The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1214: Sandstorm Legion!

The holy diamond is born.

The Kingdom of the Little Smashing Diamonds ushered in the first year of the founding era, and their first top manager was Aoki Diane.

As long as the holy diamonds are given a certain time, the entire kingdom of small broken diamonds can be formed, and then a continuous stream of diamonds will be used by Aoki.

If it is long enough, there may even be a legion composed of small broken diamonds for Aoki to call.

Aoki knows, however, that the first king of the Guandu area, Tangerine, is best known for her ghost army!

In the battle alone, or even in the full battle of the six elves, Orange's advantage is not great when facing the other Kings.

Of course, Liu Bo just hangs the identity of the Four Heavenly Kings, otherwise the first four Heavenly Kings are still not oranges and it is hard to say.

But Orange's Ghost Legion is a powerful deterrent to the Rockets.

This is why even though the rest of the Heavenly Kings stepped down and replaced, Tangerine sat firmly in his place.

If Aoki can control so many small broken diamonds, plus the grown-up Banguila, to form a sandstorm army, it is estimated that it can also become a major deterrent in Fengyuan areas.

However, more resources need to be invested in this way. After all, it is necessary to ensure that each small broken diamond has a certain strength.

Don't think about it in a short time.

In Aoki's latest plan, he deliberately wants to relocate the entire kingdom of small broken diamonds to his own island.

It's just that the current island is a bit small, and Aoki is looking for opportunities to expand it.

In the past, I was incapable and not strong enough, but now I have the time and ability to try.

In the eyes of the Minister of Drilling, "Along with Reluctance", Aoki returned to the backyard with a little frailty.

Turning Tianxi to Maji Yana's care, Aoki returned to the room again.

The small broken diamond kingdom was established, and he will no longer have to worry about resources.

Back in the room, Aoki took out a hidden communicator from the inside of his clothes.

After laying the superpower barrier, the only communication number inside was dialed.

Every few seconds, the communicator is switched on.

"Boss," Aoki yelled respectfully.

No matter what status Aoki is in now, he has a certain respect for Sakaki's charismatic personality and the outstanding strength of the Flames leader.

This is not just the ability and power to fear him, but also the ability to fear him.

Of all the powerful underground forces in the entire elven world, the only one who can truly admire Aoki is Sakagi, who only expanded the Rockets to such an extent with one hand.

"Aoki, is there anything wrong? Fengyuan area is not very peaceful recently," Sakagi said.

Although the Rockets failed to enter the rich area, the intelligence system was not a problem.

"It wasn't very peaceful, but after yesterday it was almost over." Aoki said.

"Oh? Do you have any help with me?" Banmu laughed.

Aoki grew up as he watched, growing step by step under his attention.

Becoming the youngest senior breeder in the history of the league, Sakagi also knows very well. He is very admired for the talented, understanding and not ambitious Aoki, compared with most of the Rockets Everyone appreciates it.

There are not many people in the Flames team that can communicate with Sakagi. Aoki is now one.

With the current strength of Aoki, among all the cadres in the Rockets, it is already considered to be the best.

Dark and shadow are not necessarily able to take advantage of Aoki's hands.

"There is indeed something that needs the help of the leader," Aoki admitted frankly.

"Tell me about it." Sakagi came to interest.

"A month later, the fourth Heavenly King will be selected in Fengyuan. The final candidate will be decided between me and Zvqi Dawu. I hope to get help from the Rockets." Aoki said again.


Sakaki, who had always been calm, suddenly stood up from his chair.

Four Heavenly Kings!

So far, no one has been able to achieve this level.

Entering the Guandu alliance, the highest position currently is only Aju, Nazi and Ma Zhishi. Although the three are not weak, they have only served as the city's museum owner.

But even the museum owner has brought great benefits to the Rockets. The cities of light red, golden and dead leaves can almost be regarded as one of the Rockets' base camps.

In addition, Banban himself sits in the city of Changpan. Nearly half of the entire Kanto area is under the control of the Rockets.

At present, the closest to the level of the King of Heaven is Aju, but after all, the Guandu area has a large number of talents, and it is not easy to become a four-king.

Opportunities in Fengyuan are relatively greater.

If Atsu and Aoki fight, Aoki may not be able to win.

The whole battle can be almost five or five, but the battle of life and death in the wild may only be seven or three, Azu seven, Aoki three.

If it was before, Aoki became the four kings of Fengyuan, the Rockets would definitely be able to enter Fengyuan.

But not now.

First of all, the Rockets have contracted, and the resources expended again are quite horrible.

The second is that the Fengyuan League is now extremely exclusive. The Hunter Guild has been driven out twice by the dog-milling dogs. Even the oldest member of their highest meeting, Yang Lao, has been caught by the Fengyuan League. Entering Fengyuan will definitely suffer a crazy counterattack.

But still to say, the birth of the Rockets' first four Heavenly Kings is of great significance!

Sakagi, who had slowed down, sat back in his chair, and his psychological qualities all fluctuated violently. This shows how much this incident has affected him and the Rockets.

"Very good!" Said Sakaki Shensheng. "What help do you need from the Rockets? Except for the assassination of your competitors, the Zvitch family, everything else can support you unconditionally!"

At this critical moment, Sakagi also understood the importance of this month.

Open the door of convenience. The goal is to enable Aoki to defeat each other and complete the four kings challenge.

As for the assassination of Dawu, Aoki never thought about it. The two are only playing on a level playing field. It is impossible to achieve this level, and the Rockets cannot.

Even if he didn't become the Four Heavenly King this time, it will definitely be his next time, as will Dao, so the two of them are not too eager.

Aoki just hopes to pass this matter to give himself some benefits and also make the Rockets pay more attention.

Now that the Rockets are shrinking, Aoki is sure that even if he becomes the Four Heavenly Kings, the Rockets have no intention or ability to expand for the time being, so they did not conceal this matter with Sakagi.

"I hope ..." Aoki said the names of a bunch of special resources.

There are also some data materials ~ ~ and several special human skin masks.

"I can exchange a few senior King-level elves in exchange. Although the price may be a bit off, it should not be much different."

It is troublesome for Aoki to get these resources.

For the huge Rockets, although it is also troublesome, it is much simpler than Aoki or Sky.

"Okay! Let me make it up this afternoon!" Sakigi waved his hand and agreed directly.

This is the charm of Sakagi's personality.

The resources that can be exchanged by several senior Tianwang-level elves are such a huge amount of resources, and none of the items named by Aoki is easy to handle.

The sky teams get everything together and the Rockets do it.


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