The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Chapter 419: Ask Tiangong

   But although it only has a few months, the town of Money at this time is far more prosperous than when Wang Musheng and the others left.

   Especially where the Sansheng Temple is.

   This was supposed to be a remote place far away from Qianjin Town, but at this time it has developed into a prosperous town.

  Even this town has been closely connected with the distant money town. At first glance, the entire money town has doubled or more in a short period of time.

  The reason why I was able to expand so much in a month’s time was because of the help of the Three Sacred Temples. As long as they chose to settle here, the Three Sacred Temples with insufficient money would give some help.

   Even if there is a shortage of manpower, the Sansheng Temple will lead the believers to help.

  In this way, in a short period of time, the whole Qianjin Town has undergone earth-shaking changes. There are no homeless children or beggars here.

   The messy roads and the messy environment in the town have also been improved.

   The entire town has become clean, tidy and completely new.

   Coupled with the efficaciousness and magic of the Three Holy Temples, it attracted a large number of people, and they traveled far and wide to worship.

   The gathering of a large number of believers naturally attracted more discerning businessmen, which made this money town become more prosperous.

  In this way, more people will choose to settle here.

   so back and forth, it has caused the prosperity of the money town.

   "Killing, killing, killing sword, and Lingyun, Qing'er, you should go to the Three Holy Temple first! I still have something to deal with, and we will find you there later."

Shortly after entering Qianjin Town, Shuangyi divided into two teams. One team went to the Three Holy Temple under the guidance of Mastiff, while Wang Musheng and the old Taoist slowly moved towards the center of the original Qianjin Town, the ancient and tall one. The money tree walked over.

  I haven't seen it for a few months. The money tree is still that money tree. There is no change in appearance, not even the number of leaves.

   However, perhaps it is the money tree that has sensed the arrival of Wang Musheng and the old Taoist priests! Wang Musheng was on the money tree, feeling a taste of joy inexplicably.


   As last time, when Wang Musheng and the old Taoist set foot on the square where the money tree is located, they were once again absorbed into the money secret space by the power of the money tree.

   However, compared to the last time he didn't notice anything, he didn't have the slightest ability to resist. This time Wang Musheng clearly felt the fluctuation of the space and the existence of the money secret space.

   Even at the moment of teleportation, Wang Musheng felt that as long as he was willing, he could completely break away from this transmission energy.

   However, Wang Musheng didn't do this. Instead, he obeyed the power of teleportation and instantly disappeared on the square.

   appeared directly in the money secret realm space.

   It's just that compared to the last time, the two appeared outside the mansion. This time Wang Musheng and the old Taoist appeared directly inside the mansion, in an exquisite hexagonal pavilion in the sea of ​​flowers.

   And not far from Wang Musheng and the old Taoist priests, two people were standing, as if waiting for Wang Musheng and the old Taoist priest.

   And after seeing Wang Musheng and the old Taoist priests, the two of them also sent out warm invitations heartily.

"The two are here, but I'm so hard to wait! Come, come, sit down, eat some spirit fruit, there are some great stuffed rice, this is my latest work, you two must be good Taste and taste."

These two people are naturally the consciousness of the money tree, wood money. As for the other figure, whose whole body is covered in black robes, Wang Musheng didn't see it last time, but seeing him standing, he subconsciously stepped back from wood money. Half a step, it should be the servant of Muqian, or his subordinates or something!

   "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

   After a courtesy among monks, Wang Musheng and the old Taoist took their seats one after another, Wang Musheng said apologetically.

   Compared with the youthfulness of Wang Musheng when he came last time, this time Wang Musheng is more confident and calmer.

   "Well, it's just that after waiting for a long time, I have a chance, but it seems to be more troublesome."

   Mu Qianjin got up personally, poured a glass of wine for the two of them, and shook his head with emotion.

   "Human nature, on the contrary, because of things, we have delayed a little time on the road this time, so we should stay with our seniors!"

   "Stop talking about it, come, have a drink, and taste the taste of my newest brewed Baihua Stuffed Rice."

   "Then we should respect our fate."

   "The fragrance is tangy, gentle around the throat, endless aftertaste, good wine, good wine!"

   Even the old Taoist next to him nodded involuntarily after drinking.

   "Haha! You two like it. I have a lot more here. Just drink. When you leave, you two will bring some more."

   may be the Baihuaneng brewed by myself, which has been recognized by Wang Musheng and the old Taoist priests! At this moment, Muqian's expression on his face seemed extremely happy.

   "That's good, Dao Master likes this one the most, now you can take it."

   Wang Musheng looked at the old Taoist priest beside him and said with a smile.

   "That old way is here to thank seniors for giving wine."

   The old Taoist said, arching his hands at the wooden money.

  "It's just a little Muqian said with a look of disapproval.

   "But then again, little friend Mu Sheng, you have made a great reputation this time!"

   "Well, I don't know where the seniors started?"

   Hearing Mu Qianqian's words, Wang Musheng couldn't help but asked in confusion.

   "Well, is it possible that little friend Musheng didn't know yet."

   Looking at Wang Musheng who was puzzled, Mu Qianjin couldn't help but wonder.

   "What should I know?"

   "It seems that little friend Mu Sheng really never knew!"

  Wood money finished, and finally waved to the black robe man who had been standing behind him. He immediately waved his hand, but he directly took out a jade slip and handed it to the wood money hand.

   "I forgot to introduce you, this is my most loyal subordinate, Hei Kui!"

   After finishing speaking, the mana in the hands of Muqian surged.


   On the jade slip in Muqian's hand, a light and shadow suddenly appeared.

   "Tianjiao list!"

   After seeing the scene in the light and shadow, the old Taoist exclaimed first.

   "Tianjiao list, what is that?"

  Wang Musheng thought about it carefully, and found that the basic information of the immortal cultivation world that Mastiff gave him, but there was no existence of this Tianjiao list, and he couldn't help but ask in doubt.

  Tianjiao List, Dragon Phoenix List, Shenbing List, these five lists are all a special sect, Wentian Temple was founded three thousand years ago, and used to record various powerful existence lists in the world of immortality.



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