Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 120 Cypher's ambition

Jordani is not the legendary son of luck. He has the wish to open a harem, but he does not have the ability to open a harem.

Although Jordani and Natasha haven't had sex yet, even a blind person can see the ambiguity between the two.

As for the relationship between Jordani and Serena, the two had been having fun in Europe for a while without any shame.

After the battle, people gathered at the secret base of the Sky Eye organization in Paris, and the incident of Jordani stepping on two boats broke out immediately.

Natasha was fine, she just gave Jordani a contemptuous sneer, and turned away.

Serena was a bit fiercer. When Jordani licked his face and was about to lick it, he directly gave Jordani a knee bump, which made Jordani experience the pain of a broken egg.

The French Rose Bar, which itself is a cover for the Sky Eye base on the outside.

Jordani, Clint, Wang, and a slightly silent cute guy lined up in a row, chatting at the bar.

Clint is very novel about things like magic, and chatted with Wang very enthusiastically.

Jordani had just been broken up, and he and the cute guy were a little silent, sitting together, a little unexpectedly harmonious.


The cute guy raised his wine glass, touched Qiao Danny lightly, seemed to think about it, and finally said: "Selina is a good girl!"

Qiao Danny froze for a moment, then said with a depressed face: "I know!"

The cute guy raised his eyebrows, took a sip of wine, was silent for a moment, and said again: "Natasha is actually pretty good, very attractive!"

Jordani was speechless and gestured with a middle finger.

The cute guy smiled and said, "I'm Jason Bourne."

Qiao Danny clinked glasses with the other party again, and said: "I heard that you were very popular in the news reports a while ago, and you made the CIA scumbags miserable!"

Jason Bourne was a little melancholy, and said, "That's what they deserve."

Jordani sighed a long time, and said, "That's right, they were all raised by a group of bitches, and the agents don't have any good stuff."

Jason Bourne: "..."

a depressed person,

A taciturn person, staring at each other speechlessly.

At this time, in the secret base under the bar, Cypher and Natasha stood in front of a huge screen, which displayed a lot of information about Nick Fury.

Cypher was soon in front of a computer, his fingers clattering across the keyboard.

After a long time, Cypher showed a look of disappointment on his face, and said: "The protection encryption of SHIELD is too strong. If you break through it by force, it will definitely attract the attention of SHIELD."

Natasha frowned and said, "Where is the US government?"

Cypher shook his head and said: "Only some information about Nick Fury before he joined S.H.I.E.L.D. should be categorized separately, and may even be stored in a hard disk that is not connected to the Internet. Are you sure about your source of information? Is it accurate?"

Natasha hesitated, and finally said: "The information comes from Jordani and Wang, but there is no real and definite evidence..."

Nick Fury's identity is too sensitive and too complicated.

And the alien matter is too horrifying. Before there is any definite evidence, once this matter explodes, there will be an uproar, and it will even directly lead to a war between SHIELD and the Sky Eye organization.

The investigation and handling of this matter must be done with caution.

After a long time, Cypher sealed up all the information and deleted the traces before he said: "When the devil's business is over, I will find an opportunity to transfer you back to S.H.I.E.L.D. You must find a way to investigate Nick Fury. If the other party is really an alien, we must take precautions and target it.”

Natasha said with a serious face, "If what Jordani and Wang said is true, what are you going to do?"

Cypher showed a seductive smile that was extremely rare, stretched out his hand and slid across Natasha's face, even touched Natasha's earlobe, and said just now: "In your subconscious mind, you don't care about Jovovich's The level of trust is high…”

Natasha seemed to be used to Cypher's weird teasing for a long time, she turned her head and gave Cypher a long kiss, the kind with her tongue sticking out.

After a long time, Natasha pushed Cypher away and said, "Are you satisfied? What is your real purpose?"

Cypher's face was a little flushed, and he wiped his fingers on his lips, saying: "Whether it's Nick Fury or an alien, it doesn't really matter. I have found some traces of Asgard. As long as I can pass If the Cosmic Rubik's Cube opens the passage to Asgard, I will be able to obtain the true divine power of the Valkyrie, and as a descendant of the god, I will eventually become king."

Natasha's palm had already touched the holster on her leg, and then quickly let go, saying: "Actually, I prefer men."

At this time, Cypher has recovered that cold expression, and said: "Natasha, you should understand that S.H.I.E.L.D. can't believe that Jordani Jovovich is also a scumbag. Only we women are the ones. Our own people, we can build a country that truly belongs to us..."

With Cypher's voice, Natasha's eyes became a little confused.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door.

Serena's arrival made Natasha wake up quickly, and looked at Cypher with great vigilance.

Cypher smiled indifferently, and said: "It seems that someone wants to talk to you about men!"

Sure enough, Serena's figure quickly appeared in the room, nodded to Cypher, then looked at Natasha and said, "Natasha, I want to talk to you about something..."

Natasha glanced at Cypher more vigilantly, and when she turned around, she was already smiling like a flower, full of plastic sisterhood, holding Serena's arm, and walked out.

Meanwhile, in the bar.

Jordani was a little drunk, chatting with Jason Bourne casually.

"Jason, what are your plans after this is over?"

"No, the world has changed too much. In the past, all you had to do was fight with others. Now, I don't know much about this world anymore."

Jason raised his finger and pointed to his waist. There was a wound there, which was a mark left in the battle with the devil.

Different from ordinary trauma, the damage of a creature like a demon carries a kind of corrosive energy. Even after it is pulled out, it is difficult to recover quickly with the white wax recovery potion. It can only rely on its own body to resist and heal slowly.

Jordani laughed and said, "The world is still the same, but we know more secrets."

Jason smiled bitterly, and said, "I'll probably go to a quieter place, such as New Zealand or Australia, to live a normal life. Let others explore these secrets."

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