Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3215: God

Feng Xue was scared.

She originally thought that Ye Hao's cultivation practice was not good, but as Ye Hao used the supreme eye, she realized that Ye Hao was more terrifying than she thought.

The eyes in Ye Hao's eyes went out, "Which galaxy are you from?"

"Planting galaxies."

"End of the galaxy?"

"The foundation of our galaxy is the seed."


An image appeared before Feng Hao's heart moved Ye Hao.

A golden seed is rooted and germinated in the soil with golden light, and then becomes a big tree.

This big tree in the sky contains amazing energy.

Pervading in all directions.

I don't know how long the big tree began to decay, wither, and finally turned into a shriveled seed without much fluctuation.

Ye Hao was shocked when he saw this, "How did it fail?"

"If you want to march to a higher level, you need to break the restraint and regenerate." Feng Xue said that the shrivelled seed was planted in the purple soil, and the seed was moistened by the nutrients in the soil , Once again revitalized.

After regaining vitality, he grew into a tree again, but this time the tree was stronger than before, and the energy contained in it was more terrifying than before.

"God seed?" Ye Hao seemed to understand what.

"It can also be understood that way." Feng Xue nodded. "The gods can cultivate themselves, or they can plunder others."

"Have you cultivated your own kind of god?" Through the brief confrontation just now, Ye Hao realized that Feng Xue's strength is very strong and should not be inferior to the true virtue of Tianbang.

In the nine-day galaxy, you can enter the Tianjiao list, but the world list is not eligible to enter.

"Unless you encounter a **** that exceeds your potential, who would like to plunder someone else's god." Feng Xue said softly.

"Why did you come to Soul Sky Galaxy?"

"I came to the Soul Sky Galaxy by chance." Feng Xue said succinctly, "I came to know that there are other galaxies besides the celestial galaxy."

"Have you thought about going back?"

"Now I won't go back now." Feng Xue said without thinking. "The Soul Sky Galaxy is another kind of spiritual system. Under the collision, the two systems will excite the bright flowers of the avenue."

Ye Hao said for a while, "I want to practice your world's practice system."

"Are you asking me to teach each other?" Fengxue raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded.

"But what can you give me?" Feng Xue smiled on his face.

"I teach you the practice system of the nine-day galaxy." Ye Hao's words surprised Feng Xue.

"Nine Sky Galaxy? You are not Soul Sky Galaxy?"

"Not bad."

Feng Xue's eyes showed a look of uncertainty and uncertainty. After a long time she looked at Ye Hao and said slowly, "What level of road can you teach me?"

"It depends on what level you can teach me?" Ye Hao smiled slightly. "What I got in Jiutian is the top avenue."

"Then I want the best road." Fengxue said right.

"First, the two of us are equivalent exchange; second, even if I teach you the top-level exercises, you will not learn; third, I can obtain the inheritance of your galaxy by other means." Ye Hao Looked at Feng Xue's eyes.

Feng Xue immediately understood Ye Hao's meaning.

"I will teach you the top-level exercises I control." Feng Xue said word by word.

"In return, I will teach you similar exercises." Ye Hao said seriously.

When the space was broken, everyone found that both Ye Hao and Feng Xue disappeared.

Xu Yuanyuan looked at the empty everything, and felt sad in his heart.

"You left like that, did not even say goodbye?" Xu Yuanyuan was extremely bitter.

In Xu Yuanyuan's view, Ye Hao's behavior was too unsympathetic.

But she never thought what Ye Hao never owed her?


After leaving the Devil's Palace, Ye Hao and Feng Xue came to a place where spirit veins converged.

This place was originally a wolf king's dojo, but Ye Hao was his when he came.

"God Seed uses its own spirit and spirit as a medium to turn into a seed." Feng Xue explained to Ye Hao, "When the seed grows into a towering tree, it will feed back to you."

Ye Hao spent three days finally condensing a seed.

At this time Fengxue took out some yellow soil, "seeds need soil for rooting and germination."

"Where does the soil come from?"

"The soil is also one of the essence of the mountains and rivers." Feng Xue explained, "My small world has a lot of soil, and your god-cultivation is enough."

"Is the higher the soil level, the stronger the seeds grow?"

"It depends on your seed? If your seed level is very low, if you give too high level of soil, your seed can't bear it."

"My seeds?" Ye Hao pondered for a while and put his seeds into the yellow soil.

After the seeds get the energy in the soil, they thrive quickly.

Feng Xue looked at his face and could not help but change.

Ye Hao's seed potential is too horrible. How long has it been since he ate the majority of the nutrients in this soil.

At this rate of phagocytosis, it would not be enough to go without ten or eight portions.

Thinking like this, Feng Xue quickly took out several pieces of soil to supply Ye Hao's seeds to devour.

Three servings!


Ye Hao's seeds stopped only after eating twelve servings.

"How strong is your background?" Feng Xue looked at Ye Hao's face very solemnly.

"What do you think?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"If I have to take it back now, I think I may not be able to supply you for how long?" Feng Xue's small world is full of soil of various realms.

It's okay when it's low-level, but there is not much high-grade soil.

Ye Hao, who can swallow this?

"Can you find high-level soil in this world?" Ye Hao asked quietly for a while.

"All the worlds should be connected." Feng Xue said after thinking about it, "I have been searching for soil over the years, but I haven't found much? Of course, the first domain may be too barren."

"Yes, I also think that the first domain is too barren." Ye Haoshen said in disapproval.

"When are you going to the second domain?" Feng Xue asked.

"Wait until I am familiar with the **** species." Ye Hao said with a smile.

When Ye Hao said that it was found that the **** species became a towering tree in a short time.

"What's the situation?" Ye Hao wondered.

Is this growing too fast?

"When you transplant your gods into your sea of ​​knowledge, your cultivation will become a true god." Feng Xue said slowly.

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