The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 967: Metal monster

After hearing Aoki's words, Kodola looked relieved.

There was a sudden white light on his body.

The original metallic body made these white lights more beautiful.

"桀桀 ~~"

At this point Geng Gui got out of the ground.

As soon as he heard the sound of the fighting, he immediately rushed over, but fortunately, Aoki was fine.

Kodola has begun to evolve.

"Geng Gui, cover it, don't let people see it." Aoki said to Geng Gui.

Hearing that, Geng Gui nodded, and a large amount of black mist was scattered on his body, enclosing Aoki and Kodola in evolution together.

The light of evolution at night is still obvious. It has just started without much impact, but it is not good to wait until the critical moment when the light attracts people or wild elves to come over.

Seeing Geng Gui covering Kodola, Aoki nodded with satisfaction and walked into Kodola.

Take out the medicine that has been prepared for a long time, and a lot of diamonds and ore.

Kodola drank it directly.

Aoki has made improvements since the flame chicken's qualifications. The side effects after evolution have become shorter and shorter, and if a lot of energy can be added during evolution, the side effects can be further reduced.

After drinking the qualification potion, Kodola ate directly to the diamonds and ore placed on the ground by Aoki.

As far as the light of evolution envelops him, it doesn't stop.

Slowly, Kodola's body changed.

Your hind legs gradually became thicker, but your front legs became more flexible.

The body attached to the ground slowly stood up, the tail extended, becoming thick and loaded, and three sharp metal horns appeared on the head.

Gao! Gao! Gao!

With a lot of crisp sounds of broken stones, Kodola's body has completely changed.

With a large intake of diamonds and ores, Kodola's body swelled like a balloon.

Whether vertical or horizontal, it never stopped for a moment.

According to the basic situation of the elves such as Boscodola, the normal body size should be about two meters and one, but Kodola, who is still evolving in front of Aoki, has exceeded this height.


An excited roar came from the white light.

Evolution white light spread out, revealing the domineering spirit inside.


At a height of 3 meters, every part of the body looks very strong.

It is even more obvious that whether it is silver-white metal on the back and head, or gray metal on the chest and feet, Bosdorla reveals a touch of diamond luster.

It can be seen that its hardness is absolutely exaggerated.

This is a metal giant!


After roaring, Boscodora beat a full stomach, patted his belly, and looked satisfied.

Nothing beats winning a battle easily, succeeding in evolution yourself, and feeling more comfortable by the way.

Aoki walked to Dr. Kodola.

With the height of one meter and seven eight of Aoki at this time, standing next to Boscodol, he could only reach the height of his chest.

I patted two pieces of black-gray metal on Boscodora's chest. I felt the pain that bounced back to my hand when I patted the palm, and showed a satisfied smile.

"Congratulations, Boscodora, our agreement is half done," Aoki said.

"Including ~~"

At this point, Boscodora looked like a giant monster.

But under the slap of Aoki, a thick smile appeared.

Pokemon: Bosco Dora (Blue)

Gender: Male

Level: 44

Attribute: Steel Series + Rock Series

Characteristics: Hard head

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: Dragon God dive, double-edged hammer, invisible rock, harsh sound, Tarzan top

Basic skills: Impact, Harden, Mud Throw, Head Hammer, Metal Claw, Rock Block, Hold, Roar, Iron Head, Rock Fall, Slam, Metal Tone, Iron Tail, Iron Wall

Teaching skills: iron head, earth force, iron tail, hiccup, electromagnetic suspension,

Skill learner: Hold, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Tile Splitting, Shadow Claw, Spike Attack

The level is not only increased by one level. The long-term suppression combined with the large amount of ore and diamonds eaten during evolution has directly raised the level to level 44.

And the qualification has been smoothly promoted to the blue qualification.

Aoki has seen some blue-eligible elves now, but they are all champion trainers, or ace elves who can become champion trainers in the future.

For example, Dawu's giant gold monster, Girona's fierce biting land shark, Kalunai's Shanai Duo, and the fast dragon crossing are all blue-eligible elf.

Therefore, in terms of potential alone, Boscodora is not inferior to the ace elves of the future champions.

In addition to the skill CD that Aoki bought from the trading conference before, and the skill CD that was redeemed from the Rockets' redemption list for this share of Sakagi, Boscodora has added a few skills that are very useful for him now. .

Spike attack, earthquake and dragon claw.

These three skills are very suitable for Boscodora at this time. Tile splitting and shadow claws also increase the attack surface of Boscodora.

More importantly, the first superevolutionary stone that Aoki can match with his own elf is the superevolutionary stone of Boscodora.

The evolution of Boscodora's strength is not just a little bit.

That is to say, now that Boscodora has used qualified medicine, there are still some side effects. Aoki is not willing to use super evolution on Boscodora when he has not yet secured the surrounding conditions.

Just be prepared.

"How do you feel? Would you like to go back to the poke ball to rest?" Aoki asked, clapping Boscodora's arm.


Boscodora shook his head, and put his arms into a muscular posture.

But after Kodola evolved into Boskodola, he gained more than three times his weight.

A true tonnage monster!

One hundred and eighty points of physical defense race value, plus one hundred and ten points of physical attack group races, is simply the absolute nemesis of melee combat elves.

Boscodora was unwilling to rest in the elven ball, and Aoki was not reluctant.

Fighting and sports can help Boscodora become familiar with the body more quickly, and also help him to ease from the side effects of qualified potions.

"Then start with exploring the island."

Aoki let Geng Gui remove his obstruction.

There is no danger in the shadow of Aoki, or Aoki's call, Geng Gui will not appear for the time being.

He has explored. Although the wild elves here are not low-level, they have not reached the point where he needs to shoot.

After thinking for a while ~ ~ Aoki threw a fairy ball again.

The flame chicken was also summoned.

"Scared--" The Flaming Chicken screamed when it came out.

But saw a strange, tall elf beside Aoki.

Slightly froze.

It was just that Kodola evolved and immediately went up to congratulate him.

The 1.9-meter Flaming Chicken was next to Bosketola.

It also looks a bit small.


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