: Hexi makes a move, the fate of the stars

In fact, everyone has overlooked one point.

That is Daozu Hongjun, why would he say such a thing? !

You must know that at that time, Taoist Patriarch Hongjun had joined the Dao, and left a sentence: Inside the Zixiao Palace is Hongjun, and outside the Zixiao Palace is the Dao of Heaven.

A conclusion can be drawn from this sentence, that is, once you leave Zixiao Palace, you will not be Hongjun, but the Dao of Heaven.

And the words that the small situation can be changed but the general situation is irreversible were probably said by Tiandao through the mouth of Daozu Hongjun.

The reason for saying this is probably because Tiandao has its own script, and how it develops after the prehistoric era is all in its script.

But this does not mean that the general trend cannot be changed, but the premise is that you need to have the power to make heaven fearful.

Once someone wants to forcibly modify the general trend.

Then Tiandao will use Daozu Hongjun’s body to come out and wipe out that trace of threat.

Of course, this is purely his guess.

Merlot Heavenly Court, 173 star domains.

More than a dozen small warships are flying in an orderly manner.

“Hello, this is the Haowei team.”

“We are already 20 combat units away from the fleet. Insect Squad, please report the situation quickly.”

“The Jingzhe team received it, and the Jingzhe team reported…”

“No abnormality found, left A is safe.”

As soon as the words fell, a member of the Jingzhe team suddenly shouted: “The left wing of the route has detected energy fluctuations and is approaching at a very high speed!”

“Avoid, avoid quickly!”

It’s just that everything is a bit late.

A huge unknown dart was spinning rapidly, and at an extremely fast speed, it killed their two ships in an instant.

The captain of the Awakening Squad calmly said, “Quickly analyze it and send it back to the flagship.”

The huge dart crossed a half-arc in the universe, and flew towards them again.

The speed is so fast that even if they advance at full speed, they will still be overtaken at an absolute speed.

The last two flagships that were flying exploded instantly in the air, killing the pilot directly.

Suddenly, the captain of the Jingzhe team said: “No, the analysis wave was reflected.”

“Unable to resolve, unable to resolve!”

On Hua Ye’s spaceship, a Taotie commander said: “My lord, a Taotie battleship sent an application to pass through the wormhole and directly enter the flagship route.”

Hua Ye said: “Then come.”

Ruoning frowned and said, “Be careful of fraud.”

Hua Ye didn’t care.

Soon, in the distance in front of them, a small wormhole was opened.

A combat boat flew out of it.

A huge dart, followed by the one that came out of the wormhole.

Followed closely by the combat boat.

“An unknown object has been found entering the route!”

“Why can it enter our wormhole?”

“No, we are under attack!”

“Calculate data and prepare for interception firepower.”

“No, it’s too fast!”

The unknown dart rushed directly to a relatively large flagship, and the other party instantly opened the Starlight Barrier.

This is a special energy light shield, not only has amazing defensive power, but more importantly, once it is activated, it can defend all parts of the flagship.

Even ordinary heavy missiles can hardly break through the Starlight Barrier.

But today, it met its opponent.

After the mysterious dart hit the starlight barrier, it only stayed for about a second. After that, the starlight barrier suddenly exploded, and the mysterious dart instantly tore the flagship away.into two halves.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

There was an exclamation in Hua Ye’s ear.

“Wang, the starlight barrier is invalid, the starlight barrier is invalid! It’s coming towards the king!”

Hua Ye squinted his eyes, and saw the mysterious dart directly hitting the defensive cover of his spaceship.

Let the spaceship shake violently twice.

Even he had to grab the handle on the side and barely stabilize his body.

“The flagship void defense system is defending…”

Hua Ye cursed secretly: “Damn it, what the hell is this?”

Looking at Ruoning, Ruoning is more familiar with female angels than him.

“This should be the star life of one of Queen Kaisa’s ultra-long-range weapons.”

“What, Keisha is still alive?” Hua Ye looked at Ruoning in shock.

Ruoning shrugged: “Obviously, Hexi is manipulating it behind the scenes. I think it is necessary for me to analyze the current Tianji Wang Hexi with you.”

