The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 964: This king fancy their treasure, it is their honor

"Go to hell."

The blood wolf who had handed the phone to Xiao Wu respectfully, suddenly roared, his hands turned into sharp claws, and grabbed Xiao Wu directly.

His strength equivalent to the Jin Dan stage burst out, even Xiao Wu, his face changed dramatically when he was caught off guard, and he wanted to retreat to the rear, but it was too late.

"My life is over."

There was a look of despair in his eyes, and he regretted why he didn't have the slightest defense against this **** and walked forward to pick up the other party's phone.


Suddenly, a sword aura suddenly rose from her body, directly splitting the blood wolf in half.

Emperor Xiao Qing appeared next to Xiao Wu, and pulled her behind him, looking calmly at the blood wolf that screamed because of broken claws.


Xiao Wu had lingering fears, but he showed guilt on his face, "I didn't expect this guy to even do it at this time."

"You have forgotten what I said before." Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head. He wanted to give Xiao Wu a good meal, but when he saw the teardrops brewing in Xiao Wu's eyes, he couldn't bear to speak. I can only shake my head and sigh, "It's nothing...Be careful from now on."

"I know, I must be careful in the future."

Xiao Wu then took away the tears that were about to fall.

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head helplessly, and turned his head to look at the blood wolf lying on the ground and howling painfully, "Do you have any last words?"


The blood wolf's expression changed drastically. Amidst the roar, it burst out and fled towards the distance at the fastest speed.


Unfortunately, he hasn't escaped far, and his figure exploded directly.


Until this time, Xiao Qi brought people to the beach.

"Send those who were beaten unconscious to the hospital and deal with it on the spot." Xiao Qing emperor ordered.

Those who used to play on the beach are indeed quite innocent, but, how could everything in this world have a cause?

Xiao Qi respectfully salutes and asks his subordinates to send people to the hospital while waving their hands. Moreover, these people will be compensated to a certain extent after they recover. For them, this can be regarded as a compensation for the innocent disaster.

"Master, have you thrown away all these broken rings and letters?"

Xiao Wu stepped forward and picked up the ring and letter that had fallen on the ground, and was about to throw it away.

"If it is thrown away, it would be a pity."

Emperor Xiao Qing waved his hand, took the ring from Xiao Wu's hand, and said with a soft smile, "This is an ancient treasure. There is a spatial ring in the Xumi space. Today, this is a unique treasure."

With the inheritance he got, there is naturally a record, but, I thought it was not visible for a long time, I didn't expect it to exist.

"Here, what space ring is it for?" Xiao Wu and Xiao Qi both showed incomprehension.


Emperor Xiao Qing's power poured into it, and the nine-colored rays of light circulated, breaking through the many restrictions on the ring, and it took less time to control the ring.

Then, with a thought in his heart, he drew a long sword with radiance from it.


As soon as the sword was out, Xiao Wu and Xiao Qi felt that their skin was a little bit painful due to the sword energy, and they couldn't help but take a breath.

"This is really a supreme sword, so powerful."

The two were horrified.

The sharpness of this long sword was unprecedented, and I am afraid it could be called the best in the world.


Emperor Xiao Qing threw it to Xiao Qi, "This is regarded as a spiritual weapon, temper it well, and when you reach your cultivation level, you can naturally melt it into your body."

"Ah, it doesn't seem to be of much use to me. Why don't you give it to Little Fifth Sister. Little Fifth Sister is stronger than me, and this sword can exert greater power in her hands." Although Xiao Qi I liked it very much, but shook his head and handed the long sword to Xiao Wu.

"Wang Ye just hold it for you, what do you do for me." Xiao Wuyi stared.

Xiao Qi suddenly smiled, and quickly hugged the long sword in her arms like a baby, but accidentally cut her hand by the sharp sword intent, and the blood immediately stained the long sword.

"So sharp." Xiao Qi couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's stupid." Xiao Wu cursed contemptuously, but he also kind of liked the long sword.

Anyone who is practicing swordsman, who doesn't want a sword that is unparalleled in the world?

"You are not much better."

Emperor Xiao Qing glanced at her, and took out a three-inch small sword from the storage ring.


As soon as the three-inch small sword appeared, there was a flash of sword light, and it turned into a ray of light on the spot and flew up in the air, seemingly spiritual, and wanting to escape.

"this is..."

Xiao Wu and Xiao Qi showed shock at the same time.

"Flying sword."

As soon as Emperor Xiao Qing pointed it, the meaning of the sword emperor burst out, and immediately, the three-inch flying sword flew back directly, flying around him continuously.

Gently squeezed the small three-inch sword in his hand, and saw that the whole small sword was radiant, only three inches long, but it was a whole body, possessing more terrifying power than Xiaoqi's long sword.

"Refine it well."

He handed the three-inch flying sword to Xiao Wu, and then passed her a piece of flying sword skill. Xiao Wu joyfully held the flying sword and refined it on the spot.

When Emperor Xiao Qing opened the letter, it seemed that there was not much content on it, but his words were sincere. It was the current president of the Dark Council who sincerely invited Emperor Xiao Qing to join the Dark Council to fight against the power of light.

And this storage ring and the treasures in it are just small gifts. The Dark Council has collected countless treasures from the ancient East in the endless years, and they can give it to him as long as Emperor Xiao Qing joins.

"It's really a good calculation."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled softly and handed the letter to the curious Xiao Qi. After the latter read it, he said angrily, "This guy regards the prince as someone. We are the kind of surrender for some treasures. People of the Dark Council?"

"However, these ancient treasures are indeed very touching."

Wearing the storage ring on his hand, even if he is very satisfied with this storage ring, especially there are several other magic weapons and some elixir for alchemy, which are not available in the world.


Xiao Qi's eyes widened and looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Master, then, should we pretend to cooperate with them first, and then turn our faces after we get the benefits?"

Although this is a very good method, but he always feels that the prince does not look like this kind of person.

However, seeing Emperor Xiao Qing looking at the storage ring with interest, he couldn't figure out what Xiao Qing was thinking.

"Why pretend to cooperate?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Xiao Qi with a smile on his face, "Xiao Qi, after being at ease for a while, you have forgotten how we acted back then."


Xiao Qi couldn't help taking a breath when he heard the words, "Lord, didn't you say that gentlemen love money and get them in a proper way?"

"The Dark Council is originally a dark creature, a moth in this world, an enemy of any human being, and the treasures in their hands were also snatched from our Eastern practitioners."

Emperor Xiao Qing carried his hands on his back and looked towards the overseas direction, "What if this king has taken a fancy to their treasures and grabbed him?"

The face was calm and the words were flat, but there was a general trend that made Xiao Qi couldn't help but trembled, revealing a look of surprise, "The overbearing king seems to be back."

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