Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse

Chapter 284: Generators and batteries, power systems!

In addition to these electric protective nets, there are also some electrical appliances related to life.

[Electric light (green): It can emit a faint yellow light to illuminate a small room. Requires iron (green)*1, glass (green)*2, copper block (green)*1]

[Electric grill (green): It can grill food, smokeless grill is healthier! Need iron block (green) * 10, copper block (green) * 2]

[Fume hood (green): An electrical appliance that extracts oil fume and discharges the tree house, a must-have appliance in the kitchen! Need iron block (green) * 10, copper block (green) * 2]

[Electric water pump (green): connected to the water source, it can automatically take water after power on, it needs to be connected to the pipeline for use. Need iron block (green) *5, copper block (green) *2]

[Electric water heater (green): It can heat water and can be used for showers. It needs to be connected to pipes. Need iron block (green) *5, copper block (green) *2]

[Pipeline (green): The pipe connected to the water pump can withstand water at a temperature of 0-100 degrees. Pipe *1m needs iron block (green) *1]

It can, it really can!

With these, his treehouse truly feels like a home!

Not to mention the electric oven and range hood, just the electric water pump and electric water heater at the back are enough to make him smile.

He had previously felt that the function of his own bathroom was too rudimentary, and he had to go down to fetch water by himself every time, and the large ones were usually handled outside. And there is no water heater. When the weather was hot before, the water temperature was still suitable. Now it is so cold that I have to boil the water every time I take a shower.

It's too cumbersome and time consuming, and it's not safe to go out and fix things.

And now, you can use the electric water pump to pump water!

The power system must be set up.

This time it's really going to be a big makeover from the inside out! Most importantly, these appliances don't require a lot of copper blocks, the largest number of grids and pipes, but no copper!

These copper blocks in his hand can meet the needs of many people!

Just do it.

The first is the generator.

Since he has a coal mine, it is naturally impossible for him to use a hand-cranked generator.

However, the introduction of the coal generator said that it will generate exhaust gas, heat and noise, so it is best not to place the coal generator inside the tree house.

Xu Xin thought for a while and felt that it was not appropriate to put it outside.

It is not safe outside the tree house. Even if the surroundings are guarded by the heart of plants, there will still be natural disasters and giant beasts and other factors that he cannot predict. It is really inappropriate to put something like a generator that provides electrical energy outside the tree house. .

You must know that the three major elements of the doomsday fortress, food, energy, and weapons, must be inside the fortress. Once attacked, you can defend the fortress. As long as the fortress is not destroyed, there will be no big losses.

Therefore, things like generators still have to be placed inside the tree house.

But exhaust, heat and noise...

Xu Xin thought of the newly expanded space on the first and second floors.

Those spaces are completely separate from the three-story living area and the fourth-story planting area where he lives, and are far away without worrying about interfering with each other.

Just choose the new space of the tree house on the second floor! It happens that the second floor is also a variety of workshop workbenches, which really has a factory atmosphere.

Moreover, there are no three layers above the new second layer, which is more convenient for exhaust emission. After all, exhaust ports can be opened on the top.

Xu Xin immediately went down to the second floor and pushed open the door of the new space.

This new 100-square-meter space seems to be a little bigger than when it came before.

According to the introduction of the banyan tree, the crown of this banyan tree will continue to grow!

However, this presents a problem.

As the banyan tree continues to grow, will the position of the items placed in the tree house change?

Xu Xin carefully observed it, and through the texture of the floor and walls, he came to a conclusion: the floor that has been formed will not change, will not stretch as a whole, but will continue to grow and expand from the edge.

That is to say, he is now placing a coal generator by the window. If he wants to use the window for exhaust emission, as the banyan tree grows, the location of the generator will not change, but the window will be farther and farther away from the generator!

Hmm...a bit of a hassle.

He could have vents in the ceiling, but that would involve rain and things like that...

Let's do this first, anyway, the growth rate of this tree house is not very fast. It seems that it may not grow a few centimeters in a day. It's a big deal to adjust it later.

After making the decision, Xu Xin immediately made a coal generator.

[Please select the placement location. 】

He directly chose the edge of the tree house on the second floor and exhausted by the window, which was the farthest from his living area.

"Bang dang!" With a loud noise, a coal generator with a width of three meters and a height of one meter five appeared by the window.

Xu Xin stepped forward to observe.

The entire generator is made of iron, showing a bright metallic color, and the angular structure looks really technological. In front of the generator, there is a circular iron cover with a handle on it.

He pulled the handle away, and inside was a furnace-like combustion chamber.

It seems, just put coal in it.

Xu Xin didn't throw coal directly into it. He hadn't connected the wires and batteries yet. Starting it was just a waste of coal.

After thinking about it, he made a few walls around it, and enclosed the entire coal generator into a small room. Otherwise, the exhaust gas generated during power generation would fill the house. In this case, there is only one exhaust port for the window, and there is no problem. .

This small room is called the power generation room.

Next is the battery. With the battery, the generator can be used to generate electricity and store electricity.

