The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 246 Hagrid is back (Part 1)

When Professor Dolores-Umbridge returned to her office, the look on her face felt like she had eaten shit.

"Is there anything else, Patrick?" Her lips trembled and she asked coldly.

It's not that Jon doesn't know how to read words and expressions, so he nodded quickly and said, "It's okay, Professor about I go back first?"

Umbridge didn't answer, her eyes fixed on the wall of cat trays.

Jon stepped back cautiously, backing to the door: "So farewell, Professor Umbridge."

Fleeing from Umbridge's office in a panic, Jon obviously noticed the strange behavior of this senior Hogwarts investigator... He didn't want to be shocked by the aftermath of the other party's fury.

The last time Jon left here, Jon noticed that Umbridge was packing her things... Putting her documents, luggage, cat tray and so on, all into the suitcase with a wand...

"It's too miserable!" Jon complained secretly.


Professor Newt Scamander moved to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office on the fourth floor.

Umbridge, who moved out, planned to find a classroom or office in the castle and live there first... But Professor Minerva-McGonagall told her regretfully that every office or classroom in the castle had their own Purpose; no way, can't spare an empty room in a short time.

The moment he was rejected by Professor McGonagall, the expression on Umbridge's face looked like he might lose his temper at any moment.

In the end, the poor Professor Umbridge had to learn from the previous Mad-Eye Moody and set up a tent outside the castle.

Of course, there are not many sympathetic students like Jon in Hogwarts anymore.

Most of the students were secretly teasing Umbridge.

The Weasley brothers of Gryffindor and Lee Jordan, even secretly threw a few large dung eggs into Umbridge's tent-the scene after that was too beautiful to watch...


The course taught by new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Newt Scamander is naturally very popular.

It's a pity that Jon's next Defense Against the Dark Arts class is two days later, on Friday.

But on Thursday morning, there is a class on the protection of magical animals.

For the returning Professor Rubeus Hagrid, most of the students are still looking forward to it... After all, they have had enough. Previously, every class of Umbridge was like a repeater, teaching them how to deal with werewolves and centaurs , murlocs and other half-orcs.

On Thursday morning, Hogwarts had the first light snowfall of this semester, and the whole castle was covered in white.

Jon and the others were all wrapped up tightly, and after more than two months, they came to Hagrid's hut again.

Gryffindor students came earlier than them.

Students like Ginny Weasley who had a good relationship with Hagrid had worried expressions on their faces... Obviously, they were worried that Umbridge, who had already become angry, would take his anger out on Hagrid.

After all, that senior Hogwarts investigator had never concealed his disgust and discrimination against half-blood giants like Hagrid.

To everyone's surprise, Dolores Umbridge didn't show up for Care of Fantastic Beasts until the bell rang.


As the class bell rang, Jon saw the big Professor Hagrid, carrying several large cardboard boxes, walking towards this side; his annoying hunting dog "Footh" followed behind him endlessly. Keep barking.

"Come here... come and have a look!" Hagrid said enthusiastically.

Despite the enthusiasm in his words, Hagrid's condition seemed to be worse than yesterday morning.

His hair was disheveled and covered with blood clots, his left eye was swollen and bruised, and his face and hands were bruised, some still bleeding. In addition, he was very careful in his movements. Looking at it like this, it is very likely that he broke a rib...

"What's the matter with you, Hagrid?" Ginny Weasley asked with concern.

"It's nothing... I fell... I fell last night..." Hagrid hesitated and changed the topic: "The content of today's class is very, very interesting... Hurry up and take a look!"

Jon walked in and took a closer look into the box, only to find that there were many fluffy black guys inside: they had long noses and flat front paws like shovels, which were very strange.

These mole-like, fluffy little guys looked up and blinked at the class, seemingly confused by the attention.

"These are..." Hagrid seemed satisfied with their curious expressions.

"It's Sniff!" Astoria shouted in surprise, "Professor Hagrid, where did you get it?"

"'s not me." Hagrid smiled and touched his head: "Professor Scamander raised him, he asked me to help him take care of these little guys, and then I asked him if he could bring them to class The students will study for a while, and Professor Scamander promised me..."

"You can usually see them in mines. They like shiny things..." Hagrid continued to introduce.

Jon heard Astoria explain to Selwyn in a low voice over there: "Xiuxi is a very, very rare magical animal. I didn't expect to see them in class."

Tiffany Selwyn glanced contemptuously at the little mole-like guys in the cardboard box.

Then, a Niffler jumped up suddenly, and it seemed that it wanted to bite the watch off Selwyn's wrist, and Selwyn backed away screaming in horror.

"However, this also means that if left unattended indoors, they are likely to cause serious damage; but in general, Nifflers are not harmful to people, they are very gentle magical creatures..."

"If you want to get closer to Xixiu, you have to take off all the shiny things on your body..."

Some bold students are already taking off their bracelets, watches, or necklaces, and are starting to get close to those snuffers.

Jon thought for a while, then glanced at the iron ring in his hand, and decided to take a few steps back.

It would be embarrassing if someone sniffed and swallowed his iron ring later.


While the other students were watching and sniffing, Hagrid strode over to Jon.

"Hey, boy, did we meet at Beauxbatons!" Hagrid asked quickly, "What's your name?"

"Yes, Professor Hagrid, my name is Patrick, Christopher Patrick!" Jon said quickly.

"I didn't expect you to come to Hogwarts, Patrick, it's amazing!" Hagrid patted Jon's shoulder enthusiastically, almost knocking half of Jon's body into the snow...

Thanks to the book friends, the name here can start with twelve characters, Zhuangzai, my big crab, shell house, albless, van der Satu, Zheji Chen and A929030 for the rewards.

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