The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Chapter 418: Ziyin Mogong

How can this not make everyone feel surprised and envious.

So, after that day, Xiao Lan Ling instantly became the most popular person in all Qian's family, and the waiter was even more princess than the princess.

But everyone who had the opportunity to take care of and serve Xiao Lan Ling was as if they had been beaten up with blood. The spirit and the meticulousness were shocking.

Even the chef who cooks for Lan Ling does his best every time he cooks for Xiao Lan Ling. Every meal in front of Xiao Lan Ling is definitely the best.

And these people's scheming was not in vain, and they all received generous rewards.

However, because of the influence of the first Wannianbao ginseng root, let the little guy know that these super unpalatable big carrots that he didn't like, turned out to be so precious to these people.

Therefore, since then, the little guy has never committed a second, and he has done the silly thing of rewarding a whole root of Wannianbao to the maids.

But even if the reward is only ten thousand years of ginseng, the roots.

These servants turned and sold them to the master's house, and the silver liang obtained was also unprecedentedly rich, even more than their lifetime hard work.

As for the Qian family, they are also very willing to be the dealers of this Erdao and collect these ten thousand years of ginseng from the hands of these maids and servants.

After all, the treasures of ten thousand years belong to the ranks of spiritual treasures. It is absolutely no problem to use it to treat diseases and save people, and to prolong life. Naturally, there are more treasures like this.

However, such days did not last long. Although it was beautiful here, Wang Musheng had not forgotten his purpose.

Send the devout believers of the Three Holy Temples to the land of Zhongzhou, in the Three Holy Temples under construction.

At the same time, we also need to understand the things of the old Taoists.

Therefore, the group only stayed for three days, received three loyal followers from sixteen three holy temples, and settled all the problems of the Qian family.

Wang Musheng and his party left amidst the unwilling gazes of everyone in the Qian family.

However, on the eve of Wang Musheng's and his party's departure, Qian Wenzhuo approached Wang Musheng and expressed his deepest wish.

"I want to be a monk?"

"I can see it, but unfortunately, your physique is as complex as the spiritual roots of the five elements, and you can't cultivate at all."

"Is there no other way?"

"Yes, there are many treasures of heaven and earth, and miraculous medicines that can allow you to enter the Tao, but even if you can enter the Tao in this way, your future path of cultivation will be much more difficult than others.

If you want to grow, you need to spend more experience than others, so you have to do well and prepare for half the effort. "

"I want to be a monk, no matter how difficult it is, the world is so big, I want to see everywhere."

"Have you thought about it?"

"I'm done."

"In fact, when you step into this threshold, you will find that he is not as good as you think, but I respect your choice, and finally, welcome you to hell."

While talking, Wang Musheng waved his hand and several things appeared in Qian Wenzhuo's hands.

"These two fruits, one is the ancient dragon fruit, it is enough to cast the next one for you, which can make you the foundation of the Tao.

The other is the blood dragon fruit. Your physique is too weak. Before you eat the cologne, eat him first.

Otherwise, with your current physique, I estimate that you will not be able to survive the transformation of the ancient dragon fruit.

Among the remaining two jade slips, one of them records a technique for you, "Ziyin Mogong", just like his name, this is a Ziyin that uses midnight, a moment in time. The magic power of devil qi to practice.

This exercise can be regarded as the one that requires the lowest aptitude among the exercises I control.

However, this exercise has much higher requirements on a person's character.

Moreover, magic, I believe you know what it means, if you don’t like it, I can give you another exercise! "

Wang Musheng said with a serious face.

"Thank you, the pavilion master, just this exercise, I believe in myself."

Qian Wenzhuo shook his head and refused.

"As for this other jade slip, there are some simple magic techniques. It will teach you the application of the power in the body. As for how to view the information in it, you should know!"

"Yes, thanks again for the great kindness of the Pavilion Master."

Wang Musheng didn't say anything about this, he didn't say anything brainlessly, I used to be your brother Wang, don't care about this.

This is obviously impossible, after all, hierarchy is the inherent order of this world.

After Wang Musheng revealed his identity as the pavilion master of Xiaoyao Pavilion, all of this would never go back.

"Pavilion Lord, dare to ask Xiaoyao Palace a magic way, or?"

At the last moment, Qian Wenzhuo asked aloud.

"Oh, this hasn't entered the realm of cultivating immortals, so I care about the difference between the real demon."

Wang Musheng said curiously.

"That's not the case, Wenzhuo just wants to know, so as to have a suitable position for himself."

Qian Wenzhuo shook his head and said.

"Haha, Xiaoyao Palace is neither righteous nor evil, nor is it a demon. Xiaoyao Palace is Xiaoyao Palace. I don't know if you are satisfied with this answer."

"very satisfied!"


After leaving Qian's house and Shifang City, according to the previously planned route, a large circle was spared, and those believers who had a loyal belief in the Three Holy Temple were connected to the floating cloud boat one by one.

The group finally arrived at the end of the trip, Qianjin Town.

"I'm back again. I didn't expect it would take months to go."

Looking at the location of Qianjin Town from a distance, Wang Musheng couldn't help but said with emotion.

"Yes! I'm back."

The old Taoist priest beside Wang Musheng also said with emotion.

Just as when they entered Shifang City, Wang Musheng and his entourage lowered the Floating Cloud Boat from a distance, and walked towards the place where the money town was.

In order not to affect the residents of Qianjin Town, the place where Wang Musheng and his party landed is a bit far from Qianjin Town, but with the skills of Wang Musheng and his party, this distance is not much.

"Big brother, is this the money town you keep talking about? Isn't that great?"

When he came to the front and saw Qianjin Town in front of him, Murong Shasheng said disappointedly.

He always thought, what kind of magical place would the money town in the mouth of a powerful elder brother like Wang Musheng be?

Unexpectedly, it was really just an ordinary town.

"Everyone said that this is a town, so it's naturally not comparable to Xiaoyao City, Shifang City and other super cities.

Facing Murong's killing, Wang Musheng couldn't help but shook his head and said.

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