And the other party's reaction, Nathan Hawk also understood that Miss America in front of him, her timeline should be the timeline after Doctor Strange 2.

No wonder they muttered when it came to the Avengers.

And the sanctuary.

"Didi, Didi." Nathan Hawke heard a beep on his desk. Said to the three, "Keep up." "

Umbrella Secret R&D Department.

The two of them, Battlego Ling Ma and Kreutz, were saying to the people in front of them, "According to the spatial fluctuations emitted by the wormhole, as well as the fluctuations of the wormhole when Miss Chavez appeared. Dr. Kreutz and I are going to develop a reactor ring and earrings for you that exude unstable fluctuations. In this way, after wearing it on your body, when the other party locates your space, it will be disturbed by the unstable energy fluctuations emitted by the reaction push.

"The only downside, though, is that it's valid for 1 year. You have to change it later. But don't worry, we've got you covered with a lot of pretty styles. Zhan Ji Ling Ma quipped.

"Thank you, thank you." Miss America instantly stood up excitedly and thanked everyone present. If she really could, she really didn't want to go to the sanctuary anymore, after all, after going there, many people died in the sanctuary.

At the same time, he was secretly saddened, and he longed more and more that he could fully control his own power.

The matter of Miss America has come to an end.

Inside the Umbrella Experimental Research Institute.

Nathan Hawke stared at the report on the screen on the level of research and development of the Three Artifact Bloodline, T-Virus, and G-Virus, and he frowned deeply. These are extremely important areas of research under the umbrella, touching the boundaries of human genetics and biotechnology. He knows that in-depth research in these areas could lead to great scientific advances, but there are also huge risks and ethical issues.

"How's things going on over there?" Nathan Hawk asked, looking at the ghostly Wesker.

"Surprisingly easy to solve." Wesker replied coldly.

"That's fine, and keep them under close surveillance, so that they don't reveal our most important research."

"Understood." Wesker's ghostly disappearance.

At the same time, Battlehorse and Kreutz nodded to each other.

Battleground looked calm at the moment, and he handed the report in his hand to Nathan Hawke. "Head, this is the latest research report on the bloodline of the three artifacts, and we have made some important discoveries. According to our research, the three artifact bloodlines may carry a special genetic sequence, which allows them to unleash extraordinary powers. We are trying to decipher the secrets of these genetic sequences so that they can be used in human cloning projects.

Kreutz was excited and proud, presenting the results of his research. "Mr. Nathan, I am honored to report to you that we have made a breakthrough in human genetics. Through precise modifications to our genes, we have succeeded in enhancing some of the body's specific abilities, such as strength, speed, and endurance. This will provide great potential for the evolution and combat effectiveness of humanity. However, we also need to take into account ethical and moral issues and ensure that this technology is safe and controllable.

Nathan Hawke listened silently as he pondered the implications and potential risks of the research.

Continuing to hand another report to Nathan Hawke, he said, "Regarding the G virus, we have studied its effects on human genes in depth. G viruses are highly variable and infectious, capable of altering the structure and function of human cells, leading to the creation of mutated organisms. We have successfully isolated and studied the genome of G virus and are trying to understand its transmission and control mechanisms. Through this research, we hope to find effective treatments to combat the threat of G virus. It is then injected into the clones.

Kreutz added: "As for the T-virus, we have already made some breakthroughs. T virus is a virus that is capable of altering human genes and physiological characteristics, and it is extremely adaptable and infectious. Our research focuses on understanding the effects of T viruses on gene expression, as well as developing antiviral drugs against T virus infection. We believe that by studying the biology of the T virus, we can find effective treatments and may even provide new avenues for the regulation of human genes. At the same time, the A.B.C series of biological and chemical weapons are becoming more and more stable in terms of stability and production line. The Weapons R&D Department is tailoring a unique companion weapon for the Tyrant. "

Yes, yes." Nathan Hawke applauded.

"Then it's up to you to clone the clones and the bloodline of the three artifacts and the subsequent virus implantation."

Zhan Ji Ling Ma pushed his reflective glasses: "Head, if it really succeeds, clone a creature that has fused the bloodlines of the three artifacts and successfully implanted a G virus in its body." Whether we can be sure of controlling him. And how strong his power will be, I really look forward to it.

Kreutz on the side also trembled with excitement.

