Everyone in the arena.

All heavens and worlds.

Jiang Chen.

Basically everyone is waiting for Tang Sanzang's response

"equality?"Tang Sanzang sneered.

"Young monk, I would like to ask the Great Buddha, if it is true as you said, the Buddha is the Supreme Lord, and the Buddha will bring peace and tranquility."

"When a Buddha looks at the world, does he see that there are differences in poverty, differences between height and height, and differences between men and women?"

"Why are some people born rich and wealthy, even if they enjoy a lifetime of enjoyment, they can be rich and wealthy all their lives, while some people are born poor, and even if they work hard, they remain poor and miserable. What kind of fairness is this?"

This answer is very sympathetic to the protagonists of the world present.

People are really different.

Some evil people commit murder and still get away with it, while some people work hard all their lives and still get framed.

For them, it is really Is it fair?

Zhunti and Jieyin were no longer calm. They looked at each other and saw the dissatisfaction in each other's eyes.

"This Tang Sanzang was really sharp-tongued!"

"Don’t worry, senior brother, Duobao is the number one person in Buddhism in the future. How can he lose? How can he lose? I have a hunch that this is the time to spread the Dharma. After the debate, all the heavens will praise me for the wonderful Dharma."

"good!"........... in the arena.

Tathagata took a deep look at Tang Sanzang and sighed:"Actually, you want to be simple."

"That’s all, let me answer your question."

"What you just said is right. People are divided into rich and poor. Their lives are very different and their circumstances are also different."

"But have you ever thought about it? People who enjoy wealth are often misled by wealth. Their desires are not satisfied, they can't ask for it, they can't let it go, and they always have sorrow and pain."

"The poor, on the other hand, will be happy when they have enough food and clothing. This is the difference between the two and a reflection of justice."

"Think about the difference between height and height. People climb high and look far away, but they often ignore the deep pits on the road under their feet. However, being short also has the advantage of being short. You won’t have such troubles."

"Between beauty and ugliness, beautiful people love their own skin and like to wrap themselves up, but ignore the purity of their souls. On the contrary, ugly people will not have such troubles."

"Red skull and white skin, a pure heart is hard to find, the experience of happiness, which one is more important?"

"What you see is only the surface, just like water. Water flows downward, so it is close to the Tao, but few people can understand the inside."

Now that the words have been said, Tathagata did not hesitate to speak, but wanted to say everything that needed to be said.

They traveled to the west to be the first person in Buddhism in the world. Facing the heavens and the world, they not only wanted to prove themselves , but also to prove the Dharma

"Whatever you lose, you will gain, and fairness will be reflected"

"After breaking through birth, old age, illness, death, separation from love, long-term resentment, inability to seek, and the inability to let go, if you feel at ease, you can see the Buddhas and the Tathagata."

"Tang Sanzang, you are also a disciple of Buddhism and a disciple of Buddhism, but you are too attached to appearances. How can you talk about practicing Buddhism or talking about Buddhism?"

As soon as these words came out, countless Buddhist cultivators in the heavens and all realms became excited.

The words of the Tathagata were so precise that they made people marvel.

"Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!"

Zhunti and Yin applauded together:"What a Tathagata, what a rising star in Buddhism!"

More and more people in the arena agree with Tathagata's statement.

Now their eyes have fallen on Tang Sanzang. If Tang Sanzang can't refute, he will lose.

The first Zen fight will officially end

"Tang Sanzang, what else do you have to say?" Tathagata asked.

Faced with Tathagata's pressing force, Tang Sanzang stared at Tathagata seriously:"Is this really what the Buddha is like?"

Immediately, Tang Sanzang shook his head:"What's the world for beauty and ugliness, and what's the world for tallness and shortness? They pray to God and worship Buddha just to change themselves. Do poor people really have less troubles than rich people?"

Tathagata looked directly at Tang Sanzang, as if he wanted to see his whole person clearly.

"Richness, poverty, beauty and ugliness in a person's life actually have nothing to do with Buddha. They worship Buddha, but why can't they change themselves?"

"Because as a Buddha, all he gives them is to tell them the truth. Only by learning Buddhism and practicing Dharma can they forget their pain and achieve bliss early."

"All good and evil deeds created by sentient beings must receive retribution when their causes and conditions mature."

"To illustrate: a tree grows from small to large. There are obstacles and twists and turns along the way. Why does the tree still grow into a towering tree? This is what Buddhism teaches about cause and effect"

"If there is a cause, there must be an effect. As the saying goes, all phenomena are empty, and cause and effect are not empty."

"Everyone in the world says that the Buddha is a liar, but little does he know how sincere and sincere he is? Sincerity leads to wisdom!

Tang Sanzang:" Cause and effect?"

Tathagata:"Cause and effect!"

Tang Sanzang still shook his head:"Reincarnation of cause and effect?" Causes from past lives will be repaid in future lives, but at that time, were you still you?"

"Is this reasonable?"

"What you owe me in this life, you pay me back in the next life. The simplest thing is hatred. I am killed by you in this life, and you kill me in the next life. Just after you have paid me back, I am guilty again. Is this the end of repayment?"

"Good Karma? Even if some people want to be good people and pay off their debts in this life, the debts in their previous lives have caused many troubles and resulted in more sins. Does the so-called karma and good retribution help people repent or induce sin?"

"A believer in Buddhism has always tried to be a good person, but what did he see? The bad guys around him are rising through the ranks, but what about him? Running into walls everywhere, do you think this is the result of your previous life?"

"Some people were blessed in their previous life and enjoy happiness in this life, but they also have bad karma while enjoying the happiness. Is it helping or harming them? Good and evil always follow each other, how can the retribution of the three lives be clear?"


At this moment, Tang Sanzang looked at Tathagata with ardent eyes.

He seemed to be waiting for him to give an explanation.

He seemed to want Tathagata's Buddhism, Tathagata's Buddhism, and today's Buddhism to give the world an explanation.

Tathagata He frowned and stared at Tang Sanzang:"Cause and effect are connected to the three lives. If you practice a lot of charity in your previous life, you will be easily reborn into a wealthy family in this life, and vice versa."

"Retribution, cause and effect, and seeking the afterlife are a manifestation of fairness in my opinion. All living beings are paying debts, without beginning or end."

"The reason why evil people are successful and safe is because the good causes of the past have matured. If evil people are doing bad karma now, the consequences will mature in the future. Tripitaka, you are my disciple of Buddhism, why are you still not enlightened?"

One pair.

Two pairs.

Countless pairs.

Basically everyone's eyes are fixed on Tang Sanzang.

This ordinary monk with an ordinary appearance can actually fight with Tathagata.

What about this debate?

Tang Sanzang still has Want to refute?


In the midst of everyone's expectations, Tang Sanzang clasped his hands and said calmly:"It seems that the young monk can't find an answer from the Buddha." During this Zen battle, Tang Sanzang did not answer any more, but looked at the sky with the Buddha's eyes.

According to the rules, the person who can no longer answer the question loses.

Tang Sanzang lost.

But many people in the arena have an indescribable feeling.

Tathagata Buddhism advocates the theory of retribution in three lives and reincarnation of cause and effect.

Tang Sanzang said it was a trick.

Everyone weighs who is right and who is wrong.

One question, two answers

【ps: Please give me reviews, monthly votes, recommendations, and flowers. Dear friends, your support is the motivation for my little brother Ma Zi. The comment area will be watched regularly, and if there are any shortcomings, I will improve them. 】

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