The golden divine lock was extremely fast, instantly interrupting the movements of the demigod Walker.

His face was slightly solemn, and he quickly loosened the divine lock that bound Demacia and turned to fight the sudden attack.

The chains formed by the two divine forces collided together, causing a violent explosion of energy.

Just listening to the “boom” loud sound, all players felt that their ears were deaf for a moment, and the whole earth shook slightly.

And when they looked at the demigod Walker again, they found that a giant pit with a radius of nearly 100 meters had appeared on the ground in front of him…

Some of the houses and half-orcs that originally existed there had instantly turned into flying ash.

“Groove… That’s a little too strong, right?

Looking at the aftermath of the explosion, the players were dumbfounded and subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of spit.

Only at this moment did they really realize how big the gap between the power of demigods and the power of mortals really was…

And this giant pit just now is just the aftermath of the collision of demigod-level forces.

For the sudden attack and the appearance of strange god locks, the demigod Walker did not seem surprised.

I saw him sneer, and the thick voice of vicissitudes resounded in the air:

“Hehe, the guess under the crown of the true god is really good, and there is really a new god consecrated god. This divine power… With the breath of nature and life… Sure enough, you stole the power that should have belonged to the crown! ”

New god canonization?

Listening to the half-body walker’s words, the half-orcs were stunned, and then quickly fell into shock.

“The Elven Forest has actually given birth to a new true god!”

“Could it be… Was it the newborn true god who subdued the elves?

“It must be, or else… How to explain their changes!

“Those long-eared converts?”

“Wait… Could it be the World Tree?

“It’s impossible, if it were the World Tree, the Father God would have descended with your crown long ago…” The

half-orcs talked about it and quickly ruled out the correct answer.

It is not to blame them, the news of the fall of the World Tree is well known, and unlike the belief in the true god, who completely pinned his life on the power of faith, even if the ancient gods had faith, the origin of life was based on the essence.

The fall of the ancient gods means the death of the body, and it is almost impossible to rely on the faith of believers to resurrect like believing in the true God!

In addition, those true gods who were hostile to the World Tree did not react at all…

So…… One wrong step, one wrong step.

However, it is foreseeable that even if the odds are very small, with Eve’s actions, it is probably only a matter of time before the recovery of the world tree is suspected.

But even so, Eve decided to appear in a vest.

After all…… Time is running out for Him.

Twenty years seems like a long time, but it is just a blink of an eye for the true god whose strength is growing slowly.

He must seize every opportunity to strengthen Himself!

When the truth is revealed, He will at least have the power to fight the enemy!

Listening to the discussion of the half-orcs, the players were also surprised.

New…… A newborn true God?

When did Elven Forest pop out of a newborn true god?

Isn’t there only one goddess-sama?

And the crisp cold snort just now, everyone can hear it, it is exactly the same as the voice of the goddess they heard when they created the character!

With the foreshadowing of the natural saint Alice, players have long known that Eve’s identity must be kept secret. Once the news of the

revival of the World Tree is revealed, it is likely to attract the siege of the gods!

And considering the urine nature of this game, if that’s the case, the plot will definitely fall apart…

And the plot collapses and it’s over.

“Elven Country” has a story line and a history line in which players participate.

The official has also announced a news long ago, in order to enhance the player’s sense of participation and realism, “Elf Country” does not have a game reset.

If the player fails to die, causing the entire story to collapse, “Elven Country” will announce the suspension of the file.

This news also caused an uproar in the Blue Star online game industry.

Many netizens think that the official of “Elf Country” must be crazy to say so.

If someone maliciously targets, isn’t “Elven Country” over?

But beta players don’t think so.

Not to mention how strong the official control of the game is, after knowing this, although they are not willing to admit it, they are indeed more cautious when playing, and they are more realistic and exciting.

Collapse plot… It’s not what players want to see.

It took so long for everyone to run the elf town so well, every day liver tasks, brush monsters, and finally promoted to black iron, everyone has fallen in love with this game.

Identity and acquisition are inherently pleasant.

And these two pleasures are intertwined, and bring players more joy.

No one wants to lose this game.

Whoever wants to mess around, I’m afraid that before Eve can make a move, the players will scare him first.

But…… What did this strange messenger mean?

The players were puzzled and tried to communicate, but then were surprised to find that they had lost the ability to speak.

All players can’t speak anymore! Fortunately, the

chat function on the game system is still there, and a group of people are lively on the World Channel to discuss:

“Wait… Why can’t I talk anymore? Can you?

“I can’t either, it seems to be forced by the system.”

“Drama animation… I’m afraid we’re getting into the plot animation! When they visited the goddess before, they heard that they also lost control of their bodies!

“So it is!”

The players suddenly realized, and then they all got excited.

“But… What is the situation of the new god canonization? Isn’t the goddess the world tree?

“Hey, have you forgotten? Sister Saint said before that Lord Goddess seems to be misleading the enemy in order to hide her identity, which must be misleading by her! Have you forgotten that we were still treated as undead before?

“So it is!”

“Hmm… How do I feel that the image of the goddess has changed all of a sudden, I have always felt that the goddess in this game is high and upright, but I didn’t expect that there would be such a lewd development time…”

“Hahaha… The goddess is also an NPC, and it is not a vague sign, as long as it is an NPC in this game, it must have its own emotions!

“You say that… Suddenly, I felt that the goddess was a lot closer! Go back to the sacrifice and pray and see if you can pat the horse! What if I too are chosen to be God’s dependents?

“Poof… You’re such a talent. UU Reading

” “Record screen! Record your screen! The goddess is definitely going to fight next!

Players happily turned on their recording features.

At the same time, the body of the god Al’s body bloomed with brilliant holy light.

I saw him kneeling on the ground reverently, praying silently, and with his prayer, a divine and vast aura suddenly descended on the scene.

In the solemn gaze of the demigod Walker, the soft divine power continued to converge, and soon formed an ethereal and divine figure.

It seemed to be a goddess, surrounded by the brilliance of divine power.

The Light obscured His true face, but… But he showed his vigorous aura of divine power.

The appearance of the true god can change at will, but the breath of divine power is difficult to disguise.

Especially faith in gods!

In an instant, the demigod Walker recognized it…

That breath… With life and nature!

However, he also found that the other party’s aura did not seem to be stable, mixed with a hint of death divine power.

Demigod Walker’s eyes lit up slightly.

Sure enough, as speculated under the crown of the true god, this is a true god who stole life and nature with the help of the god of death!

Not only that, his state is not good, and he can’t even master his divine power!

No wonder it is concealed, such a true god, I am afraid that the strength is not comparable to that of a senior demigod!

This…… It’s an opportunity!

His waist straightened up all of a sudden.

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