The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1250: Urgent Letter from the Alliance

Based on the principle of seeing no waste, Aoki successfully buckled the blue stones on the statue.

Scanning the chip found that it was indeed one of the fragments of the blue sky slate.

It is a little smaller than the one that was buckled on the seated statue of Lie Kong before, but there are so many blue sky slate in total, which can make Aoki encounter two pieces in a few days, which is considered good luck.

After checking again and not finding anything else, Aoki left contentedly.

Now that we know that this is a space left by the ancients, Aoki no longer thinks about it.

Originally, I thought that some scary beast could be deducted from a certain corner of the space, and there would be a shocking battle.

When I left, I searched the ghost treasures in the dragon tomb again. The biggest gain was that Aoki found a naturally formed cloth in a stone gap.

This thing is very attractive to the ghost spirits, and it can make the night spirits evolve into night spirits after being carried, which is a very rare thing.

Aoki once asked Furong for help. After all, there was a night demon in her main war elf, but she told Aoki that she had no extra cloth for the spirit world, and her night devil evolved with her. Grandparents.

Now it is in this ghostly place where the energy is extremely strong that a piece of spiritual cloth has been found.

Ordinary ghost spirits carry them, which not only helps them sort out the ghost energy in their bodies, but also helps the ghost spirits to better cover their bodies.

For Geng Gui in this state, it is very easy to use.

Aoki gave it to Geng Gui the first time, and let him stay in the shadows to compress the energy in the body and stabilize the foundation.

Walked out of the tomb of the dragon, gathered the elves, summoned Sanato, and teleported multiple times before returning to the valley of the dragon.

It took a lot of time to leave this time, especially in the tomb of the dragon, when the light was not visible, and the time passed without feeling.

It took a lot of time to collect those materials.

Genji saw the appearance of Aoki, and frowned slightly. "After so long, have you entered the dragon tomb?"

Genji feels very keen.

Aoki didn't hide it, nodded slightly, "a little curious, so ..."

"You should also see the legal array inside, haven't you destroyed it?" Genji immediately asked, not paying attention to what Aoki entered.

Aoki immediately shook her head. "No, I just collected a lot of ghost system materials."

When I heard Aoki said no, Genji was obviously relieved, and then patted Aoki's shoulder and said, "I know you should have a lot of doubts when you see the French formation, but I do n’t know very well about some things, That matrix is ​​about all life in the entire space here.

Do you know why this space has existed for so long, and there are so many dragon spirits living in it, has the energy in the entire space not been exhausted? "

"Is it ... because ..." Aoki was a little surprised. It seems that his teacher has done some research.

Genji nodded and said, "That's right, because of that thing, according to my old man, a long time ago, there wasn't a dragon tomb there. Instead, it was more important than the Valley of the Dragon. Guarded there.

But when the first batch of strong men died, and the second batch of strong men replaced and slowly grew old and died, it gradually became a dragon tomb there.

All dragon spirits will guard that place when they die. "

That's it.

Aoki understands what he said.

"You are fine without causing damage.

However, the dragon tomb should also have a guardian. I told you not to go in because I was afraid that you would do research on the legal array. Modify the legal array so that the guardian would appear, and I could not stop it at that time.

Let's go, your crustacean should be almost absorbed, let's go and see him. Genji patted Aoki's shoulder.

Then the two walked towards Longchi in the temple, and Yuanzhi and Aoki told a lot of legends about this space along the way.

Some investigated it out of curiosity, some told him by his old man.


Came to Longchi again.

It was found that the special liquid in Longchi had dropped significantly at this time.

Originally it was just to the eyes of Crustacean, but now it is almost to the bottom of his white bone armor.

"It's a good boy. The potential of this crustacean is very strong!" Genji's eyes flashed with excitement. The crustacean's absorption ability was much stronger than he thought.

The more it is absorbed, the more intense the dragon blood in the body, and the more these fluids are needed to unlock the potential of the blockade.

Perceiving the approach of Aoki and Genji, the closed crustacean slowly opened his eyes. When he looked at Aoki, a flash of confusion flashed in his eyes, as if he had drank a tablet and couldn't remember what happened.

But soon I remembered it.


The limbs moved towards Aoki, and the moving limbs splashed the liquid in shock.

A smile appeared on Aoki's face, watching the crustacean step by step to his side.

He patted the bone armor on his back and praised, "Good job, Crustacean!"

Although I don't know where I did well, obviously Aoki is very happy, so the crustacean and he are very happy.

Because Aoki used the chip to scan the data of the Crustacean, and found that although his qualifications are still blue, he is much stronger than before.

"He just absorbed the dragon's blood and hasn't fully digested it yet, so he needs to calm down and absorb it slowly." Genji said.

Aoki nodded.

They took the elves out of the temple and came to the valley.

Seeing that there are so many crustaceans, baby dragons and tyrannosaurus in the valley, the crustaceans of Aoki are full of light ~ ~ and wonder.

For the first time since his birth, he has seen so many of them.

With Aoki's consent, he kicked his legs and ran towards a group of crustaceans.

After the enlightenment of the scale-tailed ankylosaurus, the crustacean heart knot at this time has been almost completely unlocked. Although the training is still working hard, it does not have the kind of paranoia.

Aoki and Genji smiled at each other, seeing relief from each other's eyes.

Aoki is comforted by the growth of crustaceans, while Genji is comforted by the growth of Aoki.

The two found a place to sit down and let the crustaceans play for a while today. From birth to now, crustaceans have never been so happy.

"Aoki, wait for you to take care of this place instead of me." Genji thought silently.


Ten days passed in a flash.

In addition to the first day of crustaceans and their fellows playing for another day, for the next nine days, the crustaceans lie on one corner obediently, closing their eyes to digest the "dragon blood" absorbed before fusion.

But on this day, the communicators of both Aoki and Genji rang at the same time and received a letter from the alliance.

However, they are in different spaces, so they can also send special messages to their communicators, indicating that the alliance has really encountered a very important thing.

Seeing the two characters on the communicator, Aoki and Genji's expressions were a little ugly.

The short two words have too much meaning.

"reply ASAP!"


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