The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 999: Can you crush this king with one finger?

As the saying goes, only villains and women are difficult to raise.

Although it is not correct, sometimes, as a man, it is very clear not to provoke women easily, because once some women are angered, the consequences are unpredictable.

Atari really did not expect that he would become the public enemy of everyone present so easily.

He quickly raised his hands with a pleased smile, "Everyone, don't listen to that lady talking nonsense, we are awkward, and later if you really hurt me, she will give me this fiance. Revenge."


Everyone was furious, this bastard, before they got married, he became a couple, it was too shameless.

"You bastard, I won't marry you anyway." Ji Xinfei also shouted angrily.

"You know, anyway, you're a thousand-year-old tortoise **** who doesn't count." Atari chuckled.

"you you..."

As an emperor, Ji Xinfei is always pampered and well-educated since she was a child. No one has ever treated her like this. How could she have said Atari?

She was so angry that she almost cried, and could only hold Ji Xinyao with a grieved face.

Ji Xinyao was helpless, and she blamed herself a little, and she didn't know why she had caused such trouble.

"This prince is on stage, so who, there is a kind of come on stage to fight me."

What Atari didn't expect was that someone immediately named him by name and asked him to come to power, and, not someone else, turned out to be a prince of the Xiao family.

His eyes widened, showing an incredible color, "You, why are you going to challenge me?"

It's irrational. People from the ancient Qin and Xuanyuan clan want to challenge him, and even the "own people" of the Xiao clan have to deal with him.

"Atari, come on stage."

Xiao Wu glanced at him and said indifferently, "You must go on stage to learn from each other."

"Why? Why, even my own people have to challenge me, I won't go up." Atari sat directly on the ground, humming and panting, "Don't talk to me, I'm very angry."

"Idiot, this is for you to go up and delay the time until Boss Xiao comes back, otherwise, all of us here will be killed by the people of the ancient Qin imperial family."

Kong Shuai saw the clue and kicked Atari, "Hurry up, otherwise you will be killed by someone else later, see where you cry."

It turned out that the prince of the Xiao royal family came to power at the instruction of Xiao Qingyan, specifically to challenge Atari, and it was to delay the time of this arena battle and wait for Emperor Xiao Qing to return.

Otherwise, the four-party imperial family arena, the ancient Qin imperial clan and Xuanyuan imperial clan countless powerful princes are all staring at the Xiao imperial clan, if Xiao Qing emperor is too late to come back, the Xiao imperial clan will lose very ugly.

"Oh, I see."

Atali suddenly realized that he rushed to the ring and looked at the prince of the Xiao imperial clan seriously, "Well, you know that you are a master at first glance. This time, I will learn from you and let the horse come."

"Please." The prince of the Xiao imperial clan also saluted seriously.

The two sides directly fought together.

However, their contest is more like playing. You punch me softly, and I will give you softly. Even if you get hit by accident, it will be like a gentle massage.

"Damn it, they used this method to delay time."

Among the ancient Qin imperial clan, the princes such as Ying Tie couldn't sit still, and they all looked at the old emperor of the ancient Qin imperial clan.

The old emperor smiled lightly and looked at the two old men on the ring, "Second elders, do you think this is a ring battle?"

At this moment, the two old men on the ring are also very helpless. If no one speaks, they will naturally ignore it, but the old emperors of the ancient Qin clan have all stepped forward, and they naturally cannot sit idly by.

"Two, please take the ring battle seriously, otherwise, you two will be suppressed together."

"Oh... so awesome."

As soon as their voices fell, Atari suddenly screamed and fell out of the ring.

While the prince of the Xiao imperial clan looked blank, Atari still yelled, "I'm sorry, buddy, I can't stay in the ring, otherwise, this group of people are thinking of tearing me up. Let you come."

"Atari, me! @¥..."

The prince of the Xiao family was so angry that he had a new understanding of Atari's shamelessness.

"I will fight you."

However, standing on the arena, he is the master of the ring. He must wait for the next one to challenge him. Immediately, the ancient Qin imperial family will have a prince in the condensing stage.

