The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 131 Unstoppable force

"Then you mean that the current situation is entirely caused by Loki? Cytorak's tentacles have extended to our world? This news is too terrible. This is a crisis comparable to the last time the Dark Dimension dominated. The incident of Dormammu's arrival may be even more serious. Tianlai NovelsWWW.『⒉3TXT.COM』Monak was afraid that Fury would not understand the seriousness of the crisis, so he made a vivid comparison.

He was right. The initiators of both incidents were evil gods from the outer universe. However, although Dormammu was tyrannical, in the eyes of Settorak, he was just a junior who had become a monk on the way and was no match at all.

Fury nodded. He had fully understood the horror of this matter. He immediately ordered to retrieve satellite images and quickly found Loki's location. Loki was now using a weird mechanical movement pattern to stride forward. His progress was neither fast nor slow, leaving behind him a long series of fiery red inscriptions. The meaning of them is unknown, but the energy test shows that the energy value contained in them is extremely high.

"So do you have any good ideas now?" Fury is a little worried now. He doesn't have any good ideas for such demons in outer space. SHIELD's natural agent team can be used to deal with vampires and so on. It's easy to use, but it won't be of much use when dealing with an incident of this level.

"I suggest that you immediately send out all the super heroes you can use, and let them try to hold Loki back. Even if they can't defeat him, they must consume him as much as possible. That... Hulk, as far as I know, It seems that he was teleported to Romania by that bastard Loki, and he may be having fun with those vampires now. If possible, get him back, he is a heavy cannon." Li Kang was too impressed by Hulk, since Hulk was able to knock Li Kang away with one punch, and it might also be effective against Loki.

"Okay! I'm going to make a request right away, and the X-Men and others are all here." Fury nodded with deep approval.

"One more thing to note is that no matter what, you cannot stand behind Loki, because wherever Loki walks, there will be an inscription belonging to Settorak himself. As long as you are within the scope of this inscription, you will be blocked. The temptation of Torak turned me into those fanatic believers. I think you have seen the terror of those fanatic believers." Li Kang explained the principle to Fury, who also discovered a similar phenomenon during the energy test. The inscription is indestructible, and unless Loki can be defeated, the end will be inevitable.

Rocky's steps were very determined and he headed straight for New York City. He was led by instinct to go to the place where life is most prosperous. As one of the largest cosmopolitan cities in the world, New York City is the perfect target.

Fury immediately sent someone to contact the X-Men. Coulson and May were both in the city. They immediately found Professor X and described the terrible things that were about to happen to Professor X and others.


This is a crisis of destruction that affects everyone. No one can escape this ruthless trial. Resistance is the only way out.

Loki must be kept out of New York City, a city that has suffered so much today.

The residents of New York City are very calm. Living in New York City is equivalent to living in a battlefield where humans fight against each other. They have a natural immunity to such chaotic scenes. If they were in another city, the world would have been in chaos.

Cyclops, the captain of the I agree with Cyclops's judgment. This is indeed a rare and good opportunity. Otherwise, those organizations that discriminate against mutants may use the issue to blame the destruction of Stark Tower on the heads of mutants. Now it's Aegis The Secret Service is sending out invitations. This is the most open and powerful official organization. As long as we cooperate with the SHIELD Secret Service, we can virtually improve the status of the X-Men. This is indeed a rare opportunity.

While others were still hesitant, the X-Men were already high-spirited and eager to try.

Magneto sighed. He could reject anyone, but he did not have such a hard heart for Professor X. Magneto summoned thousands of tons of metal and turned it into a disc. The X-Men stood on the disc. , Magneto controlled the disc and flew towards Loki.

Loki muttered in his mouth, describing the great will of Settorak, and still moved forward mechanically, not very fast, no different from ordinary walking.

Magneto stopped the disc about a hundred meters in front of Loki and looked at Loki in confusion. Before the X-Men could completely get off the disc, he turned it into a sledgehammer, a thousand-ton hammer. The hammer roared towards Loki with unparalleled power. It might not be able to stop Loki from the front, but it attacked from above and pushed Loki into the ground to see how he could still move.

The sledgehammer carried huge wind pressure and reached the top of Loki's head. As soon as it touched the edge of the halo above Loki's head, it immediately collapsed. Loki was like a sacred and inviolable god. Wherever he stood, he was an unbreakable fortress. .

At this time, Loki had already entered the town where Li Kang fought with Hulk. There was a huge trench in the center of the town, which was the product of Hulk's angry stamping. The residents of the town had evacuated very wisely. However, there are a few who remain, all of whom no longer care about life, such as the veteran with disabled limbs. The only police sergeant willing to listen to him died in front of him. At this time, he felt that life was too unfair. , he had a feeling of hopelessness.

The battlefield will inevitably take place in this nameless town. The Cyclops aims at Loki, controls the control buttons on the glasses, and adjusts the energy output to the highest level. A scorching laser beam hits Loki, and the intense heat will A groove was burned out on the ground wherever it passed. The laser light touched the halo in front of Loki, like hitting a wall. The violent collision shook the earth and the earth. However, such a high-intensity attack, Still unable to slow down Loki, Loki actually didn't even blink.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that Cyclops' attack is just like Magneto's attack, ineffective.

Shock came out with a braid and a killer look. He was able to create strong vibrations. The shock came to the left front of Loki. He stamped his foot hard, and the ground immediately trembled, and a bottomless canyon appeared. In front of Loki.

"Hehehehe... If he takes a detour, I will create another canyon to trap him. If he falls, I will merge the canyons and trap him to death. It doesn't mean that if he doesn't have to walk, he Can't I turn people into fanatical believers of evil gods? I'm so smart." Zheng Zheng said proudly.

Loki seemed not to have seen the canyon and was still moving forward. When he reached the top of the canyon, inscriptions appeared under Loki's feet. These inscriptions supported Loki to continue moving forward. What kind of canyon, in Loki's eyes? , is no different from flat land. If there is a mountain in front of him, it is the same. Loki will move forward with the unstoppable attitude he has now. The Cytorak Ruby can give the user unstoppable power. This is in a literal sense. unstoppable.

At this time, even if Hulk comes, Loki can't stop him. Maybe even Hulk will be transformed. Hulk had a draw with the incomplete Li Kang, but now Loki is blessed by Settorak himself. Compared to Li Kang at that time, he was even stronger.

The situation was very critical. Suddenly, a cold breath blew through the sky, and the Iceman stood up.

"Let me freeze him into a ball of ice and see how he can move forward..." The Iceman raised his hands, and the absolute zero-degree cold breath washed over Loki's body. Although the halo blocked the cold air, Loki The surrounding air cooled down rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, snowflakes and ice crystals appeared on Loki's body, but Loki still moved forward without caring. Not only that, in the next fifteen minutes, Loki also had the ability to be killed by anyone who touches him. The ability to freeze prevents Colossus and others who engage in close combat from getting close.

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