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The old man's name is Xiao Fu, and his real name has long been forgotten. The surname and first name were all re-granted by the old owner after he joined the Xiao family.

In terms of age, he was several years older than his family owner Xiao Yijie. Xiao Fu became a servant at the age of seven when he was seven years old. It has been more than ninety years. No matter the weather is changing, the dynasty changes. The location has never been shaken.

There are no stories about him on the rivers and lakes, and not many people have heard his name. Because he never broke through rivers and lakes.

Xiao Fu's martial arts are all given by Xiao Yijue's father. His qualifications are not high, and as a servant, even if he is really talented, he is not qualified to visit the Xiao family.

But Master Xiao at that time had been secretly calling this young man. When Xiao Yijue practised his sword, he asked Xiao Fu to sweep the floor beside him. He also deliberately read out some of his mental methods. He also specially arranged a quiet place for him to let Xiao Fu secretly perform martial arts at night.

Xiao Jiatian asked about swordsmanship and Qin Qin's magical skills, and won the entire China. Moreover, Qin could make up for it. Even though Xiao Fu's qualifications were mediocre, by the age of thirty, he was a little successful and set foot in the sanctuary. After that, he became a housekeeper of Xiao House, married his wife and had children. For Xiao Fu, this was the happiest period of his life.

A few years later, Mr. Xiao passed away, and Xiao Yi never inherited his family business. He allowed Xiao Fu’s son to join his family and become a formal disciple. It's a pity that this young man was very young. When he was 16 or 7 years old, he hadn't succeeded in learning art, he fought fiercely outside, and died of misfortune. Xiao Fu's wife died soon after.

After losing his family, the sense of mission loyal to the Xiao family has become Xiao Fu's entire spiritual sustenance and life pursuit. It can be said that Xiao Fu has always been grateful and faithful to the Xiao family in his life.

So even though he is already the pinnacle martial arts, he is never a rival in the world, and he has never stepped out of Yanjing half a day. He not only directs his disciples in Xiao's house, but also eats it for the young master Xiao Yao.

But today, he walked hurriedly towards the backyard with a solemn expression.

In the backyard, there are very few people, especially a small door in the corner, behind which is the Xiao Family's Forbidden Land. With the exception of Xiao Fu, the most trusted old housekeeper, all other trespassers have only one end, die!

Xiao Fu took a bronze key from his arms, opened the lock on the small door, took a deep breath, and walked in.

Just crossing a threshold, but for Xiao Fu, it is like coming to a new world. Behind this little door is a splendid lake water, almost fake rockery, lush trees and flowers, and more importantly, the aura in the air The density is dozens of times outside!

The aura density here is actually a few points higher than that of the Yunding Mountain Villa, which is covered with Zhuanlong's natural formation. It can be seen how the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is in this Xiao House.

Xiao Fu didn't immerse himself in this feast of aura, but quickly walked to the rockery, carefully struck three times, respectfully said: "Master, it's me."

A few seconds later, a low voice suddenly heard inside the rockery: "Afu, come in."

Then, the rockery suddenly split into two, revealing a secret passage, and Xiao Fu slowly walked down the steps. Here, compared to the outside with plenty of aura, it is almost as barren as hell. Ordinary warriors do not say to practice here, I am afraid that even living is an extravagant hope.

Even Xiao Fu took two steps, feeling that his head was dizzy for a while, holding his breath in a hurry, and protecting his whole body with gang gas, so that he could continue to go down.

At the bottom of the stone steps, there is a space of the size of a football field. Looking around, there is only one thing...


Thousands of thousands, it is impossible to count how many swords there are!

These swords are long, short, intact, broken in two, and are made of magic weapons made of natural materials and earth, and blunt swords made of ordinary iron.

These swords have different shapes and are placed in different positions, but only one thing is the same.

That is, they are all bleak and dull. This is not to say that the top is rusted, but that these swords are not vital. Some people may wonder, where is the sword a dead object, and where is there vitality?

Of course, ordinary people do not understand this kind of thing, and even most warriors and warlocks do not understand. The only thing that can be seen is the person who understands the sword.

Or a peerless swordsman, or a master swordsman, only they can see the vitality of the sword, and Xiao Fu is also a very good swordsman.

In his eyes, these swords are like human corpses. Although there is no damage to the appearance, if they are used to fight against the enemy, I am afraid that they will just be brandished and turned into dust.

To describe this Jedi in two words, it is the sword tomb, the grave of countless swords.

In the sword mound, everything seems to have lost its original color, only revealing a desperate gray, with one exception.

It was a white suit, and there was a peerless swordsman in white suit, the master of Xiao House, Xiao Yijue.

When Xiao Fu saw the white dress, his eyes were filled with comfort and admiration, bowing and whispering: "Master."


Xiao Yi never opened his eyes. He sat cross-legged in the deepest part of Jianzuo and said lightly: "Is there anything important that I need to come forward?"

He knows very well that if there is no very important event, Xiao Fu will never disturb his cleaning. Now that the other party is here, it means that there must be some difficult things that urgently need him to go out.

Xiao Fu took out a letter from his pocket, raised his hands above his head, and said in a deep voice: "Master, the one from the island country has left the border. Now he has entered the realm of God, and he has come down to you again."

Hearing this, Xiao Yijie's eyes, which had been closed for a long time, suddenly opened, and at the same time, the sword in the entire sword mound suddenly sounded and seemed to have his own life.

"Okay, an Ito Musashi, when the two of us battled against the top of Huashan Mountain, I could only win him a half-style. Today, he first stepped into the realm of God again, well, it really is a good opponent!"


Xiao Fu was shocked when he heard this. He also knew that the divine realm was not as good as the blue sky, but he firmly believed that if anyone in this world could break through the divine realm, it must be Xiao Yijue!

However, at this time, Ito Musashi has already broken through the **** realm, but Xiao Yi never did. Does this mean that the other party's potential talent is above the master?

Seeing Xiao Fu's appearance, Xiao Yi absolutely laughed and said, "Afu, what expression do you have? Do you think I will be afraid of an Ito Musashi?"

In this way, he suddenly stood up, and at the same time that Xiao Yi got up, the gray color in the sword mound suddenly retreated, and all the swords began to glow with life.

"Old, old man!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Fu was trembling with excitement. The masters of these swords died under Xiao Yijue's hands. If they had feelings, they might hate him.

But at this moment, the master just stood up and these swords all bowed, does it mean that he has conquered all the swords in the sword mound?

Just as Ye Chen was defeated by the Emperor's glazed body and could conquer the boundless sea water, Xiao Yi absolutely cultivated the sword to the extreme, and also commanded Wan Jian.

He slowly moved his hand, and the Haotian sword hanging from his waist suddenly came out of the sheath. At the same time, all the swords in the sword mound rose into the air and circled and danced around Xiao Yi.

A sword is out, Wan Jian submits!

Xiao Yi stood up against the sword and slowly said: "As early as ten years ago, I was able to break through the hurdles of the **** realm, but I have been stagnant for the purpose of proving the sword way with the common people."

"Now, the avenue is completed, Wan Jian returns to the sect, I... is the sword god!"

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