The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1175: Aoki Adult

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A few days later, in the Alliance camp inside Meteor Falls.

There are only Genji, Boni, Qianli, as well as Aoki, Ogo, Furong, Mikkeli, and another Alliance King, a total of eight Kings with a strength of or above.

Genji convened a few people for a simple meeting.

It was agreed that it could not be dragged on any longer.

Otherwise, it will not only give the Lava team and the Ocean team more time to find things, but also give the hunter guilds more opportunities outside.

Silent for such a long time, the Hunters' Guild, which has always made money and neutrality as the first element, has brought many people's subjective consciousness of inaction.

When they really worked, they found that their strength was terrible.

It is estimated that the current Rockets will not have 100% trust in the Hunters Guild.

Settle the matter here as soon as possible to resolve the Hunter Guild.

As a result, the missions of the Alliance began to become more radical, and more and more missions to gather intelligence were also made.

Today is the fourth day of the alliance's entry into the meteor waterfall. Aoki took the elves alone to go deep.

Complete a distance of intelligence gathering, and clean up wild elves.

Because the cleanup task has been going on for some time now, it needs to go deep to a certain degree before it is possible to encounter wild elves again.

And these wild elves are a bit high.

It may be a difficult task for others, but it is not difficult for Aoki.

"Crusted Dragon, Dragon Wave!"

"Spurs, saltwater!"

Aoki these days are mainly training crustaceans and sea spinosaurus.

The growth speed of the two elves is also fast.

The crustaceans have the help of the scale-tailed ankylosaurus, so the time to accumulate power passes quickly, which is faster than the energy accumulation of Shakira.

The sea thorn dragon, after the evolution of the Mohair, finally showed a certain combat effectiveness.

The running-in degree with Aoki is also getting higher and higher.

Wait a while, you may choose to let him complete the evolution.


Just after the crustaceans and sea spinosaurus defeated the rumbling rocks encountered in several tunnels, they suddenly heard a huge roar, and the ground trembled slightly with it.

Some falling stones above the tunnel were blocked by Aoki's own superpowers.


It stands to reason that at this depth, members of the lava team and the ocean team should not be encountered, and there will be no wildly powerful elves of special strength.

Extend superpowers.

Look for sources of vibration.

Put away the crustaceans and sea spinosaurus, summoned the dragon king scorpion, and directed him to rush to the tunnel in the direction of vibration.

Not too far from what you are searching for.

According to the scope of the task, there should also be several league teams around here.

Aoki controlled the Dragon King Scorpion to go all out. He had a map of his surroundings, and knew how to pass.

Five minutes later, when Aoki arrived not far from the source of the shock, the superpower perception spread, and it was found that it was indeed caused by members of the alliance.

But they are not active, but passive.

The two league teams, a total of eight members, two quasi-heaven-level trainers, and six elite-level trainers, suffered ambush attacks from the Lava and Ocean teams.

The alliance teams that can perform tasks in this depth are all elites.

Staffing is much stronger.

Unlike ordinary Alliance trainers, those who grew up in the greenhouse, these people are standing forces of the Alliance and often perform some dangerous tasks.

Compared with ordinary underground cadres like the Rockets, their combat literacy is not inferior.

At this time, debris was everywhere in the tunnel, and it clearly showed an explosive state. It was obviously in an ambush and was suddenly attacked by a buried bomb.

That's why the roar heard by Aoki.

But the status of these eight members is not very good.

Three members were completely unconscious, and with the support of the other three members, they slowly retreated.

There were a few elves lying on the ground, and it was not known whether they had lost combat ability or had lost their lives.

The captains had blood on their faces.

Still commanding his own elf, resisting the opponent's attack and slowly backing away.

The other members, while supporting the unconscious members, were also directing the elves to fight.

Because now they are facing a total of eight members of the lava team and the ocean team.

The same is the squad mode.

It's just that their captain is not a quasi-king trainer, but a king-level trainer.

All players are hovering at the level of Zhun Tianwang, and their overall strength is much stronger than the league.

In addition, there are bomb ambushes, plus sneak attacks, the gap in strength is even more obvious.

But the league players are able to persevere.

It can be seen that their combat literacy has not been said.

But in five minutes, they were almost at their limit, and all the elves were seriously injured.

"Captain, let's get rid of them as soon as possible. It wouldn't be good if someone came over again." This is, a female member of the Ocean Team said to his captain.

The captain also felt very reasonable.

Things can't be delayed, it is best to end as soon as possible.

"Captain McLee, let's get them resolved quickly, but there will be more trouble later." The captain of the Ocean team suggested to the captain of the Lava team.

But the leader of the Lava team smiled. "Captain Kevin need not worry. The leader asked us to clean up these league investigation teams here. The purpose is to prevent the hands of the league from reaching too long. I guess the people in this area are almost of this strength. .

Just can attract a few more teams to come over and hit it all!

Also elite members of the league, I am! "

Having said that, he also spit at the members of the alliance at this time.

"Hahaha! Yes! Captain McLeay is right! Let these league members dare to be so arrogant, give them some color to see."

"Yes! Haha! Give them some color!"


Lava team members echoed, making McCleary's arrogance even more unscrupulous.

Gave Kevin a look, meaning

Are you afraid?

Captain Kevin of the Oceans frowned and didn't say much.

I have to admit that McCley's words are a bit reasonable, and he is just cautious.

At this time, you can't humiliate the Marines, which makes him feel timid.

But it still accelerated the speed of commanding operations.

The two league captains are hard to resist.

Everything is presented in Aoki's perception of superpowers.

Suddenly his face went down.

boom! !! !!

Under the command of Aoki, the Dragon King Scorpion directly blasted the rock wall between the two tunnels.

"Who!" McCley and Kevin were immediately attracted.

I saw a piece of dust on the original hard rock wall, and a figure could be seen dimly.

A cold voice came out of the hole, "Bullying and bullying, let me see what you are capable of!"

After that ~ ~ Aoki standing on the back of Dragon King Scorpion threw out a few elven balls.



"Chamo !!!"

"Scared !!!!!!"


There are six elves, including Bangui La, Bosco Dora, Golem, Flaming Chicken, Madam Huajie, and Dragon King Scorpion under Aoki's feet.

"Master Aoki!"

"Master Aoki!"

"grown ups"

After seeing who got out of the dust, the two captains and several members of the league who were not in a coma suddenly became very happy.

Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! Add 5/10 to the rewards of the jokez boss!

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