The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1097: Riding Rina VS Phoenix King

"Feng Wang, have you ever done it with me?"

Qi Ladina shifted her gaze to Feng Wang.

The momentum of the body gradually became stronger, the space around him became extremely unstable, and a large number of black cracks appeared around it. It seemed that a completely different world could be seen through the cracks.

Feng Wang's expression became serious.

"You give it a try! As long as you fight with me here, I will intervene in whatever you do in the future! If you want the elven world, I will always stand on your opposite side!" Feng Wang also did not mean to shrink back, Facing Radena.

At the same time, three phantoms appeared on the edge of the top of the mountain below Phoenix King. Through the phantoms, three red, blue and yellow figures can be seen.

This should be the Lei Gong, Emperor Yan, and Shui Jun created by the King of Feng.

Noticing these three ghost images, Qi Latina sneered dismissively, but the threat to the Phoenix King made him a little awkward.

The elven world has always been his goal, but with the presence of Alzius, he couldn't even dare to start.

Can only make some arrangements in the dark, but with little effect.

If the Phoenix King also got involved in his own affairs, then there would be no hope.

But he was afraid to take action only after being threatened by Feng Wang.

Then it's not called Riding Dina!

Be crazy and even be afraid of yourself!


"Try it!"

Really did not play cards according to common sense.

Fanned in the air a wing-like ghost ribbon on his back, and rushed directly towards the King of Phoenix.

戾 ——

The voice of the King of Feng has changed, and a long rumbling sound, the whole body is surrounded by the golden luster, looks very sacred.

boom! !! !!

The two elves collided directly in the air.

The space in the air shattered instantly, and the alien space outside could be clearly seen.

A huge hole appeared in the sky!

The elves around Aoki looked at the damage caused by the collision between the two elves above.

This is a force they cannot compete with now.

No resistance at all.

Even the scale-tailed armor dragon was shocked at this time.

He thought he was strong enough, but the battle between the King of the Phoenix and the ride of Radina made him understand what Tianyouyoutian is.

Such strength is really exciting.

At the same time, while the King of the Phoenix and Qi Radina collided in the air, the three phantoms on the top of the mountain instantly formed.

Apparently, the King of the Phoenix summoned them. At first it might just be a deterrence, but it didn't mean to summon it completely, but now that the battle has begun, so much can be ignored.

Lei Gong, Yandi, Shuijun!

Did not intervene in the battle of Feng Wang.

Instead, it appeared beside the broken space, and crazy repaired the damage caused by the broken space.

Their strength can not be involved in the battle between Feng Wang and Qi Ladina. The Feng Wang summoned them out, but they did not want to cause more than half of the elves in the space to die because of their fighting.

Huh! !! !!

The King of Phoenix once again screamed fiercely, riding his radina directly with his wings, to blast him out of the broken space.

"To fight! Go outside to fight!" Feng Wang was also angry.

In addition to the golden luster of the whole body, it is covered with a layer of golden flame.

This flame looks similar to the highest temperature flame that can be used by a flaming chicken, but only the parties know how much difference there is.

The flaming chicken next to Aoki looked at the flame on Feng Wang's body, and he was astounded.

Qi Ladina was unwilling, but was finally forced out by Feng Wang.

After seeing these two elves enter different spaces, Aoki also used super powers to control himself, and repaired the broken spaces with the dull king.

Today's events are inseparable from myself.

From the perspective of Feng King's rescue of Geng Gui just now, at least it is relatively easy to speak. How to say that Feng Wang is also an orderly party, and there is a possibility of communication.

If you help to restore the space yourself, will you wait for the bad face?

Aoki suspended in midair.

The dumb king's ability to move instantly is better than Aoki, but if you really want to say who has a higher proportion of space energy in the superpower, it must be Aoki.

Therefore, there is no meaning to separate one person and one elven. The dull king continuously injects his superpowers into Aoki's body, and then Aoki controls the superpowers to repair the space.

This is the most practical and useful function that super ability can achieve after breaking through to the advanced level.

Be able to communicate with your own superpowers, and communicate with each other.

The primary superpowers and intermediate superpowers cannot, because their own superpowers are relatively weak, and they cannot adapt to foreign superpowers.

At most, they can only inject their superpowers into their superpowers, but their amount is too small for the superpowers to be effective.

Only when they reach the level of advanced superpowers can they communicate with each other.

So this is where Nazzi is really scary.

Fight against Naz's elf. In many cases, she is not only facing an elf, but her combination with that super-powered elf.

So Daowang can inject his superpower into Aoki's body, but the speed of this injection is slower.

After all, Aoki's super powers are like a gap between the sea and the small lake.

While Aoki was repairing the space, he observed the battle between the Phoenix King and Ridena outside the different space.

Strength reaches their level, and skills are generally not used much, because all skills have been integrated into every moment of the body's actions.

It may be taken too seriously, Aoki did not notice that the space he was repairing and the space that an elf was repairing were getting closer and closer.

It wasn't until Aoki and him were less than one meter away that Aoki discovered his existence.

A blue jewel-like headdress with white wind-like ribbons around the body, with blue and white patterns on the body, reflecting the image of water and wind.

Incarnation of Beifeng, Shuijun!

Suijun's red eyes looked curiously at Aoki.

As the ambassador of the Phoenix King in the elven world, he has seen many people.

But this is the first time I have seen a human who can use such super powers, and also be able to repair space.

Looking at Shuijun's pure and flawless body ~ ~ Aoki showed an awkward yet polite smile.

Otherwise, first impressions are important.

Shuijun yelled, nodded slightly to Aoki, and remembered the human breath and appearance in his mind.

A strange human.

He actually has the breath of more than one beast.

Lokia, Shelby, dreamy ... and a faint hint of darkness, and even a little bit of the spirit of life, is really a strange human being.

Who actually came into contact with so many beasts?

The curiosity in Shuijun's heart grew stronger.


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