Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3205: Persecute together

"I will arrange accommodation for you." The middle-aged woman said quickly.

She was the last palace master of the Devil's Palace, and her cultivation base has reached the early stage of Divine King Realm.

"Forget it, no longer." Zhou Caidie didn't expect Xu Yuanyuan to say this.

After learning his identity, Xu Yuanyuan had no interest in recruiting son-in-law.

After all, she doesn't know that she will die someday?

"Yuanyuan, you can't take it easy at this time, otherwise you will offend almost all the arrogance of the whole continent." Zhou Caidie was anxious.

Xu Yuanyuan was silent.

How should the suffering in her heart be told?

"Yuanyuan, even if you walk by, you have to be accountable to these arrogances," Zhou Caidie continued.

"It doesn't matter anymore." Xu Yuanyuan walked out after saying this sentence.

After Xu Yuanyuan left, she looked at Ye Hao, "What happened?"

"She doesn't know which day she will fall?" Ye Hao said silently.

"What?" Zhou Caidie's face changed greatly.

After a few moments, she looked at Ye Hao and said, "Can't you stop him, Master?"

When Cai Hao started, Zhou Caidie realized that Ye Hao's cultivation base was far above her.

"Do you know what he did to Xu Yuanyuan?" Ye Hao looked at Zhou Caidie.

"Is the Divine Emperor?"

"Above the Divine Emperor?" Zhou Caidie's heart could not help but slowed down half a beat.

There are rumors about Wan Lei mainland, but no one has seen it.

But now Ye Hao says that Xu Yuanyuan's enemy is above the Divine Emperor.

How do you contend?

Can't beat it at all?

"Why did Xu Yuanyuan get this kind of existence?" Zhou Caidie secretly anxiously said.

"Xu Yuanyuan is just a remnant of that soul." Ye Hao said calmly.

There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing. He believes Zhou Caidie will know sooner or later.

"A touch of remnant soul?" Zhou Caidie heard silence here.

Zhou Caidie is the most amazing woman she has ever seen.

But she is now a residual soul.

So how should Xu Yuanyuan's deity exist?


"Since you know this, do you know if you can stop it?"

"Unless the other party voluntarily gives up this kind of thing, there is no second possibility at all." Ye Hao said lightly, "Who do you think will endure his soul insufficiency?"

Zhou Caidie smiled bitterly.

Who can bear it?

Can no one stand it?

Under the circumstances, Zhou Caidie is absolutely impossible to give up her residual soul.

Unless it is facing a life and death crisis.

Seeming to understand Zhou Caidie's eyes, Ye Hao went on to say, "Even if I go all out, I don't have much confidence in defeating each other. How do you think I persecute each other in this situation?"

Ye Hao is not without aim.

Jiang Chongming said that Ji Fenghuang is the most powerful master of the Soul Sky Galaxy.

Then her disciples are almost the same if they don’t say that they are blue.

Ye Hao was really not sure.

It is true that he has a lot of cards, but as the best young generation of Soul Sky Galaxy, does Emperor Ji have no chance to go against the sky?

Ye Hao was flatly unbelieving.

Hearing Zhou Caidie's heart sink gradually.

She knew that Xu Yuanyuan had no chance of surviving, and thought of her tears falling here.

Zhou Caidie has been raising Xu Yuanyuan as her daughter for years, but now Xu Yuanyuan is leaving Zhou Caidie.

Zhou Caidie couldn't accept it at all.

And at this time a middle-aged woman rushed in.

"Sect Master, it's not good. The group of Tianjiao sees that the Master of the Palace is not showing up for a long time and is now in trouble."

"Then grab it." Zhou Caidie said angrily.

"But the other party is Lei Ming, the leader of the younger generation."

"No matter who it is, as long as there is trouble, catch it." Zhou Caidie said angrily.

Xu Yuanyuan's encounter made Zhou Caidie almost out of control.

Where did she think about her son-in-law?

The elder obviously did not expect Zhou Caidie to say this, but she nodded honestly, "I will do it."

"Wait." Just when the elder wanted to leave, Zhou Caidie suddenly realized what, "What are you saying? Lei's thunder?"

"Yes, the thunder of the Lei family." The elder answered.

"Anyone but Thunder?" Zhou Caidie said in silence.

"Ban's Ban Xun."

"Ban Family's Ban Xun?" Zhou Caixia was startled when she heard the name, "Forget it, let me go and see."

Both the Banjia and Leijia are the top families of Wanlei Continent.

Even if the devil's palace is a big business, they can't afford to provoke these two.

Besides, there must be other forces besides these two?

When Zhou Caidie came to the venue of the martial arts contest, she found that it was already chaotic.

Tianjiao, led by Thunder and Banxun, clamored to smash the Demon Palace.

Many guards responsible for maintaining order were injured on the ground.

This is also normal.

It is important to know that the cultivation of these arrogances is generally in the middle of the God Realm, and how to overcome this kind of existence must be in the high order of the God Realm or even the peak.

And almost all of them reached the top of the Devil's Palace.

However, the high-level devil palace can not easily shot.

In the final analysis, it is the younger generation that is making trouble. The younger generation of the Devil Palace can stop it, but if it is shot in the old life, it can't be justified.

After all, they are not too fierce.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Caidie scolded.

As Zhou Caidie's words fell, the audience calmed down.

Not calm or okay.

Zhou Caidie's words contained a ray of godly coercion.

One of them was counted, all were shocked to their hearts.

However, Lei Ming sneered immediately, "Master Zhou Gong, why hasn't the little demon king appeared yet? Why, do you think I'm waiting to talk?"

"Nothing." Zhou Caidie glanced at Lei Ming. "The little devil is busy at this time and will come out soon."

"Busy? Why did I hear of a man in the little devil's room?" Lei Ming sneered.

"Who said that?" Zhou Caidie said with a faint humble flash in her eyes.

Is it her?

Zhou Caidie thought of her maid at this time?

Of course it might be the maid of the little devil?

But this is not the time to struggle.

"Is it true? Let's go and see, don't know." Lei Ming urged.

"Good. If there is a man in the little demon king's room, it means that the devil's palace is playing with us?" Ban Xun looked around and said straight.

"I think Master Zhou will not refuse our little request?" said another young man lightly.

Zhou Caidie is certainly the King of God!

But which of these guys is not the **** king?

Now that they are united, they are not afraid of Demon Palace at all.

"If I said no?" Zhou Caidie's eyes flashed a cold cold light.

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