The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 204 The Murderer Potter (Second Change)

Seeing this interesting title, Jon couldn't help being more interested in this news!

The author is Barnabas Guffey. If Jon remembers the name correctly, he should be the editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet... It seems that the editor-in-chief personally came out to blackmail Harry Potter; In such an inconspicuous little corner.


Jon continued to look at the text:

"Harry Potter, narcissist? Paranoid? Murderer?"

"There's been a lot of gossip about Harry Potter 'The Boy Who Lived' lately!

Now, the "Daily Prophet" has also sorted out some disturbing facts about Harry Potter, some of which Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has been carefully concealing. !

"Potter speaks Parseltongue," a fifth-year Slytherin student who asked not to be named told the newspaper. "Many students were attacked more than two years ago, and most people think Potter was behind it." People, because everyone saw him set a snake to bite a boy in a duel club. But it was covered up."

"He also made friends with werewolves and giants, and bullied other house students, and we don't think it's surprising that he did anything!" Mr. Draco Malfoy, a fifth-year Slytherin student, added in an interview. .

Parseltongue (the ability to speak to snakes) has long been considered black magic. A member of the Defense League against the Dark Arts, who did not want to be named, said he thought any wizard who spoke Parseltongue was very dangerous, and that people who associate with evil things like werewolves and giants are usually violent!

In addition, a Potions teacher at Hogwarts, who did not want to be named, also mentioned: "Potter may have inherited some of his father's characteristics...His father, James Potter, was a born Notoriously violent Hogwarts graduate with a penchant for bullying other students!"

At the same time, Harry Potter also showed a serious tendency to attack Muggles.

Ms. Mafalda Hopkirk, a member of the Ministry of Magic's Prohibited Misuse of Magic Division, mentioned that three and two years ago, Potter had repeatedly abused magic outside of school for the purpose of attacking his magi. Melon relatives.

It can be said that Harry Potter has shown serious aggressive tendencies countless times.

But under the cover of Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter's crimes went unpunished. Instead, it was packaged as a "savior" image.

Also inspired by Dumbledore, Harry Potter seems to be drifting away on this road.

For example, more than half a month ago, he somewhat ridiculously claimed that the devil whose name cannot be mentioned had returned.

As we all know, all of Harry Potter's fame comes from the devil whose name cannot be mentioned. We have reason to worry that he is worried that his own reputation will decline, so he deliberately throws out such a big news to attract our attention.

But at the same time, many people ignore a very important thing, and it is also a terrible thing——

During the Triwizard Tournament, the entire Hogwarts students witnessed that Harry Potter followed another Hogwarts student, Jon Hart, into the maze. But when they came out, only Potter was left with Mr. Hart's body.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Potter is the biggest suspect in this murder, but the shameless Dumbledore once again shielded him, and he even did not allow relevant personnel of the Ministry of Magic to touch Jon Hart's body...

What exactly is Dumbledore's purpose?

When will Porter's identity as a murderer be revealed?

Are other Hogwarts students in danger?

We will discuss this topic next time. "


It was a long article, but Jon read it patiently.

I have to say that the editor-in-chief Barnabas Guffe is quite capable, the logic of the whole article is very clear, and there are no loopholes found from beginning to end... If Jon was Cornelius Fudge, he would definitely add A drumstick was taken.

Fudge was no idler, either. Using this method to discredit Dumbledore and Harry Potter at the same time, then their words will not be convincing...

It can be seen that the minister of the Ministry of Magic is still very political; it's a pity that in the magic world, this little cleverness has no meaning.

Scanning the other pages of the Daily Prophet, it took several minutes... Unfortunately, I couldn't find any other news about Dumbledore and Harry.

At the same time, some familiar Death Eater names were not found.

Jon glanced at the date one last time before throwing the entire paper in the trash.

Today is July 15, 1995, which is his 14th birthday.

It's a pity that this birthday is not as lively as before, at least there are not too many owls giving him gifts... After all, he is Christopher Patrick now, not Jon Hart.

In the whole world, only two people now know that Jon Hart is actually still alive.

Getting up from the bed, Jon sat by the window, looking at the morning sun, thinking about his future after the age of fourteen.

Voldemort has been resurrected, the Death Eaters have been reunited; meanwhile, the Order of the Phoenix has been rebuilt.

The forces on both sides are at war... However, the Ministry of Magic and most of the magic world are still kept in the dark.

If the entire wizarding world unites with the Order of the Phoenix to fight against Voldemort, it might be possible to kill Voldemort and the Death Eaters in their cradles.

It's a pity that Fudge is determined to be an ostrich, and he has already attracted a group of cronies like Umbridge... In order to maintain the power at this stage, they tried their best to suppress Dumbledore.

So once Voldemort regroups a large number of troops, the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix will be completely at a disadvantage and will be slowly infiltrated.

After all, Voldemort's claim was more or less recognized by most pure-blood wizards.

At that time, we can only look at Dumbledore's plan. Dumbledore had a complete plan for beheading Voldemort himself; once Voldemort died, the weakly organized Death Eaters would naturally fall apart.

But in doing so, a great deal of sacrifice must be unavoidable. In the original book, most of the Order of the Phoenix and many Hogwarts students died unfortunately.

The sooner Voldemort is exposed to the public, the more sacrifices will be reduced...

If it was the former Jon, he would definitely not dare to participate in this kind of thing. After all, if he is inattentive and gets angry, maybe one day the dark mark will appear on the roof of his house.

But it's different now, with a new identity as a pure-blood wizard, and at the same time, his parents have moved to a safe place... In fact, he has nothing to worry about.

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