The power of the demigods is indeed powerful.

The moment she saw the demigod Walker, Eve judged that her avatar was not his opponent.

In the final analysis, his current condensed incarnation is cleverly condensed with the Soul Storage Orb of Death as the core, and the time for the demigod-level combat power that can be maintained is also limited.

And although he is a true god, it is true that as Walker speculated, his control of divine power is not rounded.

Of course, the true God is the true God after all.

Even if it is not an opponent, it does not mean that Eve’s avatar will be killed by the other party in seconds.

Not to mention, this is just His incarnation!

Walker also sensed the approximate strength of Eve’s avatar.

Only the difference is that he has taken Eve’s avatar as Eve’s Buddha-figure.

He is not to blame for this.

Because Eve’s incarnation is not the incarnation of the true God in the conventional sense. The process of

believing in the true God and sealing God is the process of breaking away from the mortal body and condensing the divine body.

Unlike the ancient gods, who possessed the body of a substantial true god, the ontology that believes in the true god is a body similar to an energized body, and the core is the godhead.

Generally speaking, the embodiment of belief in the condensation of the true God will also be energetic.

But Eve’s incarnation of ingenious condensation is different.

This is what He has as the core of Hela’s soul storage orb and a body of spirits suitable for him.

In other words, the feeling he gave the demigod Walker…

It was as if a lucky elf who had obtained the godhead of nature and life, although he had been sealed as a god, but limited by the energy level of the Segers continent, he did not completely leave the physical body, but showed an illusion between the energy state and the incomplete state of the physical body.

This is also the real reason why Eve obviously already has more than a hundred divine power points, but did not choose to consume divine power to condense the divine power incarnation, but continued to use the soul storage orb!

In order to make other powerful people think that His incarnation is the essence!

Show weakness to the enemy.

After Eve appeared, the players also widened their eyes and began to “enjoy” the long-lost “cutscenes”.

It’s just that what disappointed them was that this time the goddess did not release special effects such as “Heavenly Lady Scattering Flowers” and “Worship of All Things”.

Although surrounded by holy light, the goddess is still brilliant and majestic, which makes people feel ashamed of themselves…

But compared to the first two appearances of pulling the wind… It always feels like something is missing.

And all this, falling in the eyes of the demigod Walker, is another situation…

“Hehe, he seems to cherish the use of divine power, even if he appears in front of his dependents and believers, he doesn’t spend divine power to maintain the dignity of the true God, it seems… He is in a bad state! At

this thought, Walker’s confidence in his heart was even greater.

He raised his frost tomahawk, and the silver divine power continued to turn into electric snakes on it.

It was an artifact given to him by Ulaire, a true demigod-level artifact!

The powerful demigod coercion swept through the audience, the clouds in the sky were constantly rolling and surging under Walker’s power, and the magic in the air was agitated, turning into a roaring wind…

After the aura of the demigod Walker was fully opened, the temperature within a radius of three kilometers suddenly began to drop rapidly, and gradually… There were snowflakes!


This is the ability that only the strong people after the legend will open!

The half-orcs looked at this scene blankly, and their hearts were extremely shocked.


This is the power of demigods!

Unexpectedly…… Can affect the weather!

Players weren’t too surprised.

After witnessing the miracle of Goddess Eve’s resurrection and worship of living beings, Walker’s power did not surprise them.

And then, Walker’s majestic voice resounded throughout the audience, with great confidence:

“Hmph! False gods! You steal the priesthood under the Ulrel crown,

Kill your crowned servants and believers, and today is the time of your fall! It turned out to be a false god!

The power behind the Elven Forest turned out to be a pseudo-god!

The half-orcs were extremely shocked.

And then, boundless joy!

Those who do not have the power of the true God, but promote the true God, are false gods.

Since it is a pseudo-god, then it must not be Lord Walker’s opponent!

As one of the three demigods under the throne of Uhral, the legend of Walker is widely spread among the half-orc tribes.

He is a veteran totem guardian who has defeated pseudo-gods and demigods many times! It’s a legendary character!

False…… False gods?

The players listened, and their faces were very strange.

He…… He is a demigod and says that the goddess is a false god?

This…… Is it also misleading by the goddess?

What does the goddess want to do?

The players subconsciously looked at the figure surrounded by the holy light, but they didn’t seem to be able to see her face clearly, and naturally couldn’t see her emotions clearly.

The goddess at this moment feels more mysterious and inscrutable.

But one thing that confirms is that the goddess seems to be really planning something…

False gods? The priesthood of Ulrell?

Listening to the reprimand of the demigod Walker, Alice and Al’s faces rose with a hint of anger.

Shameless! Damn it! Bastards who turn black and white upside down! However, thinking of the

teachings of the mother god, they endured it abruptly.

And when they looked at the demigod Walker again, their eyes were already like looking at a corpse.

The true God is not to be blasphemed!

Even if…… He can’t even be a noble demigod!

