Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse

Chapter 242: giant? God? (Another four thousand words!)

"I'll go first and see if there is any danger now, you guys wait outside." Xu Xin stopped a few people from walking.

If there is a real situation inside, it is not easy to go in, there must be someone outside to observe the situation.

"Okay, you are familiar with this place, we will help you to watch outside, and we will remind you if there is a situation." Ji Chaoyang nodded.

"Be careful, run out if you are in danger!" Li Wenxi didn't have to follow him, but said a little worriedly, and at the same time took out the crossbow, ready to shoot if there was a situation.

"Okay." After saying that, Xu Xin stepped into the mine, but Coco didn't stop him this time, but yawned in Li Wenxi's arms and continued to close her eyes.

After stepping into the mine, Xu Xin did not feel any sense of crisis, nor did the ground crack, everything was very normal.

This mine has once again returned to its previous calm.

Xu Xin looked into the deepest part of the cave, and the bottomless hole that was originally in the deepest part had now disappeared, and the ground had returned to its normal appearance.

During the battle of defense, some of the mutant giant ants came out of that hole.

He walked to the deepest part of the cave, took out his halberd, and used the tip of the halberd to make two strokes at the original hole.

The land is thick, and this piece of land shows no signs of being excavated at all.

"It's really strange." Xu Xin frowned.

Not only this burrow, he discovered the three burrows of Chiwuhua, Plant Heart, and Pangolin Group, all of which disappeared after the defense battle.

Are these burrows also unable to survive, will they close on their own?


He looked at the mark he had just made on the ground.

This trace did not automatically repair and heal like when Xu Xin came last time.

This mine is restored to what it was when he first came, won't it be repaired automatically?

So can he mine salt mines again?

He swiped his halberd **** the ground twice more.

But the situation suddenly happened.

Just as he made these two strokes, the surrounding rock walls suddenly vibrated slightly, and countless small stones fell from the rock walls. He could feel the ground under his feet shaking slightly.

"What's going on?" Xu Xin's whole body was tense.

This is in the "Giant's Mouth" and must not be taken lightly.

Just when he was looking around nervously, he suddenly found that the wall on the side seemed to be... cracking?


A slight cracking sound clearly sounded in Xu Xin's ears, and he saw a finger-thick crack appearing on the wall.

All the surrounding walls have not changed, only here, there is a crack.

Behind this wall, could it be that there is something wrong?

The fissure continued to expand to the thickness of two fingers. Xu Xin found that a faint gleaming white light emerged from the fissure, which was extremely obvious in the depths of the dark cave.

There is indeed something!

Just as he stared nervously at the crack, there was a sudden commotion behind him.

"Hey! Woehoo!!"

"Ah! Xu Xin! Come out! Come out quickly!"

Coco and Li Wenxi's anxious shouts came from behind him, and he immediately looked back at the entrance.

The situation of entering the target made his child hole suddenly lock!

The entrance to the mine, which was several meters wide, was slowly closing at this time!

The rock at the entrance of this cave is moving left and right at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The moving rocks are like living flesh and blood, and even give a squirming feeling!

Xu Xin quickly glanced at the crack again, the crack was bigger, and the white light was more obvious.

Li Wenxi almost rushed in in a hurry, but was grabbed by Qi Xuefei.

Even if she rushes in, it's useless, but it will slow down Xu Xin's speed of coming out.

Li Wenxi naturally understood this truth, she shouted at the entrance of the cave: "Come out! Come out quickly! The entrance of the cave is about to close! What are you still standing for!!"

If this was an ordinary door, they might not be so nervous, but the shape of this hill reminded them all the time that this cave was like a giant mouth.

The giant mouth is closed, what will happen inside, no one knows!

Xu Xin swallowed a mouthful of saliva, ignoring the cracks in the wall, and rushed out!

The speed of the hole closing is very fast, it seems that it only takes five or six seconds to completely close!

Only then did Xu Xin realize that this hole was actually much deeper than the last time he came!

The last time he came, the deepest point of the cave entrance was only more than fifty meters, but now, he visually estimated that the entrance of the cave was seventy or eighty meters away from him!

