Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3214: Where are you from

Her whole body was shaking.

Her soul is restless.

The horrible sword will ruthlessly suppress this world.

There is no courage to resist in Shaoyao's heart.

The only thing she could do at this time was to wait and see this sword intention to tear her into pieces.

Seeing that Jianyi was about to fall, the swordlessness suddenly disappeared without a trace.


All disappeared.

It's like never appearing.

Ye Hao stumbled back a few steps here, his face palely pointed at the peony root, "You... what magical power do you use? I can't do it."

Shaoyao's face is full of helplessness.

Can you be more exaggerated?

Everyone is also confused.

Should I be so fake?

The next moment Ye Hao will resume as usual, "Three strokes have passed, you can now go to the ninth domain."

Shaoyao said with a wry smile, "Do you think that the adult might still let me be her maid?"

"Yes." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Trust me, go find her."

"That adult doesn't lead me, how can I find her?"

"Emperor Ji." Ye Hao shouted into the air, "Will your maid still want?"

no respond.

"Emperor Ji, if you don't show up again, believe me or kill me directly to the ninth domain?"

"Humph, you can come if you have the ability." This time Ye Hao's words fell into the air shortly before a cold voice sounded.

When this sound sounded, the living creatures with a radius of millions of kilometers were subdued.

They felt a supreme master came.

The one who can dominate their life and death;

That one can decide their destiny;

Then you can sweep everything here.

Ye Hao and Paeonia were still standing when they could not breathe for a while.

The reason why the peony stands is because of the faint blue light blooming on Ye Hao.

Ye Hao glanced at Peony with pride, "Did you see it? I said that will appear?"

Paeonia was dumbfounded.

She knows too well what the words Emperor Ji represent?

But now Ye Hao dare to use Emperor Ji to open?

But when she thought of this rival Di Ji took seriously, her mind was relieved.

Emperor Ji said he didn't care, but if he didn't talk, why did he need to arrange his opponent?

"Ye Hao, are you bored?" Di Ji said angrily.

"I just think you can't lose a good maid." Ye Hao smiled slightly.

"What am I going to do, it's your turn to put your beak?" Di Ji said indifferently.

"So do you accept it?"


"If you don't accept it, I won't go to the ninth domain."

"Ye Hao, you have to know your identity." Di Ji was angry. "As the heir, how can you be so shameless?"

"It doesn't matter, I don't care about this." Ye Hao said lightly, "Can't you accept it now?"

"Aren't you afraid that I'm going to shoot you now?" Diji asked in a word.

"I haven't adjusted to this world yet. If you want to take advantage of this, I don't care." Ye Hao shrugged.

Is Emperor Ji shot possible?


How proud is she?

How could it be possible for Ye Hao not to be at his peak?

"Here you are." Diji threw a note paper of Shaoyao.

"Is this...?" Paeoniae asked suspiciously.

"Take a quote." Ye Hao explained.

"After you finish processing things, as long as you ignite this quote, the quote will lead you to me."

"My business is over, and I can leave at any time." Shaoyao said without thinking.

"Then let me go." Di Ji said that Shaoyao's body appeared uncontrollably beside her mirror avatar.

"Ye Hao, I am waiting for you in the ninth domain." Di Ji left after leaving this sentence.

After the Emperor Ji left, the coercion that shrouded the monk on the scene disappeared.

Everyone got up one after another.

At this time they looked at Ye Hao's eyes uncontrollably.

The one who came just now was so strong that they felt like ants.

But Ye Hao withdrew that coercion and did not say that he even talked and laughed with that one.

What does this mean?

The opponent is at least one level of existence.

"Yong Gongzi, who is that woman?" Lei Ming couldn't help asking.

"Ji Fenghuang's personal disciple." Ye Hao said lightly.

"Who is Ji Fenghuang?" Lei Ming then asked.


"Master?" When Ye Hao said these two words, the audience was upset.

Both the Tianjiao of Wanlei Continent and the Baihua Continent were frightened.

What does **** mean?

Who doesn't know.

But now Ye Hao says that Diji is a disciple of Ji Fenghuang.

In other words, Emperor Ji is the master disciple?

"Mr. Ye, your opponent is the master disciple?" When Lei Ming asked this sentence, Xiaoxin couldn't bear it.

"My master is also the master, but he was defeated in the hands of Ji Fenghuang." Ye Hao said to look at Feng Xuedao here, "Feng Xue, do you have anything to tell me?"

"I don't understand what you mean." Feng Xue looked at Ye Hao doubtfully.

"Feng Xue, if I didn't see through your disguise, do you think I might ask you in public?" Ye Hao smiled slightly, "Talk about it."

Feng Xue stared at Ye Hao for a while, and his heart moved, and a space barrier wrapped Ye Hao and her in it.

"Actually, you shouldn't pierce this layer of window paper." Feng Xue said her hair had changed.

It is no longer black as a waterfall, and replaced by ice blue.

She looked like an elf, with a cold breath all over her body.

Ye Hao felt that his whole body was frozen.

"This wave... isn't it the wave of Wu Hun?" Ye Hao wondered.

Ye Hao has a half-step master Wuhun.

Whether the opponent used Wuhun or not, he could still tell clearly.

"Who tells you that I am the Soul Sky Galaxy?" Feng Xue said that the temperature around it suddenly dropped by dozens of times.

Ye Hao immediately shrouded in frost after frost.

In an instant he turned into an iceman.

"The ones with great curiosity haven't ended well since ancient times. I hope you can understand this truth in your next life." Feng Xue said that he would leave.

But the next moment she was shocked to find that the ice had broken with a bang.

Ye Hao stood in front of her intact, his eyes full of jokes, "Can you tell me which galaxy you are now?"

"You...?" Feng Xue just said that Ye Hao's eyes burst into horror.


Ye Hao used the Dao Guo of the Nine Sky Galaxy in an instant.

The supreme eye, Ye Hao’s strongest eye technique, instantly fixed Feng Xue’s body.

Feng Xue's face changed greatly.

At this moment she sensed the crisis of death.

"Stop, stop, stop." Feng Xue shouted quickly, "let's talk."

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