The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 258: Qingchuan's counterattack

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Boss Li's eyes are a bit dull. Although he is young, he has followed his father to the mall since childhood. He has never judged to miss a thing in terms of asset companies.

"These people, how can these people agree to a neighbouring junior as the head of the family?"

From various aspects such as shopping malls, families, businesses, and future development, such a move will be detrimental to He Family, not to mention that the direct bloodlines have no ambition, do you want to be your own owner?

What he analyzed is indeed true, but this guy is too small to look at Ye Chen. Those direct descendants of He family, of course, also want to get the heavy thoughts of boss Li, they also have ambitions, but...

In the face of the threat of death, everything must lean back.

All of the direct bloodlines of the He family have the soul-searching technique of Ye Chen planted by Ye Chen, and they are always threatened by the blue flame. In this case, where do they dare to have ambition?

Under the threat of death, this group of people even knelt down to the ground and claimed to be willing to give all the wealth of He family. At this time, Ye Chen then controlled everyone through He Caiwei, and he was worried that his order could not be implemented.

No matter how the people of the major families of Ao Dao are lost in their hearts, they can only do nothing. Now that the He family has a new head of the family and backed by Gangxiong Qingchuan, their annexation plan has no chance at all.

Boss Li looked pale and walked out of the meeting. He didn't even know how he got home, so he sat on the sofa and didn't want to do anything.

"This is a rare opportunity in a hundred years. Damn, why should the Qingchuan family support Ye Chen?"

He dropped the cup on the coffee table to the ground and whispered to himself fiercely. If the Qingchuan Gangxiong was not present, even if the He family forcibly made a family owner, they might not have a chance.

But at this moment, a cold voice came out: "Who said our Qingchuan family supported him?"

Hearing this sentence, boss Li jumped up from the sofa, and then he saw that a young, beautiful and beautiful girl came out of her bedroom.

She was wearing a pure white kimono with a fit, no makeup on her face, no pink daisies, and no decorations, only a samurai sword hung from her waist.

Boss Li was first frightened by the girl’s stunning face, and a little Qi Nian was born in his heart, but he quickly suppressed the impulse because the girl was still followed by two masked warriors, and they were holding a sharp knife On his wife's neck!

"You, who are you and what do you want to do?"

Boss Li subconsciously wanted to call the security guard, but the girl said with a sneer: "Save it, at the moment you speak, your head will also land."

She said this, and suddenly appeared behind Boss Li. She did not draw a knife, but put her sharp nails against his neck artery coldly and said: "If you don't believe it, you can try it."

Boss Lee's forehead began to spit out cold sweat. The masters of the martial arts, he has also seen, knowing that the other party can kill himself with a light touch, and hurriedly respectfully said:

"Several, you have something to say, just say how much you want!"

The girl sneered and said disdainfully: "Your Li family's property is not in the eyes of our Qingchuan family."

Hearing this, boss Li was agitated and raised his head in amazement: "You, are you from the Qingchuan family?"

The girl said lightly: "Introduce yourself. My name is Qingchuan Sakura. I am the daughter of Takao Aokawa and the sister of Sayuri Aokawa. Of course, these two identities are not important. The identity that really makes me proud is the disciple of Master Kento Ito Musashi. ."

Speaking of this name, a look of respectful worship appeared on her face, but she quickly regained her frosty look and said: "I originally came to China this time because Master stepped into the divine realm and came to fight against an old man. However, before going back after completing the task, I heard that the senior members of the family talked about his father's anomalies and hurried to Ao Island to check."

"Under this investigation, it turned out that my father was dead!"

"What?!" Boss Li was suddenly appalled. The death of the chairman of the world's top 50 companies, Gangchuan Gangxiong, was absolutely a sensation throughout Asia. How could he not know? And he clearly saw him just half an hour ago!

"That is the Yin and Yang technique of our Qingchuan family, which can manipulate the dead body and make it as if it were alive. My sister Qingchuan Sayuri, a bitch, not only betrayed the family and Master Wu Tiangou, but also turned to a Chinese!"

Speaking of his father’s death, Qingchuan Ying was very calm, and she seemed not to mind at all, but when she talked about Qingli Sayuri, she gritted her teeth, and her eyes showed fierce murderousness.

"Must kill her!"

Boss Li was shocked by Qingchuan Ying's words, even though he remained calm and calm, but after all, he was just a businessman. When I think of the guy I saw half an hour ago, he was actually a dead man. His reaction was as if ordinary people had seen a ghost, and even he could not stand steadily, and he collapsed directly into his seat.

Seeing him like this, Qingchuan Ying showed a disdainful sneer, but still said coldly: "We are here to prepare to cooperate with you, and everyone will work together to deal with that leaf dust."

"Relax, although this guy is powerful, but I will ask my father to take care of him. The thing you have to do is to contact other families on the island, wait for the time, and overturn the He family. The surnamed Ye is from my Qingchuan family. Take it away, I want him to spit it out one by one!"

Upon hearing this, Boss Li was ecstatic and was about to raise his head to ask for specific details, but Qingchuan Ying had disappeared into the room, leaving only one sentence:

"When it's time to start, we will naturally notify you."


Yanjing, Xiao House.

This is located in the most prosperous area of ​​Yanjing, but it is still a quaint courtyard building. Each brick and tile in the courtyard is a valuable cultural relic. Tables, chairs, vases and other things placed in the room are genuine. Antiques.

In this simple and solemn mansion, a white-haired old man is walking in a hurry.

Although he seems to be nearly one hundred years old, he is full of energy, dragons and tigers, straight waist, and the momentum he exudes is no less than Qiu Lingyun.

Obviously, this is a peak Wusheng!

Such people, looking at the world, in any force, are the kind of elders who are the ultimate ace level. Wherever they go, they will be treated as treasures. What luxury cars and money beauties are called. Something that comes and goes.

But in this Xiao Mansion, he was just a servant...

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