Even if his physical fitness is much stronger now, five or six seconds is simply not enough to rush out of seventy or eighty meters! In particular, the ground in the mine was bumpy and uneven, which slowed down his speed even more!

When the opening of the cave began to close, Ji Chaoyang immediately took out his iron spear and placed it above the opening. He wanted to block the opening with the iron spear and slow down the closing of the opening without affecting Xu Xin's exit.

But the hole that had been closed immediately clamped the sharp spear, and the powerful force instantly made the whole spear plunge into the wall of the hole, and as the hole was closed, the body of the gun was bent, and the tip of the gun became deeper and deeper.

Xu Xin felt that the mine was shaking more violently, and the sound of wind suddenly came from behind.

But he didn't have time to look back, and still rushed to the hole!

It's closing too fast, it's too late!

At this moment, the silver king suddenly burst into place, jumped dozens of meters, and jumped directly in front of Xu Xin.

Xu Xin's eyes lit up, and she immediately jumped onto Yin Wang's body, grabbing onto the silver king's wolf fur.

Seeing that Xu Xin had already jumped on it, the silver king rose up again and rushed towards the exit!

Just when the opening of the cave was about to close, the silver king rubbed the opening with only a narrow gap left, and quickly drilled out of the mine, and directly rushed out for dozens of meters!

At the same time, the sound of rocks colliding and squeezing came from behind.

Xu Xin looked back and saw that the entrance to the salt mine had completely disappeared, and it had become an ordinary mountain!

"...Silver King, you really saved my life this time." Xu Xin's heart was pounding.

"Ow!" Silver King responded and fell down. It's also very tiring to burst out at this speed.

Silver King's explosion speed is faster again. Although it is still much worse than Mimi's limit speed, it can already be compared with some big cats.

But what the **** is going on here?

Why are the salt mines closed?

"Xu Xin, are you alright?!"

"Hey! Woohoo!"

Li Wenxi and Coco both ran to Xu Xin's side, but Coco turned around by Xu Xin's side, and Li Wenxi also grabbed his arm.

"Don't worry, it's alright." Xu Xin hugged Coco, who stood up at his feet and looked up at him, rubbed it hard, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Just now, it was really a close call.

"Hey!" Coco, who was suddenly rubbed, knew that Xu Xin was fine, broke free from his hand, and crawled onto his shoulders.

At this time, Ji Chaoyang and Qi Xuefei also came over.

"I was almost locked inside. Did you see anything inside? Why did you stay in a daze at the end?" Ji Chaoyang asked.

"Yeah, what happened to you in the end! Even though I saw that the entrance of the cave was closing, I was still standing like that, I'm going to die of anxiety!" Li Wenxi said with a deep heart.

Xu Xin glanced at the hole that was still closed.

With a sigh of relief, he said everything he saw inside.

He didn't come out immediately just now because a possibility suddenly appeared in his mind.

There is a crack that gradually expands on the stone wall. After the entrance of the salt mine is closed, will the crack on the wall crack completely, so that he can enter and explore the secret?

This thought lingered in his mind, making him tangled in place for a second.

In the end, however, his prudence prevailed.

He didn't know what would happen if he stayed, let alone whether it was treasure or danger after the rift, and he didn't want to put himself in danger.

In the end, what he thought was to rush out if he could, but not if he couldn't rush out!

Fortunately, in the end, the silver king broke out the savior and brought him out.

"You paddled twice on the ground, and the entire mine began to vibrate, the stone walls cracked, and then the entrance on our side began to close." Ji Chaoyang summed up his experience.

Xu Xin nodded and told these people about his previous experience in this cave.

"This cave can repair itself before, just like treating an injury." Xu Xin finally concluded.

Several people glanced at this hill subconsciously, and the structure like a giant's head made people have to think of many things.

"The hills... Are you treating your own injuries?" Qi Xuefei looked at the hills and took a small step back subconsciously.

"...It feels amazing. A hill that can repair itself still looks like a human head, and the 'mouth' can be closed." Li Wenxi muttered to herself, "Isn't it really the head of a giant?"

"...Xu Xin, maybe, this is really a giant's head. However, it may only have one head." Ji Chaoyang spoke suddenly, and the words that he said made several people a little confused.