After all, this is like the study of "god-making".

Speaking of making gods. Kreutz's eyes flashed into Kreuz's eyes, and another man who had only seen the picture but had not seen it in person was also said to have been summoned by Nathan Hawke.


Nathan Hawke is also looking forward to this end in his heart.

"By the way, what is John Walker doing now?" Nathan Hawke suddenly remembered that he was about to appear and prepare to make his debut.

"Him. It's in his heroic career. "Zhan Ji Ling Ma looked playful.

Department of Weapons Research and Development.

Baker's group, Baker was clapping loudly, motioning for the people under his staff to look at him.

"Guys. There's a new mission on it, and unfortunately, I originally gave you the task of getting equipment for Kamen Rider Duke to another team.

Baker raised his eyebrows after speaking, looked at his subordinates who were looking forward to revealing the riddle and said, "The top has given our team a very challenging task. That is to create a new superhero. Use high-tech superheroes. The

members of Baker's group listened to Baker's words with a look of disappointment on their faces. They were expecting to be able to participate in the task of equipping the Duke of Kamen Rider, but now that they are told to create a new superhero, it will be a very challenging task for them.

Baker smiled, looked at the expressions of his men, and continued, "I know the suddenness of this mission may come as a surprise to everyone, but I believe we have what it takes to accomplish it. We are the best team in the R&D department, we have advanced technology and innovative thinking, we can create a real superhero!

"And, a good salary."

Everyone's eyes lit up instantly.

"So, head, you want to use the holographic technology you wanted to use when you were at Stark Industries?" An old fellow who had followed Baker for many years immediately realized the idea in Baker's words.

"That's right." Baker snapped his fingers. Sly smiled, "But for now, we should call it the Illusion Technique."

One of the female members of the weapon design said, "Head, you should have already thought about the story of this superhero and the name of the hero, right?"

"Yes." Baker replied affirmatively, and then the members of Baker's group who were present in front of him opened their arms and said proudly: "I call this superhero by name: Mysterio. "


"Wow. I didn't expect them to be so fast. Nathan Hawke is holding the outline of the superhero "Mysterio", hero modeling, weapon development, research and development funds and other information submitted by the Baker team at the moment.

"Well, it's similar to the outline of the hero's expedition at that time. But what the hell is this Iron Man who sees him as a mortal enemy? Nathan Hawk tugged at the corners of his mouth, but he also knew that the members of Baker's group and Baker's mind had no stable source of income after being fired from Stark, and that Baker's holographic system technology was disparaging Stark's invention of the B.A.R.F. at the time.

Nathan Hawke crossed this out. Mysterio can be born, but the character must be beautified. This was followed by a careful review of the story outline and design materials submitted by the Baker team about the superhero "Mysterio". Nathan Hawke then summoned Baker.

"Beck, I think we need to make some changes and beautify Mysterio's character. Although you emphasized his hatred of the Stark Group in the story, are you planning to let the new hero you developed, the company's new hero, rub off on the popularity of Iron Man? No way. We wanted to tweak the storyline to make it more engaging and relatable.

Baker nodded slightly disappointed, agreeing with Nathan Hawke's suggestion. He understands that the boss's intention is to create a more popular and recognized superhero image so that it can be better promoted and marketed.

"Okay, we're going to revisit the storyline to make Mysterio more engaging and engaging. We can highlight his technical prowess and wisdom, while portraying him as a hero with a sense of justice and bravery. In addition, we have designed a unique and innovative set of equipment for him to show off his extraordinary abilities and combat prowess. Baker nodded in agreement.

"We need to give Mysterio a noble mission, a belief that he keeps for." Nathan Hawke said musefully. He believes that a successful superhero image needs to have a motivating backstory and moving characters.

Listening to Nathan Hawke's words, Baker's alarm clock suddenly appeared with Mysterio vs. various opponents such as alien creatures, otherworldly creatures, mutated creatures, and magical creatures.

Then Baker asked flatteringly, "So, boss, I wonder if we can let Baker's group shoot a big movie about Mysterio?"

Nathan Hawke looked at the other party's flattering smile and said, "Yes, but when the time comes, I will have the control team come over and monitor your progress and funding." "

Great, thanks to the boss." Baker said very excitedly, and at the same time planned the casting situation of this superhero movie in his mind, which must explode, explode, and be enthusiastic enough.

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