The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 968: Lightning bird

At this time, the level of the flame chicken also reached level 47.

After a month of training and exercise, to this extent.

Aoki took the flame chicken that had just interacted with Boscodora and walked towards the fire.

After the evolution of Boscodora, the members of the Rockets on the air fortress arrived on the island.

All were divided into three batches and began to explore in different directions.

The targets are three different peaks on the island.

"Flame chicken, kick your knees!"

"Boscodra, Spike Attack!"

The Flaming Chicken jumped into the air, with its knees bent, and kicked directly at a wolf dog with a vicious expression.

Boscodora stood still, but there were a lot of hard rocks of different shapes on the ground and in the air.

Sent to another great wolf dog.

嘭 ————

Boom! !!

The Flaming Chicken's flying knee kick hits the wolf dog, and at the same time, the spiked stone attack of Boscodora hits another wolf dog.

The two great wolf dogs fell to the ground.

Defeat the two elves very simply.

"Well done, flame chicken, your flying knee kick exercise is good, as long as you pay attention to the enemy's movement trajectory, you can cause a strong bombardment to the opponent."

"Boscodora, the sharp-stone attack is also good, but if the speed of release and the trajectory of the rock flight are a little more chaotic, it is best."

Aoki commented on the battle between the two elves.

When the Flaming Chicken just evolved, it did not have any mastery of the two skills of flying knee kick and flash flame charge. This month, in addition to the level improvement, it is to learn these two skills and reach mastery Degree.

Now it can be used in actual combat.

Although Boscodora has just evolved, the sharpstone attack skill has been learned after the last trade fair. Such a long time of practice and use has reached the level of familiarity.

However, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the skills of the two elves.

Their fighting ability still needs to be improved.

After the battle, Aoki looked up at the sky.

"Almost separated, I should start my mission," Aoki said to himself, "Come out, Raven's head."

Aoki summoned the head of the crow.

"Crow's head, you can see from above if you can see the trail of the Rockets." Aoki said to the crow's head.

The crow nodded his head, flapping his wings and rushing directly into the sky.

His strength has improved to the level of Heavenly King, plus night, as long as he does not want to, basically no one can find him.

The crow's head investigates the situation, while Aoki continues with the elves.

It didn't take long before I returned.

Aoki was told what he saw.

It is true that many members of the Rockets have been seen, but at this time they still gathered together and did not explore the island or the mountain peak. Aoki still has to wait for a while.

Either Aoki shot from the back when they found the flaming bird, or when they didn't find the flaming bird and scattered around the island for exploration.

Obtaining information from Sakagi and Ying, Aoki's mission this time is that his Jinchuan family suffered heavy losses. If you want to get Aoki's biggest reward, it is best to leave all of Rox and Regis.

No fixed number yet.

Aoki hung slowly behind them with the air superiority of the crow's head.


Three days later.

Three gods island.

After three days, the Rockets still did not find a trace of the tri-bird.

Neither the flaming birds they were looking for, nor the frozen birds and thunderbirds looking for dark and shadow, could be found.

But they did not give up.

According to the Rockets, the three mimic birds do live on the island.

After approaching the three peaks, the members of the Rockets team also found the trace of the life of the three **** birds, so they need to wait patiently for a while.

The mission was two weeks long, and three days had passed.

They are also ready for long-term war.

But three days was enough to prepare Aoki for everything.

Exploring the range and frequency of a group of people from Locks, Aoki was waiting for an opportunity.

Your mission belongs to the mission, but it cannot affect the big mission of the Rockets.


Suddenly, a bright bird song swept across the sky, and with the appearance of the bird song, lightnings appeared in the sky.

Lightning bird!

Flying towards the island from a distance.

Aoki narrowed his eyes when he saw this very domineering lightning bird.

"After waiting for three days, it finally appeared."

The appearance of the lightning bird does not mean that the other two will also appear together, but Aoki has a hunch that the appearance of the lightning bird, the other two should be soon.

Action can really begin!

Aoki threw two elven **** again, and Shakira appeared with the mosquito coil frog emperor.

Plus Boscodora and Flaming Chicken.

It almost constitutes a combat force between the elite level and the quasi-sky level.

During these three days of high-intensity battles, Boscodora also reached level 46, and Flaming Chicken reached level 49.

Coupled with the same 46 Shakira who just played and the mosquito coil frog emperor who reached 49.

In addition to the Quasi-Monarch-level giant marsh monster, these four elves are integrated, and there are not many problems facing ordinary Quasi-Telemon-level elves.

In these three days, in addition to training the elves, Aoki also scanned the map of this area into the chip.

Get a detailed map of the forest of the volcano on the island.

Soaring through the forest.

The first person to be followed by Aoki was those with the name of the Rockets on their names, but the real ones were members of the Jinchuan family.

In their minds, the family is always first, and the Rockets are second and third, not even more.

"Shakira, the sword of the cliff!"

"Flame chicken, flame kick!"

"Boscodra, Spike Attack!"

"The mosquito coil frog king, hot water!"

The four elves launched an attack together, and when the people of the two Jinchuan families hadn't responded, they resolved with their elves and people.

Watching the deadly two and the elves around them.

His head will not continue to go up the mountain.

The stones and dirt on the ground wriggled, and they were buried directly in the soil.

Without any stay.

There are still many people to deal with.

Aoki began to act.

The roaring fighting sounds appeared in the distance, and some thunder could be heard faintly.

The battle between Shadow and Lightning Bird begins!

As the members of the Jinchuan family continued to disappear, the answering voice in the communicator became less and less, and Lockes and Regis also found abnormalities.

Rocks sneered, Regis's face was a little gloomy.

"Uncle ~ ~ It looks like someone is targeting us." Regis said.

"Well, this action is to see who has more hands. They are now exposed. How much resistance can they have?" Lockes didn't care much.

After staying with the Rockets for so many years and not being the captain, then the potential of these people is like this, and dying some will not have much impact on the Jinchuan family.

"I'll take a look." Regis said.

"Well, pay a little attention, and ask for help in time when you are too strong." Lockes said.

I don't know why, the black robe man flashed in his head.


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