Silver King and Mimi were still collecting vine juice on the first floor at this time, and the collection had not yet been completed.

He came to the third floor of the tree house.

Coco was already lying on the sofa stumbled asleep. Xu Xin touched Coco's little head, it just let out a soft cry, its big tail wiggled, and then went back to sleep.

Xu Xin picked it up, but it didn't wake up, just buried its head in Xu Xin's arms in a daze and continued to sleep.

This little guy has been getting more and more sleepy lately.

You know, it used to be the first to come to rush to eat when it was lunch time, but now it is already past lunch time, it is already two o'clock in the afternoon, but it is still sound asleep, even after eating Can't care.

"Forget it, go with it without it, and bring it with you when you come back."

Xu Xin put it back on the soft sofa, turned around and swung down from the tree house.

Before arriving at the coordinates, the portal was activated, and while the sky was spinning, he came to Li Wenxi's tree house.

As soon as he walked under the tree house, above his head, a root of the tree house suddenly rolled towards him.

Xu Xin dodged subconsciously, and heard Li Wenxi's voice from above: "What are you hiding from!"

"Conditioning." Xu Xin shrugged.

The roots rolled towards him again, this time he didn't hide, letting the roots pull him up.

Li Wenxi directly pulled him into the third floor of the tree house.

As soon as he came in, he could smell the aroma of the food.

The scent seems to be a little different than usual.

In addition to Li Wenxi, Li Yajun, Le Youfang and Lou Feier, Qi Xuefei was actually there. They were all sitting around the table without using their chopsticks, waiting for Xu Xin to come and have a meal together.

"It's dinner time!" Li Wenxi pulled Xu Xin to a seat beside her and sat down.

"You're finally here. You've been working hard all morning, and I'm going to starve!" Lou Feier saw Xu Xin coming, and immediately picked up the chopsticks, her eyes lit up.

Qi Xuefei and Li Yajun also nodded to him.

"Brother Xin!" Leyou Fang greeted Xu Xin, who was sitting on the other side of Xu Xin.

Before Xu Xin came, he was the only man at the table, and the others were all women, and they all just met today, which made him very cautious. When he saw Xu Xin, he was relieved.

"How is it, just get used to it." Xu Xin said casually.

"It's very adaptable!" Le Youfang seemed to be in high spirits, and it seemed that he was fed up with his own survival, "I dug mines with all my strength!"

"That's good. Why didn't you ask Ji Chaoyang to come too?" Xu Xin found that, except for Ji Chaoyang, the people on his side were basically all at this table.

Oh, and there is another Ma Hongwei who is in a weak period.

"I looked for him, and he said he had eaten it long ago, and he is still exploring outside. If it is not convenient for him to come back, he will not come." Li Wenxi explained, and then gave Xu Xin a pair of chopsticks, "Quick taste. Try my cooking!"

Xu Xin put the sliced ​​meat that Li Wenxi brought him into his mouth and chewed it twice.

Seeing Xu Xin move the chopsticks, Lou Feier immediately started eating, and the rest of the people also started to eat.


This taste...

"Hey, not bad!" Li Wenxi raised her head.

"This taste is really good. Besides salt, did you put anything else in it?" Xu Xin was a little surprised. He really hadn't tasted this taste for a long time. It seemed like the taste of pepper?

"You can taste it too." Li Wenxi nodded, "It's true."

"I gave her some black pepper." Qi Xuefei on the side said, "Black pepper is also a medicinal material, it has the effect of warming the stomach, removing cold and dampness, nausea, bloating and cold accumulation, removing sinister poison, and eliminating the heat and pain of the teeth. It's been planted all the time, and it took two days to react, and it seems to work as a seasoning as well."

And this kind of thing? Xu Xin was stunned for a moment.

"Sister Xuefei is more than just this kind of seasoning. I felt a little familiar when I read it before, but today I just asked casually to find out, such as ginger, pepper, grass fruit, star anise and so on, she all planted."

real or fake? !

Xu Xin immediately turned to look at Qi Xuefei.

Qi Xuefei was a little embarrassed: "I don't cook on earth, and I don't care much about these things. Wen Xi reminded me today. These seasonings are actually evolved from medicines, so I can grow them. ."

It's actually true! Does that mean that only she can grow these spices quickly?

These medicinal materials, except Qi Xuefei, other people cannot obtain the special medicinal seeds of this world, they can plant them if they want, just like the earth, they only start to harvest after a few years of planting.

They don't even know if they can develop in this world for a long time, so there is absolutely no point in planting this.

But Qi Xuefei can quickly produce these seasonings through her [Medicinal Material Cultivation Room]!

I can finally have a good time! He was about to vomit at the meat that had been sprinkled with salt!

"Sister Xuefei, can you produce these things in large quantities?" Xu Xin asked Qi Xuefei.

He wants to trade with District 187 through Lou Feier's tree house and scavenge all their supplies here.

In addition to salt, spices are also a good trade item.

"Well, not currently, it can only be supplied to explorers." Qi Xuefei shook her head and said, "If there are more people in the future, maybe you can give it a try."

Not bad, after all, in addition to 187 districts, there are nearly 200 districts, which can always come in handy in the future.

Although I don't know how many people are left in those areas, and it is very likely that some areas have been wiped out in the defense battle.

"It's because we got the seasonings that we made this big meal." Li Wenxi giggled, "How about it, not bad, long-lost deliciousness!"

"It's been a long time, um, this dish tastes good!"

"That's what I did!" Lou Feier immediately raised her head and said, with a trace of oil on her mouth, showing how fierce she was eating.

