The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 1000: Today, the king is killing

"You, want to crush this king with one finger?"

A figure rushed in the air from a distance.

Clothes fluttering and hair flying.

A cold murderous aura locked on the prince of the ancient Qin imperial family on the ring. Emperor Xiao Qing seemed to be talking to himself, but his voice was extremely cold, "For a long time, no one has dared to provoke this king like this."

"Today, this king is going to kill!"

He stepped onto the ring in an instant, and looked calmly at the prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan who had changed his complexion on the opposite side, "How do you want to die?"



"Hahaha, it's Boss Xiao who is here, and now you are finished."

"The younger generation fights the younger generation, and it's all duels between princes. This time, all the princes of your ancient Qin imperial clan are finished."


All the members of the Xiao imperial clan were surprised.

The rules of the ring, peer confrontation, regardless of strength, only refer to seniority.

Although Xiao Qingyan was powerful, she was already the emperor of the Xiao imperial clan. She could not fight against these ancient Qin imperial princes, and could only watch the princes of the Xiao imperial clan being abolished one by one.

At this moment, Emperor Xiao Qing is here.

Just ask the prince of the ancient Qin clan if he is afraid!

"He is Emperor Xiao Qing, the one who is rumored in the outside world?" Even the great prince of the Xuanyuan clan looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a solemn expression on his face, "I thought he was just a thief, but what I didn't expect was , It turned out to be really extraordinary."

Similarly, the two old men on the ring were also shocked. They looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, and their eyes lit up, "What a young talent, he is already a strong man in the Golden Elixir stage at a young age, only weaker than the big prince. It's a bit, awesome."


At this moment, the eldest prince of the ancient Qin emperor also showed a smile, but he was a bit disdainful, "It's only a mere golden core period. It can be rampant in the face of ordinary people, but it is not enough to look at the prince."

He didn't pay attention to Emperor Xiao Qing at all.

"Ying Tie, this prince bestows you a sword aura, and you go up and chop his limbs." Then, the great prince of the ancient Qin imperial family turned to look at Ying Tie, who had been clamoring to deal with the Xiao imperial family.


Naturally, the cultivation base of Ying Tie was not in the Golden Core Stage, but with the sword aura given to him by the prince, he believed it would be enough to kill anyone.

At this moment, everyone looked up at the ring.

On the ring, Emperor Xiao Qing's opponent looked at him with a calm expression. In fact, he had already locked himself into Emperor Xiao Qing who would be torn apart as long as he moved.

He swallowed, barely keeping himself calm.

Emperor Xiao Qing ignored him, but with his hands on his back, turned his head to look at the two old men guarding both sides of the ring, "What are the rules?"

"If there is no life, I won't care if I wait." One of the old men said.

"Then, can you force someone to be named on stage?" Xiao Qing asked.

"Here, there is no such rule." The other old man hesitated for a moment, knowing what Xiao Qing wanted to do, but there were indeed no such rules.

"It's okay."

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, looked at the people of the ancient Qin imperial clan below, and said calmly, "Everyone, all the princes will come on together, including your so-called big prince. This king has no time to waste with you."


"It's crazy, this guy dared to let us go up at the same time, so he dared to let the big prince go up too?"

"Asshole, this guy doesn't put us in the eyes of the ancient Qin emperor."

All the princes of the ancient Qin clan were furious, even the big prince of the ancient Qin clan also narrowed his eyes.

On the other side, Ji Ming, who was sitting in a wheelchair, showed excitement, "This **** dares to let all the princes of the ancient Qin clan play together. He is looking for his own death."

"Hahaha, he is dead, this time, he is absolutely dead."

"Death, let him die."

He made no secret of his triumphant laugh.

Even with him, the other princes of the Xuanyuan imperial clan who were originally prepared to deal with the Xiao imperial clan laughed out loud without any worries.

"You guys want to go together too?"

Unexpectedly, while they were laughing, Emperor Xiao Qing also turned his head and looked in the direction of the Emperor Xuanyuan. "There must be many people in the Emperor Xuanyuan who want to take action against this king. Come up and solve them all at once. "

"Oh, including the prince."

He added another sentence.


As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the field was silent.

All of them stared at Emperor Xiao Qing with wide eyes.

It was too rampant. They had never seen a person who would dare to challenge all the princes of the ancient Qin clan and Xuanyuan clan at the same time, and also included the peerless princes of the two imperial families, the most powerful prince.

You know, the eldest princes of these two royal families have been hailed as the number one in their clan for thousands of years. Both of them are supreme beings. Although everyone does not know how far they have reached, at least they are Jin Dan. At the peak of the period, even the cultivation base of the Yuan Ying period is possible.

This level of strength, even the older generation of the Sifang royal family, few can reach.

As for Emperor Xiao Qing, he was crazy to challenge everyone as soon as he came up.


Atari couldn't help but yelled, hahaha laughed, "Comfortable, let out a sigh of relief, especially, I've seen these two royal families upset, Xuanyuan royal family, you know the ancient Qin royal family To target the Xiao Clan and the Great Zhou Clan, I helped them in a ring match, and it started while Boss Xiao was away. Isn't it clear that this is against us?"

"Now you are aiming at it? There is a kind of don't come on stage. After coming on stage, everyone will be abandoned."

"Made, the end of you guys is here, hahaha, don't pull me, I'm happy..."

He laughed loudly, even with tears coming out of his eyes.

In fact, the prince of the Xiao imperial clan who had acted with him before was scrapped to the last breath. After he watched it, he was suffocated in his heart, wishing to rush to fight the opponent desperately.

Of course, if his strength is a bit more powerful, he will be on stage.

And now, Emperor Xiao Qing is here, his elder Xiao Qing, when he came to power, he didn't do anything directly, but named all the princes of the ancient Qin clan and Xuanyuan clan, including the two big princes.

This is how domineering!

What a relief!


Atari laughed, but no one paid attention to him. Instead, they all looked at the great princes of the ancient Qin clan and the Xuanyuan clan.

At this moment, the two great princes all looked solemnly at Emperor Xiao Qing who was standing on the stage.

"It's crazy, bastard."

"He thought he was something, so he dared to challenge the prince to pass me first."

"Yes, kill him first."

Regardless of the other princes of the ancient Qin clan or the Xuanyuan clan, they were all furious, wishing to rush to fight Xiao Qing.

However, Emperor Xiao Qing had his hands on his back and looked indifferent. He grabbed his right hand and grabbed the prince of the ancient Qin emperor.

The opponent tried his best to resist, but he was caught by Emperor Xiao Qing without the slightest resistance, and could only continue to struggle.

"Is nobody coming up?"

There was a sneer at the corner of Xiao Qingdi's mouth, and he grabbed the opponent's right hand suddenly and forcefully.


With a roar, the whole body of this guy exploded, and even, except for his head, he disappeared from below his chest.

Everyone in the audience, "..."

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