The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1215: Dual-core idea!

"There is one more thing that makes me more confused," Aoki said.

Sakagi signaled Aoki directly.

With so many resources, you can change directly if you change, which is not bad.

Sakagi actually sees it very clearly. When Aoki can become the Four Heavenly Kings, unless he reveals himself, neither the league nor the Rockets will have too much restraint on his identity.

But Sakagi believes he can keep Aoki where he is now.

After all, the Fengyuan area is different from the Guandu area where the Rockets are located.

A high-level four-day king level has more things and secrets to contact.

"I don't know if the leader has heard of an organization called Deities." Aoki asked.

Aoki is full of doubts about the origin of this religion and the mysterious identity of its superpowers.

"Godism?" Sakaki sat upright when he heard Aoki's question. "They came to you?"

Aoki froze, then nodded.

It seems that Sakagi really knew this so-called divine religion.

Sakagi's expression was a little serious. "This is a very mysterious organization. It is a party that has recently appeared. I thought they were only active in Kanto and Seongju. I didn't expect it to be in the Fengyuan area, so maybe other areas have theirs. presence."

"This organization is ..."

"I don't know." Sakiki shook his head and put his hands on the table.

"The origin is unknown, the purpose is unknown, the strength is unknown, and even the scope of the activity is unknown. Since you have also encountered people from this force, pay attention to it and report it in time." Sakagi continued.

Aoki nodded, and it seems that more than one person in the Rockets has encountered a god.

How much has been infiltrated by the league and the Rockets?

The Ethereum Foundation has no relationship with this organization.

"The first person they found was Nazi, but she was directly defeated by Nazi with super powers. When she tried to interrogate it, it seemed that she had triggered something, and that person lost her life on the spot."


It is indeed a very powerful superpower, and it is also a goal that goes with the theological purpose.

But presumably those people also underestimated Nazi ’s superpowers. With Nazi ’s superpower strength, it is estimated that they reached the highest level of superpower levels divided by the religion.

"Me too," said Aoki.

"In short, watch out for the people of the gods, they have a big net, and the purpose will not be simple.

You do your own thing first, strive for success once, and become the four kings! "

After Sakagi finished speaking, he hung up the communicator and sat in his chair for a long time without saying a word.

Suddenly, a confident smile appeared on his face, "This world is really more and more interesting, and I am curious who can have such a large amount of energy and such a big game.

God? ... "

Aoki took a long breath and looked at the hung communicator.

Now that the Rockets know about the religion, they don't have to worry about it for the time being.

What kind of enemy is the most terrifying?

Unknown enemy.

Now the league, the Rockets, and even the local forces in other regions will soon know that the gods exist. With multiple precautions, it is not so convenient for the gods to act.

Anyway, the sky fell, and there was a tall man standing.

I don't know how many older guys are hidden in the league.

National treasures such as Dr. Oki who are active outside are really relatively few.

Most of the elderly who reach a certain level, like Master Xiuyuan who deliberately put water to the Bell Tower last time, have a very tough body, and there is no meaning of silence. The other party must have retired and thought about it. Want to live, hide, and wait until the alliance really needs it.

Aoki does not believe that the master of the Bell Tower, Xiuyuan Master who has been the Four Heavenly King for decades, will only have this strength, let alone, it is at least similar to the Orange King.

This is just one, the ghost knows how much is still hidden behind the league.

It's terrifying to think about it.

What's more frightening is that with such a powerful alliance, Sakagi can actually train the Rockets who can swing their wrists with the alliance.

There must be a lot of people inside the Rockets, but Aoki is still out of reach.

After Sakagi's call ended, Aoki began targeted training for the elves.

Fighting with Dawu cannot be sloppy. It is estimated that Dawu is now in the Zvuchi family and is being trained by his uncles, uncles, grandparents and other seniors to give him advice and plan a suitable fighting method and lineup.

Aoki's lineup is almost formed with a dumb king and Geng Gui as the core, this is a single-core lineup.

Or the sandstorm lineup with Bangila as the core, which is also a single-core lineup.

The two single-core lineups are similar in terms of other strengths. It is not too difficult when there is no core lineup, but the best is to hope that the two single-core lineups can be stitched together to form a dual-core lineup. .

Whether it is the fault tolerance rate or the use of combat power, it will be much stronger.

This dual-core model, when Aoki fought against the man in the silver-gray clothes of the god, appeared vaguely, and it could only be regarded as a semi-finished product.

The dual-core lineup, consisting of Super Bangila and the Dummy King, successfully defeated the opponent's single-core lineup with Super Chaneldo as its core.

The semi-finished dual-core lineup can beat a single-core lineup that has a higher average rating than itself. Although it is because Aoki's elves are more skilled, this also shows the strength of the dual-core lineup.

One core dull king interferes with the opponent's core Shanedo, and the other core can play normally.

Of course, this is the initial level of use, and it is also typical of semi-finished products. The two cores are not really related.

But after the battle with the man of the gods ended, Aoki's mind had a certain idea, and plans and ideas.

I hope to fully repair it in this month.

Once there is complementarity, as long as the level strength of the elves rises, even the two predecessors, the four senior kings of Huayue and Boni, have the confidence of a battle.

The first thing to do is to plan what tasks the wizard needs to complete during this time.

Even if it is a month later ~ ~ fighting with Dawu may not have the opportunity to play the elves, but also need to carry out certain training.

After all, it ’s not just fighting with Ogo in the future, is it?

There are still many powerful trainers to face.

There are a lot of divinities in the religion that are not weak or even very strong.

The silence of the lava team and the ocean team also gave the sky team a certain opportunity. After this event is all over, the expansion is certain, and it is estimated that many powerful opponents will be encountered at that time.


Aoki applauded to gather all the elves, ready to tell them the task.


Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! Add more to the rewards of the night **** Hades!

at last! All the big brothers' rewards are over! !! !!

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