The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 132 Hulk vs. Dracula

On the flying aircraft carrier, Li Kang watched the development of the battle with a solemn expression. His mood was not only disappointed, but also disappointing.

"Do you think this group of people is playing a one-on-one duel? Why do they come up one by one? Doctor Doom, you are the most powerful commander in the world. Go and organize them. Even if you can't stop Loki, you will. To consume him to the maximum extent, I need some time to prepare. If I really have to take action, I hope to get a definite victory!" Li Kang was a little desperate for this group of X-Men. These people are all elm wood. The brain needs someone to direct it in order to exert its true power.

Doctor Doom nodded, raised his hand and opened a big hole in the flying aircraft carrier, and flew out of the hole.

"Alas, my flying aircraft carrier has just been repaired a few days ago. Now that it is well, a big hole has been opened in the command room. Two of the four engines have been destroyed. The body of the aircraft carrier has been seriously damaged. I really doubt that it was caused by something. It's a curse." Fury couldn't help but wailed. He had too deep feelings for this flying aircraft carrier. This was a flying aircraft carrier that he participated in the design and construction of. It was originally intended to keep the headquarters of SHIELD in a constant state of movement. In this state, enemies of SHIELD cannot attack so easily. However, the reality is that it seems to have become a flying coffin. Less than two months after it was put into use, it has already been attacked twice.

"Hehe... There is an old saying in the mysterious ancient East. Shoot the first bird with a gun, and pretend to be the best with lightning! Although your S.H.I.E.L.D. agency has a big business, you can't be so ostentatious, why don't you build a flying aircraft carrier? , if it is on the ground, and there are US ground troops who can support you, you obviously have the ground advantage, but you still like to fly in the sky, isn't this seeking death?" Li Kang gloated and mocked, in fact, these two attacks were not related to him Relatedly, the first attack can be said to have been led by Hydra, but the second attack was actually carried out by Li Kang himself.

However, Li Kang would not tell Fury about this kind of thing. He decided to keep this secret in his stomach and let Fury think that he was cursed.

Someone from the maintenance department of S.H.I.E.L.D. came over quickly to fill the hole. Otherwise, at such a height, the air pressure inside and outside was different, and a very strong wind blew in the command room. Fury commanded his men to monitor the destruction despite the strong wind. The movements of the Doctor.

Soon the satellite captured Dr. Doom flying at high speed.

"Director, our satellite is finally able to capture Doctor Doom!" A very cute scientific researcher shouted excitedly.

"Don't be stupid. This is Doctor Doom's intention for us to capture him. If he wants to hide himself, we will never be able to capture him. Don't forget, we have tried many times before." Fury said with some frustration. , he is not disappointed that SHIELD's technology is ineffective against Doctor Doom, he is worried about the poor IQ of his own SHIELD agents. If one day he is no longer around, how can they deal with it? Will SHIELD continue to grow...

Li Kang secretly gave the magic prince Monaco a wink.

He slowly left Fury's side and quietly drew a silent magic circle with his feet. This magic circle was very simple and had a perfect mute effect. Not even a word of conversation within the magic circle could be heard. Go outside.

Monarch glanced suspiciously at Fury beside him. Fury was commanding his subordinates with all his strength. Most of these subordinates were from the new generation. They grew up in a peaceful era and knew nothing about war. Know.

They think that in places like Afghanistan and Iraq, dealing with some terrorists is a war, but in the eyes of Fury, who has participated in real wars, those are bullshit. When you drive a tank, there are F-22s roaring in the sky. It's not much of a war when you're providing ground support and your enemies are just idiots with AK-47s.

During World War II, it was Nazi Germany and the Hydra organization that had absolute technological superiority. However, the technology of the Allied forces was completely incomparable. Every mission was a suicide attack. If you were not careful, you would lose your life. Injuring your teammates, or even worse, causing your troops to suffer huge losses. To withstand such huge pressure and complete your mission perfectly, this is the perfect agent, and now these subordinates are not qualified enough. , they are like spoiled children, they clearly have all the resources at their hands, but they mess everything up.

On the other side, the X-Men were carrying out an attack that was destined to be futile. They tried their best, but they still couldn't shake Loki at all. Even the aura around Loki couldn't break through, and the team sent to find the Hulk also couldn't break through. There was no good news. Hulk demolished half of Dracula's Castle, the holy place of vampires. As if as a prank, he left the other half untouched. The supernatural agent team that had been closely monitoring it showed obvious fear. , introducing the situation at that time.

