The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1176: Chicken

The appearance of Aoki gave the two teams a sunny day after the rain and finally saw the joy of the rainbow.

"Ms. Huajie, grass! Green grass field, heal them." Aoki said to Mrs. Huajie.

Nodded towards the two captains' approval.

Being able to persist for five minutes under the attack of two Tianwang-level trainers, or being attacked, the league elite deserves this title!

Seeing the arrival of Aoki and the grass field on the ground, the three players who were still awake, but exhausted, collapsed to the ground.

After receiving treatment from Mrs. Huajie, some of the more obvious injuries on her body quickly recovered.

"Call your elves back, Mrs. Huajie will give them emergency treatment." Aoki spoke slowly and walked to them.

The captains' expressions were also a little excited.

One of the captains said, "Master Aoki, there are many of them. Let us help you."

Shouting at an adult who was significantly smaller than himself, they didn't feel anything unacceptable.

Instead, it was very smooth.

The appearance of Aoki, they are almost safe today.

Hearing his words, Aoki shook his head.

A glance at the injuries on them, as well as their elves who suffered different injuries.

"Now! Immediately! Immediately! Take your elf for treatment, here I take over, this is an order!" Aoki looked serious and his words were very tough.

But the two captains loved this command.

Regardless of his injuries, he immediately saluted and shouted in unison, "Yes!"

So they commanded their elf, and they limped and limped to each other and sat down on the grass field.

The number of elves has increased. For Mrs. Huajie, there is not much pressure. With both hands waving, the green and clear energy on the grassy field appears faster.

Blended into the wounds on trainers and elves, helping them recover quickly.

The appearance of Aoki made members of the Lava Team and the Ocean Team a little dare to act lightly for a while.

They were staring at them because of Bangila.

As long as they dare to take any action, they will definitely attack directly.

Aoki comforted several people and came to the elves.

Looking not far away, the eight members of the Lava team and the Ocean team.

Two squads.

Did they join forces?

"You're Aoki ?!" shouted Mike Lair, Captain of the Lava.

Aoki frowned, "What? You still know me?"

Hearing Aoki's acknowledgement of his identity, whether it was a member of the Lava Team or the Ocean Team, the original vigilance disappeared and it turned into crazy greed.

Captain Kevin of the Ocean Team put out his tongue and gently licked some dry lips, grinning and said, "It's really you, your head value is not low."

The return of Quan and Huocun last time told about the role played by Aoki in it, and the alliance has always promoted, the rich twins, Chiyanmatsu and Shuiwutong did not despise him.

And a reward is given, and anyone who can win the head of Aoki can get a huge reward.

This kind of reward, even McLee and Kevin trainers, are very excited.

After hearing that, Aoki laughed and pointed at his head, saying, "I have the ability here, so let's take a look."

After speaking, changing face is faster than flipping through the book, and the expression is instantly cold.

Even if there were two trainers on the opposite side and six trainers between the level of the quasi-king and the elves, it did not affect Aoki.

Two people who aren't even formal kings.

Poacher dog.

"Bangila, raise the dust!"

Aoki said to Bangila.


Hearing that, Bangila, who had been suppressing her characteristics, immediately let go of control.

It's underground, with rubble and dirt everywhere.

Under Bangira's control, sand was drilled from the cracks in the gravel and from the dirt.

It was almost a blink of an eye, and Huang Sha permeated the entire tunnel. Only the place where Madam Hua Jie was behind was avoided.

Boscodora and the monster monster were not affected by the sand.

The armor of the Dragon King Scorpion was very hard. Even if Huang Sha swept the body, he did not cause much damage to him.

The blazing flames were rising from the flaming chicken, and a layer of golden flames wrapped him. Before the sand was close to him, he first experienced the bake of the flames and then hit him. The damage he could do was not great. .

Under the active control of Bangla, the yellow sand is getting bigger and bigger, so that several members of the lava team and the ocean team can hardly see Aoki not far away, and can only see a few vague figures.

The elf of the two captains were okay. Although the sand was very painful to beat on the body, they were still able to persist, but those players did not have this strength.

For them, the wild sands of Bangila are like a big wave of sand, sweeping away the weak and leaving the strong.

The original quantity advantage suddenly disappeared.

Aoki's eyes exude a faint blue halo, and superpower perception and ECG sensing are turned on at the same time.

The sandstorm did not affect him ~ ~ commanded the operation by means of electrocardiogram induction.

After the mad sand was completely up, Bangila and Boscodora rushed into the sand together.

Bang bang

The loud footsteps were accompanied by the sound of a fist colliding with a bone.

In this environment, it is the home of Bangila and Bosco Doral.

Under the command of Aoki, the two elves had different energy fluctuations on their fists.

Shoot against those weak elves first.

Almost always one punch, without exception, not many elves can bear Bangira's punch.

There are giant marsh monsters and flame chickens, too.

With their current strength, the opposite is not a hierarchy at all.

The Dragon King Scorpion drilled directly into the ground and shot at the elves from below.

It was a one-sided battle.

"Gather up! Give me all together! Don't be crushed one by one! 噗 呸! 呸! 呸!" McLay, who responded, shouted at this moment.

It was only a moment before his mouth opened, and his mouth was filled with a lot of yellow sand.

The overwhelmed Lava team members and the Ocean team members approached the two captains.

Only after this approach, it was discovered that eight people and nearly fifty elves lost more than half!

Except for the two captain's elves, which are still intact, the elves of the others have been defeated seven or eighty-eight.

McCley and Kevin looked very ugly.

Doesn't that mean that Aoki's strength is not strong?

Doesn't it mean that he is a breeder and he is not capable of fighting?

Fuck him!

McCree and Kevin spun through their heads, wondering how they could fight back.

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