After listening to Walker’s words, Eve was not angry either.

I saw her sigh softly, and the ethereal and majestic voice resounded throughout the audience:

“It’s not suitable here, let’s fight in another place.”

“Oh, are you worried that the aftermath will endanger the believers… Sure enough, stupid pseudo-gods!

Listening to Eve’s words, the demigod Walker let out a sneer.

I saw him swing the silver axe and roar towards Eve!

At the same time, Eve also stretched out her hand and pointed out two ripples of divine power in a row…

“It’s time to fight!”

Players’ eyes lit up.

They subconsciously hid, their eyes widened, ready to witness the demigod-level battle.

However, the next scene surprised everyone.

I saw that the first ripple pointed out by the goddess turned into a divine lock and shot directly at Walker.

However, Walker just sneered and easily dodged the first attack.

But the moment he dodged, another ripple suddenly turned into a huge teleportation array, landing exactly in the direction Walker moved when he was dodging, enveloping him.

Under everyone’s surprised gaze, the demigod Walker’s body suddenly bloomed with a brilliant brilliance.

And after the brilliance, he disappeared …

And disappearing with it is the goddess Eve.

Transmit…… Teleported away?

For a while, everyone was stunned.

“You continue to surround the orcs.”

In an instant, a crisp and ethereal voice sounded in the hearts of all players.

It’s a goddess!

Players’ eyes lit up.

This…… Or was it the first time that the goddess spoke directly in their hearts and personally gave orders!

At this time, players find that their language ability has been restored again.

“Look! Watch Elven Forest!

Suddenly, a sharp-eyed player pointed to the big rear and said.

The other players followed his direction and were surprised to see clouds rolling over the Elven Forest…

Did the goddess teleport to the Elven Forest with the half-orc envoy?

In an instant, the players immediately understood.

And then, their eyes lit up.

Elven Forest… That’s the home of the goddess!

“No wonder… No wonder…… It seems that this demigod is going to be finished this time.

“Wait, the demigods are gone, now we can brush monsters again?”

Thinking of this, the players’ hearts moved.

The boss was teleported away…

So, isn’t it their home turf again?

However, there are also people who beat their chests:

“Aaaah! I want to watch the battle of the goddess! I want to see the battle of the goddess!

And seeing the divine envoy being teleported away, the half-orcs were also stunned.

Only soon, they saw the eager expressions of the players.

Looking at the player’s flickering gaze, for some reason, the half-orc giant mountain suddenly felt a little bad.

Still, he scolded,

“Elves! Lord Demigod has already made a move, and your pseudo-gods are doomed! Stop doing unnecessary resistance!

Hearing his angry shout, the players were first stunned, and then burst into laughter:


“Who is finished is not certain!”

“Ironboys! Look behind you!


The half-orcs were slightly stunned.

They subconsciously turned their heads.

Then a huge black shadow was seen.

Hideous face, black scales, and vertical pupils full of anger…

It’s the Black Dragon.

It’s just that at this moment, the black dragon has been freed!

“What… When?

The half-orc’s gaze was glazed.

Jushan’s face changed:

“Divine lock… It’s the Divine Lock just now! The God Lock rescued it!

That’s right, it’s the God Lock.

Just now, the demigod Walker did dodge the first divine lock that Eve shot.

But Eve didn’t think about controlling him with a divine lock in the first place!

Her real goal is to free the black dragon!

Looking at the black dragon with red eyes and angry eyes, all the half-orcs couldn’t help but giggle in their hearts. UU Reading

Jushan looked terrified and quickly shouted:

“Retreat! Fall back!

And as soon as he finished shouting, the little black dragon shouted “Rua” and rushed into the half-orcs to start the slaughter.

“Groove! Keep some heads!

“We’re on too!”


“Ulla ——!”

The players also roared and continued to join the battle!

The scene once again fell into chaos.


Elven Forest. In the sky, the

demigod Walker looked at the dense forest below, his eyes surprised:

“I really didn’t expect it… You actually teleported me here.

“Huh, is the forest your home turf? But teleporting a demigod… How much strength do you have left?

Walker let out a sneer.

The consumption of instantaneous teleportation is proportional to the energy of the teleportation object.

Walker could clearly sense that after teleporting, the strength of the mysterious pseudo-god on the opposite side had once again gone by half.

“It’s a lot of consumption.”

Listening to Walker’s words, Eve sighed slightly, and seemed to have some heartache.


she said, ”

I’m sure you won’t let me lose money.”

What do you mean?

Walker’s brows frowned slightly, and there was suddenly a trace of uneasiness in his heart.

Then, he saw that the “pseudo-god” in front of him suddenly bloomed with green brilliance.

Under his astonished gaze, he saw that the body of the pseudo-god suddenly “shattered” and merged into heaven and earth…

At the same time, a strong feeling of heart palpitations suddenly hit Walker’s heart!

That moment…

He felt that this world…


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