The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1006: Grilled Scorpion

No wonder the wonderful frog flower before can be so arrogant.

It turned out to have two such strong and solid backings.

It's no wonder that these wonderful frog seeds and wonderful frog grasses can find food at such a leisurely pace.

Even in this mysterious space, the level of the wild elves is very high, but the two elf-level elves are definitely the hegemons.

But thinking of this, Aoki frowned slightly.

"In a forest like this, it shouldn't be so easy to cultivate two King-level elves ..." Aoki thought of this.

If a trainer owns two King-level elves, there is nothing to be surprised about. After all, trainers can find resources for their elves everywhere.

In other words, only one of the wild elves has reached the level of Heavenly King, and Aoki can understand it.

Some talents are excellent, coupled with a long period of time to accumulate energy, and if they happen to encounter some opportunities, they can indeed reach the level of Heavenly King.

But there are two Uranus-level wild elves at once, and the probability is really low.

Not to mention that these two elves seem to be partners with each other, this possibility is even lower.

And the overall shape of these wonderful frog flowers is also a bit exaggerated.

I will not talk about the wonderful frog flower that I encountered before. At this time, the two frog flowers are even larger.

Occasionally an elf of an unusual size appears in a group, which is relatively normal, but two of them appear at once, and they are both partners, and both reach the rank of Heavenly King, the probability is almost negligible.

So Aoki finally came to a conclusion.

There are some strange things in this wonderful frog flower group.

It may be a heavenly treasure, or it may be some mysterious energy source. In short, this wonderful frog flower group is not simple.

At the same time, Aoki must solve these two wonderful frog flowers.

However, this is exactly what Aoki wanted.

If these two wonderful frog flowers can be conquered, the island of Aoki will really have two guardian gods, and it is still a kind of powerful elf different from ordinary wonderful frog flowers.

Not only can it help Aoki make the island more perfect, but it can also allow the elves on the island to act according to the rules set by Aoki.

Occasionally, some wild elves who rushed into the island and even some humans accidentally entered, so there is no need to worry.

The safety factor for the entire island will rise linearly.

In addition, the qualifications of these two wonderful frog flowers are also quite outstanding, and the next generation cultivated is definitely not said.

If added with Aoki's human intervention, it may be able to produce the wonderful frog seeds efficiently and stably.

In this way, Aoki can save a lot of time for pre-cultivation, and the wonderful frog seeds produced can improve the island even if they are not sold.

Both wonderful frog flowers have grass field skills, so there is a high probability that their offspring can inherit these two skills.

The perfect puzzle for Aoki Kojima!

However, it seems that the temperament of the two wonderful frogs is not very good.

They may not impress them well enough.

But it doesn't matter, as long as they can be subdued, there are ways to adjust them.

Aoki said to the Dragon King Scorpion under his feet, "It looks like the battle you have been waiting for a long time appears."

After that, Aoki jumped directly from the back of Dragon King Scorpion.

The dragon king scorpion was excited, and the long-awaited battle finally came.

Both Boscodora and Flaming Chicken were also a little excited, but at this time they were not the opponent of these two wonderful frog flowers.

However, we still have to say that after defeating the wonderful frog flower just now, Boscodora's level reached 51, and the flame chicken's level also improved by 1 level to 53.

After all, they belonged to them the most battles.

Obviously, it is impossible for a dragon scorpion to face an elf with two wonderful frog flowers.

Even if Aoki's command ability is strong, if the gap in strength is too obvious, there is no room for manipulation.

Subsequently, Aoki threw two elven balls, and the dull king and Mrs. Huajie appeared.

At the same time, Geng Gui, who had been in the shadow of Aoki, appeared very consciously beside Aoki.

To bully less.

Not afraid.

Originally, Aoki wanted to summon the crow's head and Madara. After all, these two elves had some advantages in attributes.

But I gave up after thinking a little.

One reason is that it is not safe. More people still feel that if they rely on the number of elves to win, it will be difficult to win over two wonderful frogs later.

"King dunce, trick!"

"Dragon King Scorpion, grinding claws!"

"Geng Gui, the character of playing Dragon King Scorpion!"

"Ms. Huajie, lucky spell!"

Aoki calmly gave orders to the elves.

It was just that his voice had just fallen, but there were two very strong rays of light coming from the opposite side towards Aoki!

Uranus-level sun beam!

The dull king appeared immediately beside Aoki, then took Aoki to use it again and moved instantly, disappeared in place, and avoided the skills.

Aoki's eyes flickered.

I just saw the sudden attack, and used the heart inductor in time to command the elves.

As for Geng Gui, it is directly integrated into the ground.

And Mrs. Hua Jie transformed her attributes into a grass system, and used flowers to defend her for the next attack.

On the other side, the Dragon King Scorpion did not dodge or defend.

The best defense is offense!

Double pliers and tail, three limbs used together to forcibly withstand one of the beams.

It was only after the end of the sun beam that the dragon king scorpion's double tongs and tail brought out a hint of smoke, and at the same time, the original light purple carapace was slightly ruddy.

Too much!

Actually want to roast scorpions!

With a look of anger, the Dragon King Scorpion had no time to distress his pliers and tail ~ ~ Moving four legs just rushed towards two wonderful frog flowers.

One to two, without shaking.

When the Dragon King Scorpion rushed up, the superpower of the Dao King also wrapped him up, speeding up his impact speed.

This is a new fighting method that Aoki added to the training training for them during this time.

The idiot king changed his fighting style to increase the elves' ability to move and explode, and then his own output.

A little bit will turn your own advantages into the advantages of the entire team.

In this way, the dull king has become an elf with its own system, and can also be integrated into the two teams prepared by Aoki.

With the advantages of Uehara's original rain team or sandstorm team, this advantage can be further expanded.

Mrs. Huajie did not receive much damage after attacking with flowers.

Waving his hands, he put a thin colored coat on the dragon king scorpion.


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Dark Rise of the Elves

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