"How do you want to die?"

The prince of the ancient Qin clan looked at the prince of the Xiao clan with a smile on his face, and he stretched out his hand and gestured on his neck, "Don't worry, I won't let you die, but it will definitely invalidate you."

"you dare..."

The face of the prince of the Xiao family changed.


However, before he could speak, the prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan who was in the condensing period on the opposite side shot instantly, punching him, and the mighty power of his fist erupted, causing his face to change greatly, and he could only pour into Do your best to resist.


The arm was shattered, but it did not fly out, but the whole person was imprisoned by a force.

Bang bang bang!

After that, the prince of the ancient Qin imperial clan was constantly beaten like a sandbag.

Blood spurted out continuously, and bone scum was splashing around.

In the blink of an eye, his limbs shattered, and the whole person was completely abolished except for the slight ups and downs of his chest to prove that he was not dead.

"It's too weak." The prince of the ancient Qin clan sighed.


Below, everyone in the Xiao royal family's expressions changed drastically, Xiao Qingyan burst into a gust of weather, and a golden dragon appeared above her head. She glared at the prince of the ancient Qin royal family on the ring and said coldly, "You What a courage."

"Oh, Emperor Xiao actually wants to take action against me personally, I'm so scared."

The prince of the ancient Qin emperor had a smile on his face.

"Emperor Xiao, this is a contest between juniors, please don't interfere. Of course, if you are willing to do it, the emperor can play with you."

The old emperor of the ancient Qin imperial family had his hands on his back and showed a calm smile.

"I'll play with you." As soon as his voice fell, Xiao Zhengjing, who had the same grim expression, stepped forward directly, appeared in front of the opponent instantly, and made a strong move.


Xiao Zhengjing's shot was extremely powerful and domineering, even the old emperor of the ancient Qin imperial clan had a solemn expression and had to do his best.

"Find another place to fight."

Then, the two fought farther and farther.

"Who else, then who, the Xiao clan's counsel, come one more." The prince of the ancient Qin clan on the stage pointed at the princes of the Xiao clan, with a disdainful face, "Really too weak. Now, do you dare to be the princes of the Sifang royal family? Even the royal family is not as good as that? Tsk tsk..."

"Looking at how nervous you are, don’t you dare to come up? That’s right, you’re looking for death anyway, it’s better to be a tortoise with your head down, alas..."

"Otherwise, you can give up and say that no one from the Xiao clan is my opponent, and the Xiao clan is a counselor. If that's the case, I won't target you anymore..."

"Asshole, **** it."


His words made everyone in the Xiao royal family furious.

"I'm angry, come up if there are seeds, alas, I know you dare not, it's really boring." The prince of the ancient Qin emperor sighed while shaking his head.

"I come."


One couldn't help rushing up, however, his limbs were also abolished a few times, leaving only the last breath.

"Let me fight him."


Another one was scrapped.

"Fight, even if it's not an opponent, we still have to let them know that there is no counsel from the Xiao royal family."

Bang bang bang!

In a short while, most of the members of the Xiao royal family were abolished, and every one of them was shattered, leaving only the last breath.


Below, all the members of the Xiao imperial family were full of grief and indignation. They were only in the foundation period. Facing the masters in the condensation period, they could not be opponents.

However, the prince in the condensing stage of the ancient Qin imperial clan above shouted frantically, "Oh, it's a pity, I can destroy the entire young princes of the Xiao imperial clan. It's really boring."

"I heard that there is a worm king Xiao Qingdi from the Xiao imperial clan, why didn't he come? Isn't he hiding from others and dare not see people?"

He shook his head and shook his head, with a look of disdain, "The insect king is the insect king, even if it is a king, it is just a bug. Whenever something happens, he hides it. It's really a waste. If he appears, this prince can run his finger. Break him."


At this moment, there was a roar in the distance, and a terrifying breath erupted, and the cold murderous aura filled the sky, "You...can crush this king with one finger?"

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