Jiang Chen's words made the eyes of the powerful men in the Wanjie Arena shine brightly.

This arena seems to be getting more and more interesting.

The top list?

Ranking of the strongest swordsmen in the world?

The list of emperors of the heavens?

A list of the most powerful demons in history?

List of the most beautiful fairies in the world?..........

It seems that everything that is possible in the universe is available here.

They could sort of see it.

The people who came here are certainly the strongest in one realm, but compared to all realms?

So what about their areas of expertise compared to Bankai?

Just like the show-off feast not long ago, how many show-offs popped up?!

"A list of the most powerful demons in history? interesting."Shi Yan from the Killing God Realm said with scarlet eyes.

As long as he hunts the so-called strong men, he will become stronger. There are countless strong men in the world, and they will definitely make him stronger.

"A list of the strongest swordsmen?"Tongtian murmured, with extremely stern eyes.

Nuwa on the side also flashed her beautiful eyes:"List of the most beautiful fairies in the world?"

To be honest, Nuwa thinks that compared to all worlds, her strength may not be the strongest.

She also doesn't have that much desire to compete for Dori, but beauty?

She thinks that no one in the prehistoric world can match her.

Debate The sound resounded in the arena and caused a sensation in all the worlds.

As the person who caused this sensation, Jiang Chen looked at the soaring shock value and was filled with joy.

This span seemed to be a qualitative one. leap............

At this moment in the Ten Thousand Realms Arena.

Tathagata was confronting Tang Sanzang.

They are not competing in martial arts, but in Zen combat and discussing Buddhism!

At this moment, most eyes were on Tathagata.

Because the Buddha's light in him is so dazzling.

As for Tang Sanzang, he is ordinary and cannot attract attention.

Because Tang Sanzang's performance was too ordinary, so ordinary that he didn't want to be an enlightened monk at all, but just like a little novice monk.

Theoretically speaking, people who can propose a debate with Tathagata should not do this!

However, some people hold different views.

It is precisely because of this kind of ordinaryness that people feel even more extraordinary.

The two confront each other.

One side asks a question and the other side answers.

The questioner can do whatever he wants, and the answerer must answer correctly to be considered a winner. If he cannot answer correctly, the other party will answer.

If the other party cannot answer either, then it is considered a draw.

After three questions and three answers, if it is difficult to determine the winner, then the questions and answers will continue until one party completely loses.

At this moment, everyone became quiet and there was no further discussion.

The Tathagata maintained the generosity of the ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas:"Tang Sanzang, you ask first."

Tang Sanzang also did not write ink.

Then he asked:"What is fair?"

The Tathagata looked at Tang Sanzang with contempt:"Buddha sees the world with Buddha's eyes and treats everything fairly. This is fairness, and the same goes for people."

Tang Sanzang was indeed shaken. Shaking his head:"Is the Buddha fair? Great Buddha, you said before that the Buddha looks at the heaven and the earth with the eyes of the Buddha and treats everything fairly. Since it is fair, why should we divide the realms for the heavens? Those who practice Buddhism include Buddhist disciples, Buddhist masters, and Luo Hai, Bodhisattva, Buddha!"

"The Buddha's so-called Supreme Being divides people into different realms. Is this really fair?"


The Zen fight has begun.

And it's Zen's murderous intent.

Now it's a duel between two Buddhas.

Tang Sanzang, who was originally ordinary, actually at this time, his words became extremely sharp, as if he was a different person.

Not far away Zhunti looked at Tang Sanzang on the field and exclaimed:"What a Tang Sanzang, he is worthy of being the generation of Buddhist disciples that Wukong passed down to the world."

There are different realms between Buddhist practitioners and Buddhas. This is a fact.

If the Tathagata admits that the Buddha is fair like human beings, then why does the Buddha divide the realms?

If it is unfair, then the Tathagata has already lost.

Jie Yin shook his head:"Although Tang Sanzang has good Buddhist principles, he is dealing with the Tathagata! In a sense, Tang Sanzang has lost"

"What a double Buddha wheel, interesting."Bai Xiaochun was a little excited. He almost had food and drinks to watch the show.

Facing Tang Sanzang's trap, could Tathagata avoid this disaster?

And just as expected.

Tathagata was extremely calm in the arena, and he said with great confidence:" Tang Sanzang, what you think is actually wrong"

"When the Buddha looked at heaven and earth, what did he see? The Buddha's distinction between realms and distinctions between humans and Buddhas is not only unfair, but is precisely evidence of the Buddha's fairness. Tang

Sanzang asked in confusion:"Great Buddha, what do you mean by this?""

At this moment, the Buddha's light shines behind the Tathagata, and his face is full of holiness and he says:"Buddha divides the realm of Buddhism, but can the realm of Buddhism be divided?"

"Then why does Buddhism teach all the world about Hinayana Buddhism, leaving only Mahayana Buddhism in Buddhism?"Tang Sanzang stood up to each other and refused to back down.

Tathagata did indeed sneer:"The Dharma is actually the same. This is the equality of Buddhas. But there are differences between people. Some people can comprehend high-level Buddhism, and some people can only comprehend low-level Buddhism."

"There is only Hinayana in the world, and there is Mahayana in Xitian Lingshan. Does Lingshan hinder Buddhist disciples from exploring the path of profound Buddhism?"

"This is a reflection of the fairness of Buddhism. It has divisions so that both people and Buddhas can understand that they still have room for improvement and cannot rest on their laurels. Living Buddha is peaceful and stable, and his nature is the same. Do you understand or not?"

At this point, Tathagata Buddha's momentum exploded and pressed towards Tang Sanzang:"Tang Sanzang, your Buddha's heart is confused, and you are actually questioning the fairness of the Buddha!"

This time, the pressure was directly put on Tang Sanzang.

The argument he gave has been perfectly explained to Tathagata.

So, how can he refute?

The eyes of everyone on the scene fell on Tang Sanzang.

First Returning to the debate, is Tang Sanzang going to lose?.......

Journey to the West.

Sun Wukong stared at his master, Tang Seng, and wondered:"Master, what is a Zen fight? Why do I feel that there is more murderous intent in the field than in a fight."

Tang Seng, who was staring at the sky, explained:"The so-called Zen fight is when both parties discuss the theory of Buddhism. Debate to compete to see who has a deeper understanding of Buddhism and whose principles are more in line with Buddha’s ideas."

"Don’t underestimate this kind of Zen fight. If the opponent actually completes a Zen lesson during the debate, then your own Buddhist heart may really be shaken."

"Compared with fighting, Zen fighting is sometimes more dangerous. It affects the heart. It can range from injuries and regression in cultivation to a decline in realm and a loss of spiritual consciousness."

Sun Wukong nodded.

As if he thought of something, he asked again:"What about Master, where is Tang Sanzang? Is he going to lose? Tang

Monk frowned. Although he was unwilling to give in, he said seriously:"I have to say that the defense topic given by Tang Sanzang is very good, but he is facing the Buddha Tathagata!""

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