18th". According to the requirements of the Japanese cabinet, although China will lose some of its benefits, it is completely acceptable.

Hu Shi wrote to Song Ziwen many times, advocating early negotiations with the Japanese. But the Nanjing Nationalist Government was like an ostrich, sticking its head into the sand. It neither dared to declare war on Japan, nor dared to negotiate with Japan, wasting a great diplomatic opportunity in vain.

In fact, as long as China and Japan reached a diplomatic agreement at that time, it would gain a firm foothold in law. Even if the Japanese cabinet repents, China will speak harder, which will make Japan's international diplomatic situation even more sinister.

This is a very nonsense thing, I don't know what the central government was thinking at the time.

A few days ago, the International Pacific Society was scheduled to be held in Shanghai, and Hu Shi was elected as the chairman of the meeting. Due to the outbreak of the September 18th Incident, Hu Shi decided to postpone the meeting, but after careful consideration, he decided not to postpone it. Hu Shi thought, "Because this Pacific meeting is an excellent opportunity to bring up the China incident for discussion", he wanted to use the meeting to condemn Japan's shameless actions.

It's a pity that a meeting of a group of international intellectuals can't turn the world upside down at all, and at most it can arouse foreign scholars' sympathy for China.

Zhou Hexuan was also invited to the meeting, but during the meeting, he followed Zhang Xueliang to Jinzhou.

For Zhang Xueliang, Hu Shi commented in the article: "Although no one person should bear the full responsibility for the fall of the Northeast, Mr. Zhang Xueliang, with the qualifications of the full-fledged leader of both the military and the government, bears the heaviest responsibility. It cannot be denied...the success of a young man has almost completely ruined his body and spirit...a person who has ruined his reputation and pretended to support a crisis that cannot last forever will find a chance to step down calmly in the future, I am afraid it will not be easy."

Zhou Hexuan sent Hu Shi away, spread out a pen and paper and began to smoke and think. After a long time, he began to write the title - the dual nature of Japanese politics and the Northeast expansion plan of the Kwantung Army.

The so-called know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Although the book "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword" comprehensively describes Japan, it is impossible to write clearly in many details.

Since Hu Shi founded the "Independent Review", Zhou Hexuan took advantage of this platform to analyze the situation in Japan in depth. Each article writes one aspect. After a few years, at least it can provide some references for the officials and gentlemen of the central government.

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