At this moment, Su Mali stood up, twisted her waist and said, “Well… yes, it is indeed necessary to analyze that chick Hexi!”

“I know Hexi well. He is 1.78 meters tall and has measurements…”

Ruoning said coldly: “That’s enough.”

She talked about serious things again, this Su Mali is really a dog who can’t get rid of eating shit.

Su Mali secretly told Hua Ye: “Hexi’s legs are whiter than Liangbing’s.”

Ruoning sat on the sofa bored.

Suddenly, the mysterious dart Xingming hit their spaceship’s void shield again.

Trembling violently again, almost made Hua Ye and Su Mali eat shit.

“Damn, what kind of power is this?!”

Ruoning, who was sitting on the sofa, sneered and said, “I think we should discuss the legs first.”

“Don’t… let’s discuss power.”

Hua Ye was a little timid, so he followed this posture.

The thing attacked several times, and his defense cover might not be able to withstand it.

“Hmph, one of Hexi’s strongest abilities is the control distance of star life, which can reach 50 light-years. And it just so happens that the radius of the entire Angel Nebula just reaches 50 light-years.”

“That is to say, Hexi’s ability to remotely control Xingming can just cover the entire Angel Nebula. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for all your attacks to effectively cause substantial damage to Xingming.”

“That’s not what I want to hear, tell me how to deal with this thing!” Hua Ye roared.

In just a short while, this life-threatening thing has already destroyed one-tenth of their flagship.

If this continues, they will become a group of remnants before they reach Melo’s Heavenly Court.

How to fight this battle? !

Hua Ye’s eyes were red, and he was a little out of breath.

Suddenly, he saw a heavy battleship, which was instantly destroyed by Star Life.

You know, they only have those few heavy warships, which are the flagship’s main fleet.

“Damn, Hexi is so powerful now.”

Hua Ye gritted his teeth and said, “Ruoning, find a way for me, I can’t wait like this any longer.”

Seeing that the attack on his spaceship was fruitless, Xingming had already rammed into other spaceships.

Other spaceships don’t have his defensive power, and they can’t stop the harvest of star life at all.

Ruoning looked at the distraught Hua Ye, and sneered, “King Hua Ye, it’s not your time to fight wars now. If you continue to play around like this, I think it would be a joke to break into the Heavenly Court and take it back to the Heavenly Palace.”

“Hmph, don’t forget, I have armed with the latest black hole engine system, which can create black holes.”

Ruoning retorted: “Just kidding, Hexi can attack you through dozens of light-years away. Even if you want to fight back, you won’t be able to find her position.”

“Even if you find her location, you can create a black hole, and if you want to affect enemies tens of light-years away, it will still take decades.”

“Unless you desperately use your energy to accelerate the expansion of the black hole, but doing so won’t do you any good. Maybe you will be the first to be swallowed back by that thing.”

Black holes are rarely studied.

It is the last thing every creature wants to encounter in the universe.

Ruoning is the same.

That kind of uncontrolled black hole, in her opinion, is an act that hurts one thousand enemies and hurts oneself eight hundred.

It’s not that she Ruoning wants to satirize Hua Ye.

After all, it’s not a good thing for me to rely on him and to ridicule my superiors too much.

But from here until now, Hua Ye’s performance has disappointed her very much.

I’ve been fooling around all day, thinking that angels are still those angels who were vulnerable tens of thousands of years ago.

In this era, do you really think it is still the era of hand-to-hand combat?

She knows that woman Hexi very well.

Hexi is the strongest scholar among the angels.

Ninety-nine percent of the current Angel Nebula’s technology is developed by her.

It is conceivable that He Xi’s horror.

Maybe she is not the strongest among the angels, but in terms of academic level, Ruoning calls her the strongest, and she is a monster like Karl, the god of death.

Obviously everyone is an angel, why is Hexi so outstanding?

Excellent ones made her very jealous.

Looking at the current Hua Ye again, he is out of shape all day long, either flirting with women, or on his way to flirting with women.

If the Holy Kaisa was still alive, Ruoning felt that Hua Ye could be killed with a single slap.

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