In order to save their master, the vampires used all the means at their disposal. They released all the monsters they had captured over the years, thousands of them, including ferocious werewolves and bloodthirsty cruel shadows. Demons, as well as mountain giants with a height of ten meters, and some monsters in myths, Dracula captured some. These monsters were locked in special cages, hung by armed helicopters, and dropped from a thousand meters above the ground. Going down, any one of these beasts can sweep away an elite vampire team, but what they encountered was the Hulk.

The werewolf who landed first breathed the free air. He had been imprisoned for several years and could no longer bear the life of a prisoner. Above his head was a full moon like a silver plate. The werewolf couldn't bear it. Resisting the impulse in his heart, he looked up to the sky and howled.

"How dare the little fur ball provoke Hulk, Hulk smashed the little fur ball!" A rude voice suddenly came from behind the werewolf.

Who is seeking death here? There was saliva left in the werewolf's mouth. Whether it was a passer-by or even a cold vampire, as long as there was a throat that he could tear open and let him drink blood and devour flesh and blood, the werewolf turned around and opened his mouth. With a wide mouth full of dagger-like fangs, he bit down on a large piece of muscle, which was harder than the hardest steel.

Then the werewolf saw a Hulk who was as majestic as a mountain.

"Hmph! How dare the little fur ball bite Hulk! Hulk smashes it!" Hulk punched the werewolf into the sky, and then the cage fell like raindrops, and a mountain giant taller than ten Hulks grabbed a A big tree hit Hulk on the head. The big tree shattered and sharp wood chips flew.

"Hmph! You are big, but Hulk is stronger!" Hulk jumped up and punched the mountain giant's head away.

Twenty minutes, just twenty minutes, thousands of mythical monsters were all crushed by the Hulk.

Within twenty minutes, Dracula escaped to Krul Fortress, which was the place where he ambushed the Turks and won a great victory. It was also the place where he gained supreme glory. According to the mysterious ancient East, this is where he Longsheng Treasure Land, where he will have a final decisive battle with Hulk. If he fails, he will become a benevolent person. According to the current situation, the chance of becoming a benevolent person is extremely high.

But Dracula is immortal, so he is not afraid of death.

The next ones to be released are the predators. These are crazy mutated vampires. They are all prisoners of the blood clan who have committed treason. Because they cannot drink enough blood for a long time, they become such crazy half-vampires. , a half-beast monster.

"Hulk has a weakness. He can't fly, so I sent out air troops and we will be able to destroy him. Hulk is strong enough, but he cannot have infinite strength. If we consume him like this, he will definitely be exposed. Flawed." Dracula said very optimistically.

Hulk can't fly, but he can jump. He can jump at least three or four kilometers high in one jump, and he can also glide in the air. When he jumps up and falls, he has great kinetic energy. He will die when he hits or hit him. Anyone who encounters him will die. Just a few hundred predators are not enough to kill him. Even the helicopters in the sky are suffering. At first, Hulk jumped around to shoot the helicopters, but later he simply picked up stones on the ground and threw them. The rocks he threw were as powerful as electromagnetic cannons. In less than ten minutes, Dracula's killer weapon, which he had carefully prepared for many years, was completely killed.

The Supernatural Agents did not witness what happened next. Captain Werewolf and Midnight only saw the Hulk hit the wall of Krul Fortress like a green meteor, immediately making a huge hole, and then The scene was unforgettable for everyone in the Supernatural Agents Team. It was like a landmine buried in an anthill that suddenly exploded, and countless vampire guards were blasted into the sky like ants.

Blood flowed like a river, and the scene was extremely tragic. No matter what kind of consciousness Dracula had, he was just an ant in front of Hulk, together with the 15,000 most elite guards of the Vampire Clan and the elders of the Vampire Clan he had gathered. Taken together, it's only enough for Hulk to smash for half an hour.

Seeing this, all the members of the Supernatural Agents Team were frightened, so when they received Fury's order to capture the Hulk, you can imagine their expressions. How to capture him? Among the members of the Supernatural Agents Team, the most powerful ones are the werewolf captain and the vampire Midnight, but to put it bluntly, the two of them tied together, that is, a punch from the Hulk, are not from the same dimension at all.

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