The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 965: Light and darkness, which one lives and which one dies


In the dark council, the current president suddenly sneezed, only feeling uneasy, as if something bad would happen.

"Strange, how can I sneeze with my strength?" The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.

"Come on, contact the three elders of the blood wolf and ask how they are doing?" Then, he sent someone to contact the elders of the blood wolf.

However, after a while, the hand came down to report that the third blood wolf had disappeared completely. It is said that he had seen Emperor Xiao Qing's appearance when he disappeared...

"problem occurs."

The president of the Blood Dark Council frowned, "How could this be? With the magic weapon of the East and the letter, it stands to reason that even if Emperor Xiao Qing did not agree, he would not do anything to the three elders of the blood wolf after giving gifts."

"It's very likely that the three wolves have a bad temper." Then, the more he thought about it, the more upset he became. "I knew that, so I shouldn't send the blood wolf three old men to find him."


When he was upset, some of his subordinates reported, "The light forces have launched encirclement and suppression operations against our members in various parts of the world. The person leading the team is the Grand Pope of the Inquisition."


The president of the Dark Council was furious, "Assholes, those **** of the Light, we didn't go to them to settle accounts, they even dared to do something to us first, it's simply tired of living."

"Send people to reinforce, no, just let people besieged and killed the people of the Inquisition."

Then, in a furious situation, he directly dispatched most of the strong men under him, and he was determined to kill all the strong men on the bright side.

Suddenly, in this dark place, a strong man flew across the sky, taking the order of the dark council to go to be a strong man of light power.

A battle between darkness and light unfolded without warning.

The root cause of all this is the snake king Baiying who is the king of killers in the world.

The white shadow on the Snake King Island still didn't know how much impact he had issued a reward order to please the master Xiao Qing, letting the world killers bury the power of light in various places in the world.

At this moment, he was lying comfortably on the beach of Snake King Island, with two super beauties waiting for him.

"Report the record during this period."

He beckoned, and suddenly, one of the big beauties quickly took out a computer set aside, opened the data proficiently, and reported it to Bai Ying, "Since the king gave the order, the killers all over the world have been boiling. According to statistics, a total of 56751 people beheaded, and this number is still increasing at the rate of 100 people per hour."

"Haven't those guys of Light Power retreat?" Bai Ying asked in surprise.

"Some have begun to retreat, but another force has joined in and sealed the space for those people to retreat, making them impossible to retreat." The female assistant replied.


Bai Ying thought for a while, and then laughed, "It should be the prince who let the man do it. It's so good. If the order is passed on, all the people of the light power will be cut off. Nina dare to offend my master. act recklessly."


The female assistant delivered orders on the spot.

Bai Ying was looking at the blue sky, blowing the sea breeze, enjoying the massage of the beauty, but he was not so happy, but sighed, "I don't know when the master will call me over, oh..."

The more Xiao Qingdi let him be free and ignore him, the more he panicked. Fortunately, through this action, his master should be aware of his existence.

However, Bai Ying deeply understands that if he wants to gain the importance of his master, the best manifestation is to stay with his master at all times.

But this seems a bit difficult.

This makes him very puzzled.

And at this moment, the contest between the light and the dark overseas is truly unfolding, a **** storm erupts, and all overseas forces are closely watching all these wars.

However, none of this has affected everything in the East.

Following the Xiao imperial clan, the inauguration ceremony of the imperial lord of the Great Zhou imperial clan will be held two days later. The Sifang imperial clan, some royal clan and other rich clan second only to the royal clan have all been invited.

Unlike the low-key holding of the Xiao imperial family, the Great Zhou imperial family held a grand ceremony.

Emperor Xiao Qing brought Xiao Qi and Xiao Wu, as well as Kong Shuai, Atari, etc., to the Da Zhou royal family one day in advance.

On this day, throughout the Great Zhou, under the leadership of the new emperor Zhou Wang, the whole family lined up to greet Emperor Xiao Qing. The scene was magnificent and shocking.

"It doesn't have to be that way."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head, but was not happy about it.

For him, no matter how solemn the ceremony is, the so-called respect is only from the heart, not manifested by these forms.

Moreover, he and Zhou Wang are friends, and what is needed is not the fear of Zhou.

Zhou Feng's uncle Zhou Feng was on the side, with a respectful smile on his face, "This is what we should do. As the eldest prince of the Xiao imperial clan, and a good eldest brother of Zhou, Da Zhou can't be too grand. "

"Yes, you are still my benefactor of Da Zhou."

"Lord Dragon King is really young and promising, the dragon among the people."

"When I was fortunate to see this life, the old man smiled even if he immediately fell into the soil."


The old guys of the Zhou royal family were all instructed, desperately flattering, even if Emperor Xiao Qing couldn't stand it a little, they waved their hands to King Zhou and hurriedly left.

Zhou Wang held back his laugh, and hurried to catch up, while Kong Shuai and Atari on one side leaned forward with a smile, "Wang Zhou, how are the arrangements?"

"Sisters from Da Zhou, arrange for a few to meet us."

"Fuck off, I have no time to talk to you." Zhou Wang didn't give the two a good face, but quickly followed Emperor Xiao Qing with a sly smile on his face, and said embarrassedly, "Boss Xiao, the matter of the furnace Actually, this..."

"What? If there is a problem, then I don't want the king."

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at King Zhou and didn't mind, "This king doesn't have to be the Heavenly Fire Furnace. If it is convenient for the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is naturally the best, but if it is inconvenient, that's it."

"No, it's not."

Zhou Wang said quickly, "It's not inconvenient, but it's my own problem."

He looked helpless, "Originally, after I came back, I discussed with the Clan Association. When everyone heard that you wanted to borrow, they were very excited and said that the Skyfire Furnace would be given to you on the spot, but when we were ready to pick it up There was a problem in the Skyfire Furnace."

"The one in charge of the Skyfire Furnace is an old stubborn, he said, whoever wants to use the Skyfire Furnace must pass his test and get his approval. Otherwise, it will be useless for anyone to go..."

"There really is such an old dude, even you, the emperor, can't control it?" Xiao Qi looked at King Zhou in surprise.

"He is very old and has a very high seniority. I really can't help him." Zhou Wang sighed.

Then he gritted his teeth and said, "Why don't you do this? I will try to find a way. I will definitely give the Skyfire Furnace to Boss Xiao tomorrow."

"No, this king can go to meet him for a while."

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