The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1324: Monster in the mist

Seven days passed in such a flash.

These seven days are not like the seven days of normal training. Although it helps the improvement of the power of the elves, the improvement is not large.

These seven days were spent in high-intensity battles every day, from the beginning of the wonderful frog flower and Lucalio, to the giant monsters, mosquito-repellent frog emperor and dragon king scorpion in the back. in.

Because the strength of the opponent is constantly improving, in order to deal with them, Aoki can only summon different elves to face various enemies.

The improvement and improvement of strength is still very obvious. For example, the level of Lucalio has been increased to 58 and the level of Tyrannosaurus has been increased to 66.

The remaining elves each have different levels of strength improvement.

However, after these seven days, Aoki took them all back, and his position is still very dangerous. Aoki himself needs to ensure his own safety, because not long ago, he had seen a quasi-champion. Elf.

If it wasn't for Geng Gui's quick response, Aoki himself would be in danger.

So after knowing that there is a semi-champion level wild elf activity in this area, Aoki officially ended the training of elf like Tyrannosaurus.

Summoned the elves, such as the idiot king, bangla, flame chicken and lady huajie, and guarded them.

And according to the location estimates, before the night falls tonight, you can reach the place where the material Aoki was looking for.

Walk carefully, not afraid that powerful wild elves will come to fight, but they will no longer proactively challenge the wild elves living here, reducing unnecessary trouble for themselves.

"Should ... that's it." Aoki stood on a tree, looking at a valley between two mountains.

The woods here are dense, and there is not much sunlight all year round. Although it does not look humid, it gives a cold feeling.

Without hesitation, walked straight down with the elves.

That is, in such an environment, it is possible to produce the materials required by Aoki.

But as he kept going down, Aoki found that his vision was getting more and more blurred, and the vision that he could see was getting smaller and smaller.

"Fogging? But it feels moist and even dry in the air." Aoki frowned, perceiving the surrounding conditions, and found no abnormalities.

It's just that when I reached the middle of the mountain, my vision was very blurred, and the visibility range was too small. If a wild elf launched a sneak attack at this time, the effect would be surprisingly good.

The only thing that is more fortunate is the existence of the dull king, and the perception of superpowers is not limited.

But for this situation, Aoki is more careful, because it feels very wrong.

When I looked down on the mountain before, although there was a forest to cover the whole situation in the valley, there was no fog at that time.

And the appearance of these mists did not increase the water vapor in the air, and even a little dryness in the air was even felt.

The most important point is that from the top of the mountain to the middle of the mountain, no wild elves have encountered it.

Although the elf's strength is relatively strong, so the distribution of the elf is relatively scattered, but not even the shadow of an elf can be seen.

Those powerful elves can't see it, but the ordinary elves that are at the bottom of the food chain can't see one, which explains the problem.

The vigilance in his heart was getting heavier, but Aoki accelerated his pace.

Since there is no need to worry about the interference of some wild elves, then you can reach the valley as soon as possible. If it was created by elves, then he will definitely appear at a suitable time. Even better, get what you want and leave quickly.

For these two speculations, the former is obviously more likely.

When Aoki successfully reached the bottom of the valley, he was still unable to see the culprit who created this fog.

It was only when reaching the bottom of the valley that the fog was almost so thick that the fingers could not be seen.

If you fight in this environment, it is not a good thing for the trainer or the elves.

When Aoki was considering whether to let the flame chicken dispel the fog, the dull king finally found the difference.

After advancing a distance in the valley, the fog was slowly dispersing, and in the scattered fog, Aoki saw a very old-fashioned building.

Gray tiles, red brick walls, and classical decoration have a feeling of breaking through the mist and crossing to ancient times.

Seeing this scene, Aoki appeared a few black lines on his forehead.

What is this **** TV episode? Are you making a TV show?

Deep in the interior of Baiyin Mountain, there is such a brand-new classical house in an uninhabited valley of Liao?

At least you need to make this house look a bit old-fashioned and shabby to have a certain degree of credibility, right?

"Come out! Don't make any of these things in the dark. Do you want to come out by yourself? Or wait for me to remove this place before you come out?" Aoki shouted loudly around him.

The appearance of this house is simply the greatest insult to his IQ.

However, the appearance of such a house also illustrates one thing. This elven, this time, is likely to have returned to the human world.

And such a classical house, if you think about it, you know that it is not the house of the current society, which shows that this elf is not young, and may even live for hundreds of years.

If you can live for so long, the strength of the other party must be quite strong.

Suddenly, in Aoki's sight, nine purple flames suddenly appeared in the fog, and these nine flames showed a fan shape, and slowly approached here.

Aoki frowned and looked at the elf, but Bangira, beside him, seemed to feel any threat, and immediately took a defensive posture.

I saw these nine purple flames leap forward and jumped from the mist to the roof.

A pair of flexible and curious eyes appeared in Aoki's eyes ~ ~ Slender body, flexible limbs, supple hair and ... Slim and graceful tail, the previous nine clusters of purple The flame is exactly the flame that emerged from these nine tails.

Aoki looked at the elf's eyes with light.

This elf is the elf who was legendary as a demon fox in ancient times, Nine Tail!

It's just that this nine-tailed tail is different from the nine-tailed tail that Aoki has seen, because the hair of this nine-tailed body is silver-gray, and even a slight fluorescence is emitted in the silver-gray.

This is a flashing nine tail!

And it is most likely a flashing nine tail that has survived for hundreds or even thousands of years!


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