What is a head and only one head?

Looking at the puzzled expressions of several people, Ji Chaoyang said slowly: "Because, I know one, which is basically the same as the situation here."

"What do you mean?" Xu Xin groaned in her heart.

The situation is basically the same, does he also have...

Ji Chaoyang's next words immediately verified his thoughts.

"On my side, there is also a hill that will automatically recover after I mine it, and it is also the place I want to take you to." Ji Chaoyang pointed to the west, in the direction of his treehouse.

"Ah? Are there hills over there?" Li Wenxi looked over there and asked with some doubts.

"Well, it is said to be a hill, and its height is only more than ten meters. The highest place is about twenty meters, and the location is four or five kilometers west of my tree house. It should not be seen here."

"More than ten meters? It's a bit short. It's not as tall as a tree house." Li Wenxi looked up at the salt mine cave and hills in front of her. "How can this head be scary? It has to be sixty or seventy meters, right?"

"The highest place?" Xu Xin grasped the information in his words, "That hill is very long?"

"Well, that hill is slender. Although it is only ten or twenty meters in height, its length is close to two hundred meters, just like a small mountain range. The whole hill is bent in the middle, showing a right angle. And the main thing is... at the end of the hill, there is a palm-shaped peak."

Saying that, Ji Chaoyang raised his arm to his chest and made a bending motion.

"...You mean, the slender hill on your side is an arm?" Xu Xin understood Ji Chaoyang's words, and his eyes were shocked.

Li Wenxi and Qi Xuefei also covered their mouths.

"That's right, that's what I meant. Before I came to you, I always thought it was my own delusion, that the hill just happened to resemble an arm, and the hand-like hill at the end was just a coincidence of nature. "

With that said, he looked up at the hill in front of him, "But now, I may be sure, that is indeed an arm, a giant's arm. The five fingers of that hand... are all firmly caught in it. In the ground, it's like... the actions of people hanging on the edge of a cliff."

Ji Chaoyang recalled the shape of the hills.

After he finished speaking, the four of them didn't speak for a long time, including Ji Chaoyang himself, digesting the information just now.

In Xu Xin's protected area, there is a hill that is 60 to 70 meters high and looks like a giant's head.

In Ji Chaoyang's protected area, there was another hill that was nearly 200 meters long and looked like an arm!

What's the meaning?

The giant's body is divided into different positions?

"Wait, you said before that the special place you want to show me is next to the altar?" Xu Xin asked suddenly.

"...Yes, that altar is on the other side of the hill. I can see the altar not far away when I step over the hill." Ji Chaoyang nodded slowly.

The two thought of something related to the altar…


Xu Xin's expression suddenly changed.

He suddenly thought that the change in this salt mine seemed to be related to the sacrifice of the altar.

It was originally just an ordinary mine. When he found this salt mine and collected salt in it, there was no danger, and Coco did not have any warning about danger.

Later, a series of strange changes took place in this mine. Repairable mine walls, vines drilled out of the ignoring reserve, and burrows...

Now that I think about it, these situations all appeared after he made sacrifices to the altar!

Especially the biggest change, the red fog incident, appeared after the Changyin family made sacrifices to the altar!

After the Changyin family made sacrifices to the altar, a hole appeared in this salt mine, this giant mouth, and a red mist was sprayed out. The red mist even surrounded all the hills in this circle!

Xu Xin and Ji Chaoyang looked at each other.

Both of them had a look of shock and anxiety in their eyes.

God? !

"Hey!" Coco, who had been lying on Xu Xin's shoulder, suddenly called out.

It pushed Xu Xin's face with its small claws, and then pointed in the direction of the salt mine.

"Hey, look!" Li Wenxi also exclaimed, "That mine, that 'mouth', is about to open again!"

Xu Xin immediately looked at the salt mine, and saw that the entrance to the mine, which had been closed, slowly opened a gap, and it was gradually expanding.

A trace of red mist quietly emerged from it.

------off topic-----

Thank you [Guanhe 1987] for the reward of 100.asxs. coins, thank you for your support, thank you!

Today, two chapters of 4000 words are bursting!

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