The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1325: 9 flashes

The appearance of such a flash of nine tails in front of Aoki made him think about everything that happened here.

In ancient times, before entering modern society, there were many legends about Jiuwei.

At that time, people didn't know much about creatures like elf, and the elf didn't multiply to the extent that it is so popular now.

On behalf of the nine-tailed legend, the nine-tailed demon fox will charm those pedestrians with weak will in the old forest in the mountains, and then drag them into their caves to eat.

This is a legend about Nine Tail, of course, a great degree of fiction, but Nine Tail has indeed penetrated into the new hearts of many people at an early time.

It is also said that Jiuwei can survive for a thousand years. This is of course impossible, but it is true that Jiuwei's life is relatively long.

I saw the glittering Jiuwei standing on the roof leap forward, shaking nine long tails, and fell very gracefully on the opposite side of Aoki.

The surrounding fog gradually dissipated, and the classical building slowly disappeared, turning back into a huge rock.

At this time, this flash of nine tails was really displayed in front of Aoki, and it looked a lot more real without the mist embellishment, but likewise, they felt a heavier threatening atmosphere from nine tails.

Aoki stared tightly at the Nine Tail in front of him, and activated the chip to scan his data.

Pokemon: Flash Nine Tail (Light Blue)

Gender: Female

Level: 86

Attribute: Fire

Characteristics: Ignition

Carrying Props: Burning Charcoal

Genetic skills: Hypnosis, Power of Secrets, Hot Air, Flash Charge

Basic Skills: Sparks, Wagging Tail, Roaring, Pupils, Flash of Light, Strange Light, Flame Vortex, Tooth for Tooth, Ghost Fire, Surprising Strike, Wonderful Strike, Flame Sputtering, Supernatural Power, Mysterious Guardian, Jet Flame, Seal, Large Letter Blast , Resentment, temptation, purgatory, trickery,

Teaching Skills: Iron Tail, Fraud, Sharing Pain, Desire, Resentment, Acting, Snoring, Sharpening, Mind-Hammer

Skill Learner: None

A champion and shining wild Nine Tail, depending on her appearance, the survival time should not be short, maybe even once went to the human world, but it should not have been out recently.

There were not many things going on, so I was still curious in the eyes of Aoki.

Her strength is already stronger than all the spirits of Aoki. Even the scale-tailed armor dragon is not as good as her in terms of level. Of course, if it is a direct battle, the strength of the scale-tailed dragon is slightly stronger.

But even so, this flash of nine tails should be a member of the top-level elves, with great strength.

No wonder the dull king couldn't find out who was the culprit when he entered the mist.

Banguila, they saw such a big reaction when they saw this flash of nine tails.

It's all because this nine-tailed is too strong, this is her territory, and there are no wild elves around to dare to approach it.

Although Nine Tail is a pure fire elf, but because this elf has a certain innate advantage, plus the time of survival is indeed relatively long, so the mental strength is very strong, the ability in terms of super power is not weak, extremely Good at hypnosis and temptation.

Aoki stepped forward and looked directly at Jiuwei's eyes. There was no fear in her eyes and no bad thoughts, but she said aloud, "Nine tails, I know you can understand me. I came here just In order to find a material, it is not offensive. As long as I obtain this material, I will leave on my own without any impact on your life. "

"Woo--" Aoki's voice just dropped, and when Jiuwei, who was exuding grace, suddenly raised his head, screamed softly.

Aoki's face changed slightly when she heard this voice.

In his understanding, such a call is generally a call to a companion. If a Jiuwei with such a strong strength summons a few more, Aoki guarantees that he can't fight it.

But immediately after the end of the nine-tailed shout, the light-colored nine tails at the back end flickered slightly, and the nine purple flames suddenly appeared on her tail.

Flicking towards Aoki, nine groups of ghost fires turned into an arrow, and came straight towards Aoki.

"Flame chicken! Geng ghost! Super evolution!" There is no time to give Aoki too much time to think. Although I do n’t know why Nine tails suddenly launched an attack, it is only her words. Although powerful, it is not enough for Aoki to feel Afraid.

Sandstorms in Bangla are not suitable for use here, they have too much impact on the surrounding environment and may attract more powerful elves.

The most important thing is that the materials needed by Aoki have not yet been collected. He doesn't want this sole place of production, so he is buried under the sand.

The flaming chicken was wrapped in colorful energy, his feet slammed on the ground, and he rushed out towards the nine ghost fires. Geng Gui also appeared in his shadow just after Aoki's voice fell, and he became a super Geng ghost in a blink of an eye. Looks like.

The super-flame chicken's fist is wrapped with golden flames, aimed at the ghost fire rushing at the front, the two fists are folded, and the four-day ribbon on the wrist flutters without wind. When the fist is close to the ghost fire, the ribbon becomes crazy and grows, as if Turned into a flame and wrapped himself all over.

Nine groups of ghost fires hit the flame barrier of the flame chicken one after another, knocking him back step by step.

However, the color of the flame barrier changed from the original red to gold, and finally to the mixed color of red gold, and finally all the nine groups of ghost fires were resisted.

boom! !! !!

The flames of the whole body suddenly burst, revealing the super-flaming chicken with a serious expression inside.

The fire of this kind of ghost fire is not very aggressive, mainly because the additional effect is disgusting, but it still requires him to use all his strength to be able to block it. It can be seen how powerful this flash of nine tails is.

"Scared !!!!"

But Super Flame Chicken didn't mean to have any fear ~ ~ The legs were jumping in place according to a special rhythm, and the sharp eyes under the sharp eyebrows seemed to explain his dissatisfaction.

No more afraid than flames.

On the other hand, Geng Gui who has also completed the super evolution has rushed towards Nine Tail. As the only Elf in Aoki who has reached the championship level and can surpass the plan, the main force against this champion Nine Tail is He, Geng Gui is still very conscious.

Immediately afterwards, Bangila rushed forward, leaving the dull king and Mrs. Huajie to stay beside Aoki as guardians.

However, Aoki thought for a moment that the gap between the elves might be a little big, so he dropped two more elven balls, and the crow's head and Matara also called out.

At present, there is only one flash of nine tails. On the subject of more bullying, Aoki itself is experienced.


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