"Fei'er is very good at cooking, much better than me." Li Wenxi agreed, "Actually, I only cooked that dish just now, and Fei'er did the rest."

Huh, so strong?

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, Lou Feier is a cook, she added all the decoration to the kitchen.

"It tastes good, then everyone's meals will be handed over to you to cook." Xu Xin knew that her cooking skills were not very good, and directly appointed Lou Feier as the chef on the spot.

In fact, Wang Lei also added the boost point to the kitchen, but he can handle the advanced materials well, so he can't be allowed to cook for the people here.

But Lou Feier is different, her own people, captives, just use it.

"Okay, no problem." Lou Feier didn't refuse, nor did she find it troublesome, she originally thought that cooking was a very interesting thing, "It just so happened that my side also added the decorative degree increase to the kitchen. , but let me cook, but I don't wash the dishes!"

She's one of those people who would rather spend three hours cooking than three minutes washing dishes.

"You can let Ma Hongwei wash, aren't you his eldest sister?"

"good idea!"

"Hey, will we all be able to eat Fei'er's cooking in the future?" Li Wenxi was also a little overjoyed, "That's great, I'll go to your place to eat in the future!"

"I... Am I also one?" Le You Fang asked Li Yajun who was beside him in a low voice.

"It should be..." Li Yajun couldn't speak, and could only chat with Leyoufang in a low voice.

"Sister Fei'er cook for me? Magical..." Le You Fang shuddered when he thought of Lou Fei'er who threatened him with a dagger and stunned him without saying a word.

"Okay, let's not talk about that." Qi Xuefei reluctantly interrupted several people, "Don't you want to know about Xu Xin's generator?"

"Ah, yes, I almost forgot!" Li Wenxi and Lou Feier all looked at Xu Xin.

While eating, Xu Xin told them all about electrical appliances.

"Grid, trap..." Qi Xuefei became more and more surprised.

"Water pump! Electric water heater!" Li Wenxi was shocked, "Can I finally have a decent bathroom!"

"Electric stove and range hood!" Lou Feier's eyes lit up, "Can you control the heat?"

As for Leyoufang and Li Yajun, they were already speechless by what Xu Xin said.

Especially Le Youfang, who had just come here and had just come into contact with a lot of things that he didn't have at all, Xu Xin gave him another blow, and he was stunned.

He even wondered, did he and these people live together on the same planet before?

This is too outrageous! The difference is too big!

Soon, the meal was over, Xu Xin was the first to get up and said, "Okay, I'll go back first, Lou Fei'er, continue to help Wen Xi here."

"Okay." Lou Feier nodded obediently.

"I'll go back and study the appliances and let you know."

"Are those copper mines enough?" Li Wenxi was a little worried. There were only more than 200 copper mines, and it seemed that they could not satisfy too many people. "If it is not enough, you can keep it yourself."

"Don't worry, it should be enough."

Even if it is not enough, it doesn’t matter. At least the power grid is established first. The power grid itself does not need to consume copper blocks, but only needs to be connected to the generator. Even if everyone is equipped, it will not consume much copper blocks.

Living kits aren't a necessity either, so don't make a big deal out of it.

Back in his tree house, Coco, who woke up from hunger, circled around him.

He stuffed Coco with the packaged vegetables and meat, and then came to the second floor of the tree house.

In the power generation room, the coal generator is still running, and the remaining coal has changed from (200/200) to (177/200)

Looking at the battery compartment again, the battery (green) is fully charged, and the battery (blue) shows 36%.

According to its 50 kWh capacity, 36% is 18 kWh.

5 kWh of electricity plus 18 kWh of electricity, a total of 23 kWh of electricity, which is consistent with the amount of coal consumed. It seems that this coal is also very strong, and a piece of coal (green) can provide 1 kWh of electricity!

However, this speed seems to be much faster than what he had calculated before.

He used to calculate that it could be fully charged with 5 kWh in one hour, but now it seems that he just went to have a meal, and in less than an hour, he was charged with 23 kWh.

After thinking about it, Xu Xin understood.

The greater the amount of coal in a coal generator, the more efficient it is! Before, he just threw seven pieces into it, so the power generation efficiency was Xu Xin took a deep breath, held her breath, opened the door and entered the power generation room to refill the capacity of the coal generator.

"Om!" Sure enough, the coal generator made a louder roar.

Just like last time. It appears to be so.

Xu Xin quit the power generation room and decided to try to make a high-voltage wire grid first.

Each wire high-voltage power grid requires two green-level iron blocks, Xu Xin immediately asked Li Wenxi for some, and then the husband produced one to have a look.

"Bangdang!" A wire high-voltage power grid smashed to the floor.

Similar to the high-voltage power grid he imagined, a block composed of fine iron wires is about three meters high, and there are messy iron wires above it to prevent overturning the wall.

However, this barbed wire is only one meter long.

"It's so short." Xu Xin was speechless.

He did the math. If he encloses this part of his area with a radius of 100 meters, the circumference of a circle with a radius of 100 meters is more than 600 meters, and 600 pieces of this kind of net are needed, that is, 1,200 copies are needed. Green grade iron.

And other electrical appliances also need iron.

a bit more...

It's good for him alone, if all the explorers are like this, Li Wenxi can't afford it.


Let's just surround the tree house with a radius of 50 meters. Fifty meters is the range that he can still plant at present, and the remaining area is the range that he leaves an attack on the heart of the plant.

The barbed wire would also come in handy if a fish slipped through the net like in the last defense.

After all, the power grid consumes electricity, and it does not consume energy if it is not consumed.

However, for a survivor without a plant heart, the role of this power grid is much greater than in his hands.

Go down and try the role of this grid first.

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