He immediately made and demarcated an area as a storage room, and then made a battery and put it in it.

This battery is really big. It is a cylinder nearly one meter high and about half a meter in diameter. It just stands on the ground.

There was a small screen on the surface of the cylinder, which was black. Xu Xin clicked it, and the screen lit up.

【Remaining battery: 0%】

Although there is no electricity, it can still light up. It should be similar to the principle of the tree house screen and those workbenches. The tree house provides this part of the energy for it.

The next step is to connect the battery and generator.

However, how should this wire be placed? There's no insulating rubber or something, won't you get an electric shock if you accidentally touch this thing?

He immediately returned to the production room and tried to make a ten-meter wire from a copper block (green).

[The wire path can be set. 】

Choose wire routing?

Xu Xin found that the structure diagram of the entire tree house appeared on the small screen on the basic electrical appliance production table.

Could it be that this wire is directly buried in the wall or floor of the tree house?

Xu Xin tried to control the screen by connecting the wires to the generator, along the floor of the tree house, and directly connected it to the battery in another room.

[The wire path is set up. 】

Xu Xin immediately ran to look at the generator, and found that there were no traces on the path where he set up the wires.

Sure enough, the wires were automatically buried in the treehouse walls.

This is comfortable, and the wiring of the province is messy and may be electrocuted.

He immediately opened the small round iron door of the generator, threw a few pieces of coal in it tentatively, and then closed it.

The moment he closed it, the small round iron door lit up with a number: 7/200. Then, the generator began to roar and began to operate, and the entire generator began to vibrate.

He did throw seven coals into it just now. It seems that the coal generator should be able to throw in at most two hundred coals.

However, this sound is indeed not small, but it should not affect his living area.

Xu Xin went to the next door again, the screen of the battery had automatically turned on, and the words "charging" were displayed, and the power was still 0%.

Then it jumped to 1% under Xu Xin's eyelids.

"The power generation speed of this coal generator is not very fast." Xu Xin said to himself.

But yes, this battery can store a total of five kWh, which is still a lot.

Under normal circumstances, a family consumes about 5-10 kWh of electricity a day. When using electric appliances such as refrigerators, water heaters, refrigerators, and desktop computers, the power consumption per day is about 10 kWh.

Depending on the charging speed, the battery should be fully charged in about an hour.

Pretty good charging efficiency.

However, it is still too little to store only five kilowatt-hours of electricity, and energy also needs to be stored.

Xu Xin decided to make a blue-level battery directly.

A green-level battery requires five green-level iron blocks and two green-level copper blocks, and a blue-level battery requires one blue-level iron block and one blue-level copper block respectively.

He now has twelve blue-level copper bars in his hand, and he can use one.

Power storage is very necessary. According to the description that the grid and power traps must be connected to the battery, both the power grid and the power trap require a large amount of stored power to support.

Xu Xin immediately made a piece without hesitation.

[Battery (blue): Advanced battery, used to store the excess power of the generator, can store up to 180,000 kilojoules of electricity. 】

Good guy, added a 0!

50 kWh of electricity reserves!

This is so comfortable!

Xu Xin put it into the storage room, placed it side by side with the green-class battery, and connected it with wires.

His coal generator immediately began charging both batteries together.

Xu Xin came to the power generation room again and filled the coal generator with coal.

"Buzz!" The coal generator roared.

Then, the gas starts to be produced. Although there is no color to see, Xu Xin can already smell the odor in the air.

Is this... the smell of gas?

Coal gas, in fact, is carbon monoxide, which is the product of insufficient carbon combustion. Excessive inhalation will be poisonous.

Unexpectedly, this generator will actually produce gas...

Speaking of which, can this thing be collected and used? After all, it can be used for cooking, and it can also be compressed, burned and exploded. It has many uses.

At this moment, his watch vibrated, and it was a video call from Li Wenxi.

After Xu Xin connected, she saw a table full of rich dishes.

"Come on, we're all ready!" Li Wenxi pointed the camera at the table, "Look, there are so many... wow, what's that behind you!"

Before she could finish her sentence, she was caught by the coal generator behind Xu Xin that was shaking slightly and making a sound.

Xu Xin exited the power generation room, closed the door, and then smiled: "The coal generator, I can generate electricity now."

"Ah? Power generation?" Lou Feier immediately brought her head together, "How can there be a generator?"

Xu Xin also heard the exclamations of Leyoufang and Li It seems that they have all passed.

"I'll explain it to you in the past, I'll go right now."

"Oh, okay, come here soon!" Li Wenxi nodded.

After hanging up the video, Xu Xin thought about it and opened two glass windows for both rooms.

In this way, even from outside the room, he can see the scene inside, as well as the remaining amount of electricity and coal.

Reduce the number of times he enters the power generation room. After all, the carbon monoxide in it can't be inhaled too much. Every time you have to open the door to see it, you can't see it, and the gas will run into the room.

Let's charge it first. When he comes back, the battery should be relatively sufficient. At that time, you can try all kinds of electrical appliances!

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