Chapter 152: New Student Council List, Mixed Dormitory.

After a wonderful Christmas, it’s a wonderful holiday.

Let’s be honest.

For Rollin, it doesn’t really matter if a holiday isn’t a holiday.

Because he has enough power to make every day feel like a holiday. Although everything has not yet gone as it wishes, it is already a very comfortable life. After eating the maple flowers of the Ghost Dragon Courtyard, Luo Lin still felt good.

After all, the people of Chong are all white-haired controllers. Outside of fun.

Rollin also looked at the current winery.

Core members of the distillery: Luo Lin, Chiaki Matsushita, Kikyo Kushita, Kaede Oniryuin, Gaku Horikita, Kiyotaka Ayakoji….. There are even more peripheral members.

For the results of this year, Luo Lin is still quite satisfied.


Luo Lin touched his waist,

“I’ve had to exercise a little restraint lately.”

Because of the holiday, you can also be with the girls during the day, so Luo Lin’s body is a little unbearable. In the past, it was all night, and occasionally due to various factors, it would be a few days, and Luo Lin was at ease.

“Let’s change to a herbivorous system recently.”

Rollin frowned.

He is a human being after all.

Although after hard workout, we have reached the peak of human beings, but there are also limits. Thereupon.

For the next period of time, Rollin focused on pulling the favorability of the rest of the girls. As for the members of the student council, he has his own set of teams.

Rollin’s student council team: Kaede Oniryuin, Chiaki Matsushita, Yukinoshita Yukino, Kiyotaka Ayakoji, Ichinose Hohanami, and the other two boy leaders in Ichinose’s class, Hiyori Shiina.

Form a configuration of 3 men and 5 women.

The student union is a powerful organization, and Rollin does not intend to turn the student union into an all-female place. There are about 40 students in one class, about 160 students in one grade, and nearly 500 students in three grades.

Above these 500 people is the student union, and the number of student council members has always been less than 20. So far, many student unions have actually summarized the best number of people.

That is, within 10 people in the third grade, about 6 people in the second grade, and 1-3 people in the first grade. That is, an 18-member student council.

These 18 people will have power beyond the average student. Rollin took a look at the current student council configuration.

Current student council [Horikita Gaku Leaders]: 19 in total, 9 in the third year, 8 in the second year, and 2 in the first year [Tenqin Luolin and Ichinose Fanbo].

Indeed, it can be seen that the distribution of the third and second grades is similar.

Before Luo Lin entered, it was indeed the pattern of Nanyunya and Horikita Gaku.

“Although after I take over, I plan to make the number of members surpass the Nanyun Yafaction..”

But Rollin also doesn’t want useless waste to join the student union.

So Rollin will not go out of his way to increase the number of people.

After graduating from the first year of Horikita Gaku, the 9 people on Luo Lin’s side [counting Luo Lin himself] will take the top position. In order to completely suppress the Nanyun Ya faction, the main means is to reduce the number of people there.


After the new list of student unions is announced.

Just when Luo Lin and Hasebe Hasebe Haruga were dating, Suzune Horikita sent a message.

Suzune Horikita: “Why….. I am not on the student council list? ”

Luo Lin looked at it and was happy.

Replied: “Do you think you are good enough to join the student council?” Think about it. ”

He will protect Horikita Suzune, but it does not mean that he will take Horikita Suzune to drag him back. Over there, Horikita Suzune directly exploded.

But of course, she couldn’t pull her face to ask Luo Lin.

Sensing this, Sae, the tea pillar once again took action and found Suzune Horikita and Hachiman Hikida.

“Judging from the list, I’m afraid that Kiyotaka Ayakoji has long been on the side of Tianqin Luolin.”

Sae, the tea pillar, sighed. Thanks to her, she had planned to woo Kiyotaka Ayaji before.

Let Ayakoji, Horikita Suzune, and Hikiya fight against Luo Lin, and as a result, Ayakoji Kiyotaka abandons them silently.

Now Sae, the tea pillar, feels very uneasy.

She always felt that there was some agreement between Luo Lin and Hoshinomiya Chie that she didn’t know.

Not only is Luo Lin not only not contributing in the class now, but she is even letting the class fall, which is unacceptable to her. And just when the face is sad.

The school’s notification text message appeared on the mobile phones of teachers and students.

“Special Exam: Mixed Accommodation.”

It’s really a house leak that rains overnight.

Another special exam!

“I’ll work with you this time.”

“You guys are adaptable.”

“Let the points of the class not fall.”

“For you, it will be very sad to reduce the number of points every month.”

“Suzune Horikita, remember? Isn’t it your wish that you take your class to class A? ”

Chazhu Saea finished speaking, and then turned to leave.

And Horikita Suzune is also full of depression, she has long wanted to be an enemy of Luo Lin, because her brother Horikita Gaku let her learn more from Luo Lin.

But this guy from Tianqin Luolin didn’t even recognize her ability, and even didn’t let her enter the student union! Damn it!

I will definitely prove my own! Suzune Horikita left with an unwilling mood.

And Hikiya Hachiman, on the other hand, had a dead fish-eyed expression and let out a long sigh.

“Chazhu Saeda-sensei….. Do I want points? Tianqin Luolin can completely give it to me. ”

“Suzune Horikita, you also sense that you can’t beat him.”

“Ouch, why the hell am I still here?”

“But… It’s still an explosion. ”

Hikiya Hachiman looked bitter, and then his whole body exuded a negative energy aura, floating away like a ghost.

He is still fighting against Luo Lin for only two reasons, one is Tianqin Luolin, who is simply unaccustomed to looking at more and more flamboyant. Damn it! It has something to do with so many girls! Now hurry up and die with the explosion of the silver mirror!

The second reason….

He wants to help Saeda Chazhu and Suzune Horikita. Simple helping heart.

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