The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1249: Dragon Tomb Center

The super geng ghost panted, his arms trembling slightly.

Fortunately, it is a super-evolved state, and the energy output is much faster than the normal state, otherwise it is really unsustainable.

Geng Gui's state gradually calmed down, and those dark phantom energy stopped drilling into him.

With a long sigh of relief, Aoki sat on the ground with his buttocks, and Geng Gui also lay on the ground, with super-evolutionary energy on his body, such as pulling silk and removing cocoons, to return to his original state.

At this moment, I don't know how long it has passed. Aoki maintains super evolution and uses super powers to help Geng Gui get rid of distractions, and he will be unable to persist.

Geng Gui also suffered a lot of attacks because of a sudden outbreak, and for a while he was a bit relieved.

Level 77!

Not only did they complete the breakthrough, they also increased their level by three.

If it wasn't for the last restraint, it would be possible to jump to 78 or 79 at once, but this way, Geng Gui's qualification will definitely be downgraded to light blue.

After finally upgrading to blue, downgrading was too hurt.

It is easy to upgrade the level, but difficult to upgrade the qualification!

Although the color is a bit lighter now, after all, it still maintains the blue qualification. As long as the energy cubes of Aoki are eaten for a long time, these can still be added back.

"It seems that for a while, you have to work harder to compress the energy and stabilize the foundation, otherwise the threshold of the championship may become an obstacle in your life." Aoki said to Geng Gui after calming down.

桀桀 ——

Geng Gui nodded, he knew it too.

This time the level has been raised too much at once, it seems that the strength has been improved a lot, but for Geng Gui, the body is a bit indifferent.

Although the impact is not significant, it represents an unstable foundation.

In combat, the slightest deviation of an action and the energy of a skill cannot be controlled, which may represent failure!

In a life-and-death battle, there is no need to say more about what failure means.

Seeing that Geng Gui and Aoki sat down to rest, the other elves secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Aoki stood up and looked at the dragon's tomb, which was originally flat. At this time, it was already a mess, and it was a far cry from the day before.

However, it is also good. With the outbreak of Geng Gui, all the ghost spirits near here were scared away.

At this time, Aoki had the opportunity to take a good look at the superevolutionary stone just obtained.

The transparent stone with red and blue superevolutionary marks in the middle is the superevolutionary stone that you don't have now.

Aoki has some conjectures about this superevolutionary stone, but also needs to wait until the execution of the dragon tomb can be verified.

At this time, there were pots and pans everywhere. The keels, which were at least intact, have now become east and west.

"Sin and guilty," said the mouth, but stood up with the elves and continued to walk inside.

I don't know what is special about this dragon tomb. Not only can it continuously supply energy to Longchi, but it can also create three deformed monsters like Geng Gui.

Coupled with the self-fusion characteristics of the energy of the three Geng ghosts, Aoki was even more curious.

You have already come here, and there is no reason to shrink back.

I don't know if it's because Geng Gui's momentum is strong enough, or because the powerful ghost spirits here are swallowed up by the three Geng ghosts, and no powerful spirits are encountered on the way.

According to time and distance, it should be about to reach the center of the Dragon Tomb.

The ground is gradually flat, or rather flat.

Unlike the previous gravel line, where there are one or two roads, this place is completely flat.

And here, Aoki did not see any keel.

It seems that when all dragon spirits enter the tomb of the dragon, they selectively avoid it.

At first glance, the ground was not completely flat, and there were scattered small gullies of different depths, interspersed and interlaced with each other, drawing a seemingly very complicated pattern.

"Is this ... a special formation?" A conjecture appeared in Aoki's heart, and he felt that Ji was inseparable.

Aoki isn't the first time to see this special thing like a magic circle.

Where sending Shenshan and Geng Gui completed their evolution, sending the two seniors of Shenshan let Geng Gui evolve under a special law formation.

But compared with the one that sent Shenshan, this one here is much more difficult and more complicated.

These special law formations have been completely lost in modern times. Only in ancient times did humans study these things in order to fight against some special forces and groups.

Aoki walked towards the inside, avoiding all the lines and gullies, and touching one casually could cause unimaginable changes to the entire Longshan.

Aoki didn't want the dragon spirits here to be hostile to him.

Genji brought him here, indicating that he wanted to inherit this space as the only communicator with the outside world, so from a subjective point of view, this space can actually be regarded as half of the site of Aoki. Cause irreversible damage.

However, the entire legal array still let the chip scan down and go back to find some ancient books, maybe they could find something.

The ancients are still very powerful. Their special skills are different from those of modern society. Modern society is science, while ancient people are metaphysical. The clay figurines and clay figurines are their metaphysics. The created elves.

Modern science can also create elves in different ways.

The same goes for the mysterious science of the Kingdom of Azot ~ ~.

Just different directions, and the final development and direction are also different.

At the center, the center of the entire circle, Aoki saw what was placed in the middle.

A special statue, like a dragon claw, faces straight up.

The three sharp claws were bent, as if they were holding something, but they were empty at this time.

"It seems that the above things have been taken away, but I don't know what was originally placed.

However, from the perspective of this dragon tomb, this place is likely to be a space for ancient people, just like the Gulado space in Chimney Mountain, but that space was destroyed by Gulado himself, but it is preserved Very good. "

Aoki thought silently, "Maybe here is really the space where the ancient people who worshiped the fierce empty seat lived, so there are so many dragon spirits inside.

There is the shrine in the valley, various sculptures in the shrine, and the vivid seated carvings.

I don't know what happened to those ancient people now. Is it completely extinct? Or left this space and went to live outside? "

None of this can be traced back, and Aoki was reluctant to think more.

But when he moved away from the dragon claw statue, he found something else on the statue.

"Isn't this just a fragment of a blue sky slate." Aoki looked at the blue stone inlaid on the statue, a little surprised.

Has Alzeus lost the blue sky slate since ancient times?


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