Kyo Kusanagi takes the first step and launches a reverse peeling throw. He quickly approached Gonitz and tried to grab his opponent and throw him to the canvas. But Gonitz was different, and he dodged Kusanagi's attack in a flash.

At the same time, Yagami An's special move of Hyakshiki Oni Yaki is unleashed. Then he was ghostly fast and kicked Konitz with a whip kick, but Gonitz stoned back and avoided the fatal blow.

Kagura Chizuru uses her agility to show the continuous attacks of the 127-style sunflower. She quickly approached Gonitz and struck three times in a row, forming a series of blows that rained down on the offensive. Gonitz tried his best to dodge, but he was still hit by one of the moves, and his body was slightly stunned.

"Oh?" Gonitz gave a funny look.

Gonitz no longer despised the three, and he decided to launch his own attack. He unleashed a crumb wind and attacked Kusanagi Kyo closely. Kyo Kusanagi barely coped, but was forced to retreat.

"Hmph, don't get in the way." Yagami-an took a more calm strategy, grabbing the retreating Kusanagi Kyo collar was a flick.

"Yagami, you!" Kyo Kusanagi was furious.

Yagami-an ignored it and quickly approached Konitz with his body technique. He uses special moves such as Hyakki: Oniyaki and Kindhiaki 212: Kotogetsu Yin to target Konitz's weaknesses and attack, while maintaining control of the battle with skills such as Crumbs and Hyakbachi: Tsuna.

Kagura Chizuru used her unique moves to deftly bypass Konitz's defenses. She uses combos such as Hundred and Twenty-Seven Sunflower to constantly hit her opponent so that it is impossible to counterattack. At the same time, she also makes full use of skills such as Hyakho Tenjin Ori and Inside Inside 壱活 Sanlai の Array to increase her attack power and defense capabilities.

"Interesting, interesting. Is this the strength of the three artifacts joining forces? Not

to be outdone, Gonitz used the power of the Great Serpent Blood in his body to fight back.



He displayed great strength, using skills such as hurricanes and glaciers to put immense pressure on Kusanagi-kyo, Yagami-an, and Kagura Chizuru, however, the warriors of the three artifact families always maintained a firm defense and flexible attack with their top-notch skills and tacit cooperation.

In the distance, Nathan Hawke and his party were watching.

"Gone. Gonitz can't win. Nathan Hawke spoke, turned away, and the rest followed.

The sky was still so gloomy, lightning and thunder, but all this.

The fate of the three artifacts、A predestined scene。

Nathan Hawke is no longer watching.


A six-pointed star flashed.

The dazzling light ends.

Four people when they went to five people who came back.

"This. Is it really true? Kreuz immediately shouted.

"Fight the horse, take Kreutz to familiarize yourself with the environment." Nathan Hawke then looked at Kreutz and said, "Familiarize yourself with the world." "

Okay, boss." Zhan Ji Ling Ma smiled slightly.

Then they went back to their respective homes and looked for their mothers.

Nathan Hawke, on the other hand, frowned, and seemed to be able to summon, but after taking a deep breath, Nathan Hawke still decided not to rush for now, and went back to rest.

And so the time passed.

Nathan Hawke has finally figured out the upgraded version of his gold finger.

There was one of them: calling.

The other is: crossing.

However, this crossing should be said to be more in the service of calling.

And the way to use it, Nathan Hawke also figured it out.

The next time is a rare leisurely time, summoned villains, some acting, and the essence of being a superhero. Some carry out scientific research and research and development under the umbrella. Others are in charge of the European branch of the umbrella, and everything is in order.

And on this very day.

Nathan Hawk looked at Justin Hammer, who was still in a vegetative state, lying in the nutrition warehouse. A blue spatial wormhole opened violently, and then a wavy girl wearing a leather jacket, cow shorts, and a pair of cowboy boots flew out.


"Oh, it hurts." The girl stood up with her head covered, her eyes squinting, and then saw Justin Hammer unconscious.

"Justin Hammer?" Then he looked at Nathan Hawke. "You, I remember, you seem to be the chairman of a business." The girl thought with a frown.

I saw the girl pursed her lips and muttered in a low voice: "I have to find some superheroes who can help me, and I don't know if there are Avengers in this world."

Nathan Hawke complained in his heart when he heard it, and the Avengers, and he didn't have a word.

Nathan Hawk looked at the surveillance to the side, signaling that security was not required to enter.

"Miss America, I don't know what you are going to do when you come to our world."

"Ahh Do you know me? You in this world, know me! Miss America pointed at herself in surprise.

