People like Nick Fury will never have the so-called trust, and will always have the greatest malicious speculation about anything and anyone.

Not only Jordani can feel the danger in Nick Fury.

Wang can also feel it, more clearly and sharply. Before Nick Fury finished speaking, he began to reach out and draw circles in the air.

Soon, a portal with sparks flashing appeared on the street.

On the opposite side of the portal is Paris in the middle of the night. Two ghost men collided crazily on the street like magma firemen. A group of vampires and werewolves were fighting frantically.

In the distance, Clint and a cute young man, one holding a bow and the other carrying a gun, continued to snipe at the battlefield.

Nick Fury's original words stopped completely. He was incredulous at first, and then looked at the king who was like a farm uncle beside Jordani with great dignity.

Wang smiled honestly and said, "Actually, I'm a little afraid of heights, and I'm not used to flying."


At this moment, a werewolf discovered the portal that suddenly appeared, roared loudly, exuded a fishy smell, and rushed towards the portal at an extremely fast speed.

Nick Fury instinctively drew his gun.

But at this moment, Wang stretched out his hands and rubbed them together, and two orange bands of light appeared in midair, like ropes, instantly pulling the werewolf rushing over.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Fanshou took out a short stick and shot him in the head.

This series of actions is far from being as fast as guns, but it is also much stronger than ordinary people. The magic attack that can appear in the void is even more eye-catching.


A werewolf was just killed here, and Natasha, who is extremely keen on the battlefield, used the entanglement technique to ride directly on the neck of a vampire, and the widow stab with both hands released a strong electric current, knocking him unconscious.

After finishing a vampire, Natasha twisted her waist and came to the edge of the portal with a look of surprise.

"Director Fury, is this a new black technology researched by the bureau?"

Natasha seemed to want to reach out and touch the edge of the portal,

After greeting Jordani, he asked Nick Fury.

Nick Fury remained silent with a dark face.

Jordani smiled and said, "Hey, Baby, this is magic, my mage friend, Wang!"

Wang still smiled like an old farmer's father, smiled at Natasha, and said, "Joe, let's seal the space crack first. After sealing here, I have to go to the teacher's side to deal with the demons who rushed out of hell." Cub!"

After speaking, Wang went through the portal by himself.

Jordani smiled at Nick Fury and said, "Director Fury, it seems that I can save you a little money for the event, don't you thank me?"

Nick Fury: "…"

Jordani shrugged and said, "Okay, after dealing with the European affairs, let's talk later!"

When Jordani also walked to Europe, the portal in the sky disappeared quickly.

One step away is thousands of miles.

When the portal was closed, the original smile on Wang's face suddenly turned serious, and he said, "Joe, it seems that there is already a big problem in the secular world."

Looking at the chaotic battlefield, Jordani drew his gun and silver bullets, and killed a vampire rushing over.

Then he looked at the king and said, "My lord, there is nothing like your mage sanctuary on earth. There have always been many problems."

Natasha was keenly aware of the seriousness of the matter, and she didn't say a word beside her.

However, Wang still looked at Natasha cautiously, and then at Jordani.

Qiao Danny naturally saw what Wang meant, put his arms around Natasha's slender waist, and said, "Hey, Wang, this is my sweetheart. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Surprisingly, Natasha did not open Jordani's lard.

The seriousness on Wang's face remained undiminished, and he said, "The Director Fury just now is not a human being!"

In an instant, the scene froze.

Qiao Danny's eyes instantly became sharp, and he said, "Wang, what do you mean?"

Wang snapped his fingers, and there was a magical aura flickering around him, and said: "I am a mage, and what I saw was a person's soul. On the body of Director Fury, his soul..."

The magic halo flickered in mid-air, forming the appearance of a mirror.

And in the mirror, there is the image of Nick Fury, but hidden in his body is a strange man with green folds on his face, which looks a bit like a human, but has lizard-like skin .


After Jordani saw this scene, he instinctively exclaimed.

After the ancient memory and unyielding will of Jordani improved, Jordani's memory became very powerful. Even some memories that had been decades away, Jordani could recall clearly.

For example, some of the plots that appeared in "Captain Marvel", those Scruis who were hunted down and hid on the earth.

Things are obviously a little bit out of order.

Natasha's face was also more serious, and she asked directly: "What is a Skrull?"

Jordani's face was ugly, and he said: "The Skrulls are a group of wanderers in the universe. They used to own a very large country, they had the strange ability to imitate any creature, and they stole many secrets of the universe country, so they have been hunted down. "

"The rest, I don't know too much."

Jordani briefly explained the origins of the Scruws, but he didn't mention the slightest source of his own information.

Neither Natasha nor Wang paid too much attention to this point, but all fell into an incomparably heavy and solemn state.

"Hey, the dogs over there are male and female, now is not the time to flirt, be careful..."

Clint's voice suddenly came from Natasha's headset.

Almost instinctively, Jordani turned around and kneeled, knocking a werewolf sneaking in from the darkness into the air, magic lines bloomed on the white wedding dress, and a silver bullet fired, directly smashing the werewolf into ashes .

Wait until the werewolves who attacked were solved.

Jordani said seriously just now: "Don't spread the news about Nick Fury, and solve the problems in Europe first."

Natasha frowned, while Wang shrugged, and the two quickly joined the battle.

Compared with ordinary agents and special forces, Jordani's combat power is undoubtedly stronger.

On the battlefield here, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Sky Eye organization are in a state of suppressing a large number of undead creatures. After Jordani and Wang joined the battle, it didn't take too long for the whole battle to be completely over.

But this is only a small part of the European battlefield.

Marcus has a considerable number of demons, which are well hidden, including the location of the space crack, and the Sky Eye organization is still investigating.

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