The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1005: Mighty Frog

Facing the powerful whipping of the wonderful frog flower, the flame chicken did not have the slightest intention to dodge.

Once in the challenge to the Daoguan, fighting the goat of Fuye's mount, the flame chicken also faced this situation.

But at this time the strength of the opponent is different, and the power of the skills is also different.

The Flaming Chicken didn't face it as it did with the mount goat, but a cow body, and actually ran directly along the rattan whip and accelerated towards the wonderful frog flower.

Flames began to blow from every corner of the body.

Knowing to wrap the whole body.

Flash Flame Charge!

Finally, he rolled again in the air and jumped directly to the back of Miao Frog.


Facing the fast-moving flaming chicken, Miao Frog spent the complete attack without any chance of dodging.

The double restraint of the fire attributes, coupled with the super explosive power of Flash Flame Charge, Miao Frog almost couldn't bear it.

That is to say, the wonderful frog flower originally had relatively good physical fitness and relatively sufficient physical strength, so it did not directly lose its combat ability.

But the attack will obviously not end there.

Bosco Dora, who was the first to run, had already ran to Miao Frog.

Attacks followed!

The huge frog is in front of Super Boscodora, but it doesn't have any body advantages.

Boscodora's original metallic claws shone sharper.

Metal claws!

Crossed, waving directly to the face of Miao Frog.


The sharp metal claws caused great damage directly to the face of Miao Frog.

But this is just the beginning.

Boscodora turned directly.

As he turned his body, a sturdy tail wrapped in a metal armor, also with a shimmering luster, beat him **** the wonderful frog flower.

嘭 ——

The huge body of the wonderful frog flower was actually pumped directly, which shows how powerful Boscodora is.

Boscodora also learned some power-using skills with the Flaming Chicken.

When the body rotates, the tail uses the inertia, and the power of the thump will be more powerful.

You can see the effect brought about by the use of this force from the toss-type elves of the wonderful frog flower that can be directly bombarded in the iron tail of Boscodora.

The wonderful frog flower was directly bombarded by the tree.

But the wonderful frog flower still did not lose the ability to fight.

Aoki was surprised by the strength of this wonderful frog flower.

Such a strong anti-beating ability?

"Give him a final blow, Fire Chicken uses Fire Fist!" Aoki said.

The final outcome will not change.

While the Flamingo was running, the forceful feet lifted the dirt on the ground.

The two ribbons on the wrist were directly wrapped around the Flaming Chicken's hand and turned into a fist with a golden flame.

Extremely high temperature flame punch.

Huh! !!

Smashed on the wonderful frog flower that has not yet landed.


The wonderful frog flower remained in place without any change, but the big tree behind him exploded directly.

Into ashes.

The wonderful frog flower also fell to the ground and lost its fighting ability.

A little more than a minute has passed since the beginning of the battle.

The wonderful frog flower even used the sunbeam skill only once, and lost the combat ability directly under the coordinated attack of the flaming chicken and Boscodora.

The colorful lights flashed on the Flaming Chicken and Boscodora, and the super evolution was lifted.

At the same time, Aoki wiped the sweat on his forehead slightly.

The time of this double super-evolution is much shorter than the last time, so he only felt a little bit of hard work and did not reach his limit.

Without any hesitation, Aoki took out an elf ball and threw it directly at the wonderful frog flower.

Such a wonderful frog flower can be compared with ten wonderful frog seeds, which can play a great role in both the construction of the island and the breeding plan of the Aoki Royal Three Elves.

In addition, there were a lot of those wonderful frog grass and wonderful frog seeds that followed this wonderful frog flower.

By this time they had been included in their plans by Aoki.

These wonderful frog grass and wonderful frog seeds are already in the bag of Aoki.

After recovering the fairy ball containing the wonderful frog flower, Aoki directed the dragon king scorpion to chase in the direction that the wonderful frog grass and the wonderful frog seeds had just escaped.

Without being able to participate in the battle, the Dragon King Scorpion was still somewhat unhappy.

But there is no way, the strength of the opponent is really not the time when he shot.

When the Uranus-level elf face is directed at the Uranus-level elf, the crushing of the combat power is still relatively obvious.

There may be elves who can take advantage of various advantages to defeat the quasi-king level at the elite level, but it is very difficult to defeat the queen-level level at the quasi-sky level.

Therefore, the Dragon King Scorpion can only hold his strength, hoping to meet a few elves worth his shot.

It's been a long time since the heart-warming battle.

But soon, his wish was fulfilled.

Because when Aoki traced the seeds of the wonderful frog, he officially entered the center of the territory and saw the real leader of the wonderful frog flower.

It turned out that the wonderful frog flower before was not the leader of this ethnic group, which made Aoki a little bit surprised.

Only two wonderful frogs with fierce expressions appeared in front of Aoki and his elves at this time.

One male and one female.

And the strength has reached the Heavenly King level.

It is really very rare to be able to meet a group with two King-level elves.

It is likely that the population of this wonderful frog seed began with these two wonderful frog flowers.

And this wonderful frog flower in front of all the wonderful frog grass and wonderful frog seeds is larger than the previous wonderful frog flower.

Her height has completely exceeded three meters.

Giant wonderful frog flower!

Pokemon: Wonder Frog (Cyan)

Gender: Male

Level: 64

Attribute: Grass + Toxic

Features: lush

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: Magic Leaf, Sludge Attack, Strong Whip, Grass Field

Basic skills: petal dance, impact, call, parasitic seeds, rattan whip, poisonous powder, hypnotic powder, slamming, flying leaf sharp knife, sweet aroma, growth, body collision, troubled seeds, photosynthesis, vibes, sunlight

Teaching Skills: Crazy Plants, Oath of Grass, Worry Seeds, Snoring, Tightening, Photosynthesis, Seed Bomb, Ultimate Drain, Inverse Scale, Lame

Skill Learner: None

This is the information of the male wonderful frog flower leader scanned by the chip ~ ~ At the same time, the other female wonderful frog flower is not much different except the grade is 63.

"Is a wonderful frog flower that can reverse the scale? It is really amazing enough," Aoki murmured.

But after scanning the data of these two wonderful frog flowers, Aoki suddenly saw a little guy lying at the feet of the female wonderful frog flower.

A head was sneaking out at this time, looking towards Aoki.

The reason I noticed this little guy was because the color of the little guy's body was slightly different from those of his fellow races.

Aoki's eyes narrowed slightly.

As if she noticed Aoki's sight, the female frog shook her back slightly, kicking the little guy directly behind him.

At the same time, a few wonderful frog grass came out from behind, stopping the little wonderful frog seed.


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