Miss America saw that Nathan Hawke was silent, thinking that she was shouting and causing the other party to be dissatisfied, so she introduced herself: "Hello, I'm America Chavez, you can call me Chavitz."

Nathan Hawk nodded, and introduced himself: "Nathan Hawke." The chairman of the Hawker Group and the chairman of the superhero company. "

Huh? Chairman of the Superhero Company? América Chavez couldn't help but think in her mind, when did the Hawker Group, which she seemed to have heard of before, be involved with "superheroes"?

Avengers pinch?

"Is that so?" Miss America, who didn't know how to do it, only felt that Nathan Hawke in front of her was very compelling. Then he recovered a little and said, "Can you let me see the current date?"

"This is not the place to speak." Nathan Hawk turned around and said, "If you're interested, you can observe my company." "

Oh. Oh. Miss America Chick nodded in obedience to Nathan Hawke.

Nathan Hawk just glanced at the monitor again.


"Wow. Electric Man, Invisible Man, Super V. Are these the superheroes of the Hawker Group? Miss America visits the superheroes around the Hawker Group and the documentary of the superheroes fighting crime.

The secretary who was sent to introduce Miss America on the side shared: "Yes, these are the superheroes of the Hawker Group. But soon, another superhero will be born, or it has already been born.

Miss America suddenly pretended to be interested and said curiously: "Say it quickly, say it quickly." "

Kamen Rider Duke."


The secretary took Miss America to another undisclosed room, where she looked at the armor with a bow and weapon.

The secretary said, "This is a one-to-one model of Duke Kamen Rider." "

So handsome." Miss America blinked, but she was thinking in her heart.

Nathan Hawke seems to want to show his abilities in front of him, but Miss America doesn't have any information about Nathan Hawke at all, and she doesn't know whether Nathan Hawke or this Hawker group packaged with "superheroes" is really a "superhero" inside.

"Maybe I should look for the Avengers, but maybe it's better for me to go to Tony Stark for this timeline?" Miss America struggled, and then a thought came to mind.

"Or go to the sanctuary for help?" With this idea, Miss America quickly shook her head and vetoed it.

Miss America didn't have the heart to visit, but ate food in the self-service area of the Hawker Group.

"Or should I travel again and find a multiverse that can help me?"

"But I'm capable." Miss America immediately began to worry about her ability to be good and bad.

"Alarm, alarm, alarm..." Miss America suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Oh no, they're coming."

I saw a spatial wormhole unfold in the self-service area, and a group of dark octopus creatures attacked Miss America violently.

The security services within the Hawk Group reacted quickly, immediately carrying riot weapons and firing in unison.

"Miss, this way." The head of security immediately yelled.

Miss America kicked an octopus and quickly ran towards the security forces.

The bullet struck the octopus, causing a mist of blood to explode on its body.

"Go on."


The octopuses frantically pounced on Miss America.

Then the top is in the air.

"Looks like I'm not late." Andre wore a headset and chewed bubble gum in his mouth to appear in everyone's sight.

A series of electrical rays quickly pierced through the octopus's body, directly dissipating into black mist and dissipating into the air.

Miss America hurriedly looked in the direction of the rays, and a man dressed in a superhero costume with a lightning bolt pattern embroidered on his right arm stepped forward.

"Director, please wrap it up." The electric light man said.

"Leave it to us." The head of security replied.

Follow the two superheroes to Nathan Hawke's office.

Nathan Hawke motioned for Miss America to sit down and asked straight to the point, "Do you need our help?" Or you can go to someone else. For example: Tony Stark. S.H.I.E.L.D.

"No, no, no." Miss America hurriedly waved her hand and said no. Then he asked embarrassedly, "Maybe you can let me stay with you for a few days?"

"Yes." Nathan Hawke's voice fell, and then asked, "So, the monsters that came with you?" Miss

America began to tell about the crisis she was experiencing.

An evil mage who believes in the dark dimension, Dormammu, once again meets him, discovers his power to travel through the multiverse, and then begins a plan to seize the power of Miss America.

"Those octopuses are monsters summoned by the other party using a spell called "black magic". Miss America said.

"Are you being targeted by the other party?" Nathan Hawke asked.

Miss America hesitated: "Sort of."

Nathan Hawk noticed that the other party still had something unsaid, and asked tentatively, "Do you know Stephen Strange?"

Miss America's eyes widened, but her mouth was tightly closed.

Nathan Hawk shook his head slightly, and instantly guessed that perhaps the person who coveted the power of Miss America was a certain mage in the Sanctuary.

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