Chapter 153: Rules for the Dormitory Examination.

On the bus.

Cars are heading to the mountains.

The seats in the car are sorted by name.

Rollin has been working day and night recently, quite tired, so he slept in the car.

Although Saeda Chazhu has rules and follow-up in the preaching part, he doesn’t care either. Subsequently.

Each grade is divided into boys and girls, which are then divided into six groups. A group has a minimum and upper limit of 10 to 15 members. However, the rules show that no classmates in one class can be a full member. Hearing this, Tianqin Luolin opened his eyes.

“Huh? It’s kind of interesting. ”

This is an abnormal rule.

The minimum and upper number of people in the group really doesn’t matter.

The point is on the supplementary rule that students in the same class are not allowed to be all members of the group. In other words, you have to pull the rest of the class into the group.

“Class confrontation?”

Tianqin Luolin touched his chin.

However, for today’s wineries, 507 can directly arrange this rule internally. ABCD has four classes, all of which have Rollin’s people in them.

He was already the uncrowned king of the first year, and when he became the president of the student council, he would truly ascend the throne and officially declare his rule over the school.


Sae, the tea pillar, continued to explain.

“In this special exam, a group of people will start from class, to accommodation, to bath, laundry, etc., at the same time to exercise team coordination skills.”

“After the first-grade group is formed, the second and third grades form a large group, and a large group of thirty to five people is said here.”

Rollin smiled.

“Do you have any questions? Tianqin-san. ”

Sae, the tea pillar, looked at Luo Lin.

Luo Lin shook his head and smiled: “It’s nothing, grade confrontation.” I’m almost graduating from the third grade, so I’m still shelving this thing. ”

“Can’t let up until the last minute…..”

Teapillar Saea said lightly. Subsequently, Sae, the tea pillar Saeda supplemented the explanation.

Groups ranked one to three are rewarded with individual points and class points, but groups four to six are penalized. 1st place: 10,000 points for individuals and 3 points for classes.

2nd place: 5,000 individual points, 1 class point. 3rd place: 3,000 personal points.

The punishment mechanism is – fourth place: 5,000 personal points.

5th place: 10,000 individual points, 3 class points. 6th place: 20,000 individual points, 5 class points. It’s not hard to see.

The punishment is greater than the reward.

“At the same time, the group in the last place will be punished with withdrawal.”

Dropped? Speaking of this word, there was a uproar in the class.

“Having said that, it is impossible to drop out dozens of people, and it will be judged below the average score of the group prepared by the school.”

That is, the average score of the large group determines the ranking of the large group. The last place in the group will choose one person to drop out, who is below their group average. ”

“And this man… In fact, it is the [person in charge]. ”

“The person in charge is a position similar to a group leader, with obligations and responsibilities matched.”

“However, it is not necessary to think that the person in charge is a pure loss. Students who are in the same class as the person in charge will be rewarded with double rewards. ”

Rollin listened silently.

Over there, Suzune Horikita said with some excitement: “That is to say, if the largest group size is 15 people, 12 of them are in class C, and then the rest of the class accounts for 3 people each, and the person in class C is the person in charge, and wins the first place in the large group.” ”

“Then, the reward will reach a terrifying 1.08 million personal points and 336 class points!”

This rather powerful reward has already made the class very restless.

The last final exam had narrowed the gap between the class and Class D, and the students in Class C were hoping to distance themselves.

“However, the person in charge will not drop out of school alone, and if he is expelled, he can pull someone to accompany the burial.”

Saeda Chazhu added.

“And if a class withdraws, then 100 class points will be deducted.”

The explanation is complete.

As always, Sae, Chazhu did not intend to wait long and chose to leave.

And Yosuke Hirata also stood up: “Teacher, is there any remedy?” ”

“No, either use the school’s general rescue method and pay 20 million personal points and an additional 300 class points for rescue.”

Rollin took out the phone.

Dialed Horikita Gaku directly.

“Something is wrong.”

Rollin Road.


Horikita Gaku responded on the phone,

“I didn’t expect it to be a forced dropout.”

Yes, there is a very unreasonable place in this special examination, that is, there will definitely be two dropouts.

“Will the students know about this?”

Rollin asked.

“No, I don’t know. I’m afraid there is a problem on the side of the school board. ”

Horikita Gakudo.

“You be careful, this special exam poses almost no threat to powerful students.”

Luo Lindao,

“You pay attention to concentrate your core members, don’t roll over in the gutter.”


Horikita nods. Rollin put away the phone. He suddenly smiled.

“God help me…..”

“Nanyunya has been abandoned.”

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