Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3206: Conspiracy

Go to Xu Yuanyuan's room?

What a joke?

That's a woman's boudoir, but also a man can enter casually?

As for Ye Hao?

Is that Lord a bug?

Zhou Caidie felt that Ye Hao mostly came down from the superior martial arts continent. Of course, it might have been cultivated by the forces of the second domain.

"If you don't let us go, I have reason to believe Xu Yuanyuan is playing us." Lei Ming sneered.

"What about you?" Zhou Caidie was forced to thrive by the thunder.

"It doesn't matter if you play me, but with so many arrogances present, if they all have views on your Demon Palace, don't know if you can afford it?" Lei Ming said with a smirk.

"It doesn't matter, kill is." Zhou Caidie said eeriely.

"Then you kill me for a look?" Zhou Caidie's words fell. An old man wearing a silver robe tears the space and appears beside Lei Ming.

"Lei Yuan, did you come?" Zhou Caidie had a bad hunch when she saw Lei Yuan.

Lei Yuan, as the king of the Lei family, is not likely to appear easily.

"I believe Lei Yuan came here just like me to seek fairness for his juniors." At this time, a gray eagle appeared quietly beside Ban Xun, and then he transformed into a tall old man.

"Banta." Zhou Caidie's heart was increasingly uneasy.

The two great kings and strong men came together, is it really as they said, to seek justice for the younger generation?

There has already been an agreement among the various races, and the King of God easily cannot reach it.

"Zhou Caidie, as long as Xu Yuanyuan is married to Lei Ming today, I will keep your Devil Palace intact." Lei Yuan said with a meaning.

Zhou Caidie's eyes flashed violently.

The Devil's Palace was targeted.

"Zhou Caidie, I am also saying this." Ban Ta said indifferently, "As long as Xu Yuanyuan marries Ban Xun, everything is easy to say, otherwise your Devil Palace will instantly turn to ashes." If there is some subtlety, then Banta is simple and straightforward.

"Then you have to see if your two families have this strength?" Zhou Caidie said with a loud voice.

Zhou Caidie knows that she is not the opponent of these two, but if these two want to win her, they have to pay a great price.

And if they fled by themselves, the two of them would be finished.

Who can avoid the sneak attack of another **** besides the **** king?

"What if I were added?" And at this moment a whole body of white giant elephant appeared in the air.

When seeing the white elephant, Zhou Caidie was cold all over.

"Bai Tong, why do you want to join the muddy waters?" Zhou Caidie said uncomfortably.

"Muddy water? I don't think this is muddy water." The white elephant said indifferently. "As long as you divide your devil's palace, our three families will be able to take it to the next level."

"It's not that simple for your three tribes to eat my devil's palace." At this time, it would be meaningless to say anything.

Only strong in the end.

"There are hundreds of ethnic groups here besides my three ethnic groups, and these ethnic groups are not as powerful as our three, but they are extremely horrible when added together." The white elephant stared at Zhou Caidie Road, "Do you think your Devil's Palace will survive if we shoot together?"

Zhou Caidie fell silent.

Flock of wolves feeding tigers!

What's more, there are three tigers with equivalent strength.

Under such circumstances, the Devil's Palace cannot survive at all.

"Say your request." Zhou Caidie said unwillingly for a while.


Isn't it necessary to fight in such cases?

"Each of our three houses in the Devil's Palace needs 20%." The white elephant said, "As for the remaining 40%, you will take out 30%, which will be distributed to the major forces present."

"You are so cruel." Zhou Caidie said with a chill, "Just leave us a 10% share in the Devil's Palace."

Under such circumstances, the Demon Palace will not decline immediately, but without resources, there is no way to train disciples well.

Then the decline of the Devil's Palace is predictable.

"Just ask if you agree?" Lei Yuan said indifferently.

"I need to discuss with Zongmen's senior." Zhou Caidie said for a while in silence.

"Yes, give you half an hour." Lei Yuan nodded.

Zhou Caidie immediately summoned Zongmen's senior management to discuss.

"We have no chance of winning at the Demon Palace."

"Unexpectedly, the major ethnic groups are connected together."

"This force is enough to upset any ethnic group."

"Actually I think we can compromise."

"Compromise? What a compromise?"

"Let them go to see the Master's room."

"Why are you so naive? Do you think they really want to see the Young Palace Master's room? No matter whether there is a man in the Young Palace Master's room, even if they don't, they will make other things."

"I think they have been planning this matter for a long time. If we do not want to bleed this time, will it be impossible for them to win them?"

"Do you really have to compromise?"

"Compromise a yarn? Our devil's palace is surly. When have you been soft?"

"That's the big deal."

"I'm not sorry to wait for death, but have you ever thought about it, as long as we take action, the Devil's Palace will be wiped from between heaven and earth."

"If I wait hard, I can still send a lot of seeds. I still don't believe that all races can block my devil palace."

"Since the various races dare to plan our Devil's Palace, it means that the other party has made a thorough preparation. Are you sure we are going to take such a big risk?"

"Isn't it just resources? Just give them. These guys can rob us, then we can rob others."

"It makes sense to say that we will **** those small ethnic groups."

"Most races have formed alliances. If we dare to rob them, believe it or not, all races will join forces to kill us."

"You still think too naively."

Zhou Caidie listened to the elders arguing all the time. At this time, the old lady said in her ear, "Miss, I think we should fight."

"Death fight?" Zhou Caidie startled.

Does the death fight make sense at this time?

"Miss, don't forget that one." The old lady pointed out, "If he shoots, what do you think these groups can do together?"

Zhou Caidie's eyes lit up suddenly.

But then she was a little worried and said, "But what if he doesn't shoot?"

"Then the Palace Master has to make some sacrifices."

Zhou Caidie was struggling.

"Miss, compared with Zongmen's life and death, what kind of sacrifices are worth? What's more, I believe that even if the lady knows, she won't blame you." The old lady said softly.

Zhou Caidie was silent for a while before saying, "This matter will be left to you."

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