The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1098: Mania rides Radina

The battle between the King of the Phoenix and the ride of Radina became more and more fierce.

The alien space outside the space is completely chaotic.

Aoki and Shuijun greeted each other and didn't know what to say. To ease the embarrassment, both sides remained silent.

We hope to repair these holes as soon as possible.

Prevent the space energy from the random space from destroying the entire space.

Only the last time was left, but it couldn't be repaired.

The aftermath of the battle between the King of the Phoenix and the riding of Radina continues to impact the space wall here, leaving the entire space wall in an infinite cycle of destruction and repair.

In addition, when riding Radina to disperse the space before, it seemed that some special energy was injected into the space wall, so that the repair rate of the space wall was not known how many times slower.

On the control of space energy alone, riding Radina is far stronger than the Phoenix King.

Aoki stopped repairing, knowing that the battle between the king of the phoenix and riding Radina is not over, so there is no need to repair it.

Three elves, Lei Gong, Yan Di and Shui Jun, blocked the gap in the space to prevent the turbulent flow of space.

Aoki hovered behind them, sitting on a sand chair, her feet were not fully recovered.

Watching the battle of Feng King and riding Radina.

I have never seen a battle of this level. If it is in this space, it is estimated that this space is fragmented.

No wonder in the elven world, such an outrageous first-level **** rarely fights with each other.

Even if the space of the elven world is stable, they can't stand up to them.

And Alzace will prevent this kind of battle.

Slowly, they found that they were unable to control each other. Feng Wang slowly slowed down the pace, and Riding Dina felt a bit boring and stopped the attack.

According to what he said, he actually walked out, and then saw a few unknown totems in different spaces.

For fun, I started to chase the unknown totem, otherwise, with the ability to ride Radina, even if the unknown totem is mysterious, how can he escape from his hand?

Then, at this time, Aoki ripped a crack in space, and the unknown totems were called and came to Aoki's hand.

And riding Radina with curiosity, also squeezed into the space.

The moment he entered, he felt his own breath from Aoki.

Before he could think too much, the King of Feng appeared.

As the existence of a first-class god, of course, Pluto Dragon Riding Dina will not appear weak.

Even if he was the one who broke in, he was righteous.

The elven world is all you want to go, why can't you go to your Phoenix King's house?

But Riding Dina quickly found the source of the breath on Aoki, an elf hiding in his shadow.

Geng Gui.

Before having enough time to check, he was interrupted again by Feng Wang.

Uncle can bear it, can't bear it!

Talk about it!

The King of Feng dare to threaten himself, even more so.

Just hitting the end, it's really boring. Feng Wang's self-recovery ability is too strong. Even if he was injured, he recovered within a few seconds.

Boring ...

"Ride Radina, now! Leave here! I can think of nothing as having happened!" Feng Wang said coldly, looking at Riding Radina.

Qi Radina pinched his lips without any expression.

Looking at the hole in that space, it seems that he can pass through the barriers of space, through the three beasts, and see the green wood behind them.

Or the ghost in the shadow of Aoki.

"I'm going in." Cyratina said lightly.

The calm appearance made Feng Wang unable to make fire.

This lunatic!

Every time I saw him, he looked light and light, and there was no wave when he talked. He had just fought one, but this guy didn't seem to have happened at all.

The tone of speech is also very calm.

"No!" Feng Wang refused.

I'll let you in again, and it's estimated that the home that I managed to maintain is really going to fall apart.

"I'm going in." Ridina repeated.

Just as the flames on the Phoenix King were about to rise again, Qi Ladina spoke again.

"Don't let me in, I'll go to the elven world and start cooking with your three little pets!" Then he glanced at the Three God Beasts who were watching around at the breach.

Suddenly, the three beasts felt that they were being followed by some savage beasts, and their goosebumps were all up.

The King of Phoenix looked stunned and looked at Ridena.

How come such a lunatic?


The two elves looked at each other like this, and Feng Wang's eyes were angry, but Ridena was completely calm.

Looking at each other for ten seconds, the king of Feng defeated.

It's possible that this lunatic can do it. Alzeus can't do anything about him, at most it is exiled to destroy the world.

But this **** directly took the destruction of the world as his own home and came and went freely.

It was sealed for several years and came out soon.

"No damage is allowed." Feng Wang finally compromised.

He guessed why Ridena must go in, but he started to save Geng Gui, which represented his position.

Qi Radina was silent for three seconds and nodded slowly.

Aoki stood next to the gap in the space and watched the King Feng talk to Qi Latina, who was too far away. He didn't know what the two elves were talking about.

I just felt that the three beasts around me suddenly tightened my body.

Seems to be frightened.

"I'm going! How come!" Aoki said subconsciously.

Then he quickly retreated with the dumb king.

Standing with his elf.

Qi Ladina and Feng Wang have come in together.

This time, riding Radina fully converged his breath, without any impact on this space.

Qi Ladina looked at Aoki and Geng Gui beside him for the first time.

The black light in the eyes flashed slightly, fixing them.

Aoki's super powers can't play any role.

Slowly floated in front of Qi Latina and Feng Wang.

In front of the two elves, Aoki's figure seemed a little petite.

There is Geng Gui beside Aoki. As for the other elves, they are completely rigid and cannot move.

"Don't worry." Feng Feng's voice sounded in Aoki and Geng Gui's mind.

Aoki was relieved when he heard the words of King Feng.

I thought that the King of Feng would go all out and give up himself to keep this space.

Ridina glanced at Aoki and Geng Gui.

"This little guy has my breath and some of my energy that has been absorbed. Where does it come from?" Qi Latina asked lightly.

Aoki had scolded Furong's grandparents for a long time ~ ~ It was miserable.

Even if you really want to use this thing, let me know!

Be prepared in advance!

Otherwise, if you look at such a sudden situation, your heart is still throbbing and scaring people.

"I found it from the mountain." Aoki said obediently.

"Send to God Mountain ... is that guy? Che, it really takes a lot of effort, but it doesn't matter ..." Qi Latina thought to himself, and said to himself.

Then, a mass of gray-black energy burst out from him, and quickly merged into Geng's body, even the King of Feng did not respond.


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